Conhecimento em Sterling, virtualização Vmware, conhecimento em Linux, Windows server, gerenciamento em AWS, Docker, TSM, Rancher, Storages, Redhat satélite
Local de Trabalho: Paraíso / São Paulo
Benefícios: VT + VR + VA + Assistência Médica +
Assistência Odontológica + Seguro de Vida + PLR
Interessados enviar currículo
para recrut...@infovagas.com
indicando no assunto “ Adm Sistemas - Paraíso”
Experiência em: C# , SQL, Entity Framework , Metodologia ágil (SCRUM, Kanban, etc.), DDD e Angular 2
Diferencial: Design Patterns, NodeJS
Local de Trabalho: Bela Vista (Próximo ao Metrô Paulista) / São Paulo
Interessados enviar currículo para recrut...@infovagas.com indicando no assunto “ Analista Desenvolvedor Sr – Bela Vista”
Conhecimentos em Desenvolvimento de sistemas / SQL ANSI /
Desejável: Plataforma Java (JSE, JEE, APIs e bibliotecas) / Orientação a
Objetos, Design Patterns e práticas
Local de Trabalho: Paraíso / São Paulo
Benefícios: VT + VR + VA + Assistência Médica +
Assistência Odontológica + Seguro de Vida + PLR
Interessados enviar currículo
para recrut...@infovagas.com
indicando no assunto “Programador Jr - Paraíso”
Entendimento dos aspectos fundamentais de Governança de Dados
Conhecimento do ciclo de vida de desenvolvimento
de software;
Experiência em uso de software de modelagem de
dados (ex: ER/Studio, Erwin)
Desejável: Experiência com uso de ferramenta ER/Studio (Embarcadero)
Conhecimento em mapeamento de processos de
Local de Trabalho: Paraíso / São Paulo
Benefícios: VT + VR + VA + Assistência Médica + Assistência
Odontológica + Seguro de Vida + PLR
Interessados enviar currículo
para recrut...@infovagas.com
indicando no assunto “Adm Dados Sênior - Paraíso”
IOS Developer
Skill Set:
· Knowledge of the Information Technology Market;
· Knowledge of the Products and Services provided by the company;
· Knowledge of Operating Systems, Database, Networks, Software Environment and Software Security, Designer;
· Experience with Swift 3 or 4;
· Experience with IOS.
CLT + Attractive salaries ( Bonus Program, Career
path Plan
HR Buddy/Mentorship program, International Company, Health and Dental Plan
(100% paid by the company), Education Benefits, Sport Benefits, Sponsored
English classes, Sponsored Certifications
Location: Vila Olímpia -São Paulo, Brazil.
Ionic Developer
Skill Set:
· Solid experience with Ionic 2+ and AngularJS;
· Experience in GIT;
· Experience with Nativo development;
· Experience with Firebase.
CLT + Attractive salaries ( Bonus Program, Career path
HR Buddy/Mentorship program, International Company, Health and Dental Plan
(100% paid by the company), Education Benefits, Sport Benefits, Sponsored
English classes, Sponsored Certifications
Location: Campos Elíseos -São Paulo, Brazil.
.Net Developer
Skill Set:
· Solid experience with C#;
· Solid experience with .NET Core, REST and SOAP;
· Experience in GIT.
CLT + Attractive salaries ( Bonus Program, Career path
HR Buddy/Mentorship program, International Company, Health and Dental Plan
(100% paid by the company), Education Benefits, Sport Benefits, Sponsored
English classes, Sponsored Certifications
Location: Vila Olímpia - São Paulo, Brazil
Android Developer
Skill Set:
· Experience with Android development (minimum version 4.1), Reactive Programming (using RX), Unit Test and Dependency Injection (using Dagger);
· Knowledge of design patterns;
· Create dynamic layouts.
CLT + Attractive salaries ( Bonus Program, Career path
HR Buddy/Mentorship program, International Company, Health and Dental Plan
(100% paid by the company), Education Benefits, Sport Benefits, Sponsored
English classes, Sponsored Certifications
Location: Vila Olímpia - São Paulo, Brazil
Project Manager
Skill Set:
· Must have good experience with agile software development;
· Good communication and relationship skills;
· Advanced in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
CLT + Attractive salaries ( Bonus Program, Career path
HR Buddy/Mentorship program, International Company, Health and Dental Plan
(100% paid by the company), Education Benefits, Sport Benefits, Sponsored
English classes, Sponsored Certifications
Location: São Paulo, Brazil.
