Development Status / API Documentation

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The Trees, The Sun

Jul 14, 2012, 9:17:51 PM7/14/12
Hi guys, I'd like to ask you 3 questions:

1.- When do you plan to publish the documentation?

2.- Development of this project is still active by Codeminders itself or some one in the community? No plans for the future?

3.- Anyone has tried to use this API in order to control an AR.Drone 2.0? Does it work?


Vadim Zaliva

Jul 16, 2012, 6:11:45 PM7/16/12
I am glad to report that Codeminders plan to resume work on this project later this week.
We have not tried it with 2.0 yet, but I do not see why it should not work.

Vadim Zaliva

"Hated by fools, and fools to hate, be this my motto and my fate"
(Jonathan Swift)

The Trees, The Sun

Jul 16, 2012, 8:26:56 PM7/16/12
Hi Vadim, really nice to hear that from you ;)

About AR.Drone 2.0, there's an interesting chapter in the official "Developer Guide" (SDK 2.0) from Parrot [2.11.- Differences between AR.Drone 2.0 and AR.Drone 1.0]. Quoting:

1) "AR.Drone includes new hardware sensors: a 3 axis magnetometer, and a pressure sensor. Other sensors were also changed, as the navigation boards are not the same. [...] The pressure sensor allows the AR.Drone 2.0 to know its height regardless of the ultrasound performance (after 6 meters, the ultrasound can't measure the height)."

2) "AR.Drone 2.0 use a HD (720p-30fps) front facing camera & QVGA (320*240) 60fps bottom facing camera."

About this last point, the guide comes with a handy chapter (7.3.- The AR.Drone 2.0 video stream), where they cover some interesting stuff about it.

In the next months I'll be working with the AR.Drone @ University, and this API seems like an interesting option (I haven't had the time to study/test it yet, though). I hope that you guys could devote some time documenting the API. I think it's an important point in order to be able to fully understand it faster, and eventually helping with the improvement of the existing code by the community.

Keep in touch!
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