Frontend Developer
Skill Set:
· Good experience with HTML/CSS/Java Script;
· Must be able to generate HTML from PSD;
· Must have experience with Angular 2+ development;
· Fluency in Portuguese and English.
CLT + Attractive salaries ( Bonus Program, Career path
HR Buddy/Mentorship program, International Company, Health and Dental Plan
(100% paid by the company), Education Benefits, Sport Benefits, Sponsored
English classes, Sponsored Certifications
Location: Fortaleza
Java Consultant
Skill Set:
· Higher level with emphasis in the areas of Information Technology;
· Fluency in Portuguese and English;
· Knowledge of the Organizational Structure of the Company (organizational charts, units, roles, responsibilities, performance indicators, loading profile, standards, processes and policies);
· Knowledge of the Information Technology Market;
· Knowledge of Operating Systems, Database, Networks, Software Environment Security and Software Technology;
· Experience with Java development;
· Knowledge in AngularJS;
· Experience in Micro Services;- Domain of Software Platforms, Programming Languages, Development Libraries, System Analysis, System Modeling Techniques;
· PDCA quality improvement cycle (plan, develop, act and act correctively).
CLT + Attractive salaries ( Bonus Program, Career path
HR Buddy/Mentorship program, International Company, Health and Dental Plan
(100% paid by the company), Education Benefits, Sport Benefits, Sponsored
English classes, Sponsored Certifications
Location: Fortaleza
Java Web Developer
Location: Fortaleza, Brazil
Skill Set:
· Good experience with Java Web;
· Experience with Angular 2+ development;
· Advanced English.
CLT + Attractive salaries ( Bonus Program, Career path
HR Buddy/Mentorship program, International Company, Health and Dental Plan
(100% paid by the company), Education Benefits, Sport Benefits, Sponsored
English classes, Sponsored Certifications
Location: Fortaleza
Support Engineer
Skill Set:
· ITIL Foundations Certification;
· Fluency in Portuguese, English and Spanish;
· Customer Service Techniques;
· Knowledge of the Information Technology Market;
· Knowledge of the Products and Services provided by the company;
· Knowledge of the Technologies involved in the company's products and services;
· Knowledge of Operating Systems, Networks, Database, Software Environment Security and Software Technology, environment and infrastructure;
· Mastery of Vignette tools;
· PDCA quality improvement cycle (plan, develop, check and act correctively);
· 5 years of experience supporting multilayer enterprise applications;
· Familiarity with management a configuration of web application servers (IIS, Apache, Tomcat, Jboss).
CLT + Attractive salaries ( Bonus Program, Career path
HR Buddy/Mentorship program, International Company, Health and Dental Plan
(100% paid by the company), Education Benefits, Sport Benefits, Sponsored
English classes, Sponsored Certifications
Location: Fortaleza
Full Stack Developer
Skill Set:
· Good experience .Net;
· Development with Java Web;
· Experience with Angular 2+ development;
· Advanced English.
CLT + Attractive salaries ( Bonus Program, Career path
HR Buddy/Mentorship program, International Company, Health and Dental Plan
(100% paid by the company), Education Benefits, Sport Benefits, Sponsored
English classes, Sponsored Certifications
Location: Fortaleza
Sólida experiência em Administração de Dados
Tempo de Projeto: Indeterminado
Local: Av. Paulista
Interessados enviar currículo para recrut...@infovagas.com indicando no assunto “ Administrador de Dados – Av. Paulista”
- Experiência em projetos de Big Data e atuação em pelo menos um projeto complexo.
- Experiência em desenvolvimento de banco de dados SQL e NoSQL.
- Experiência em definição, desenvolvimento e implementação de cluster Big Data Hadoop.
- Experiência em linguagem SQL e HIVEQL.
Local: Av. Paulista - SP
Tempo: Indeterminado
Interessados enviar currículo com pretensão salarial e disponibilidade para recrut...@infovagas.com indicando no assunto “Analista/Desenvolvedor Big Data – Av. Paulista”
Sólida experiência com desenvolvimento Java
Tempo de Projeto: Indeterminado
Local: São José dos Campos
Interessados enviar currículo para recrut...@infovagas.com indicando no assunto “ Desenvolvedor Java - SJC”
Sólida experiência com desenvolvimento .Net
Tempo de Projeto: Indeterminado
Local: São José dos Campos
Interessados enviar currículo para recrut...@infovagas.com indicando no assunto “ Desenvolvedor .Net - SJC”
Tempo de Projeto: Indeterminado
Local: São José dos Campos
Interessados enviar currículo para recrut...@infovagas.com indicando no assunto “ Desenvolvedor Android - SJC”