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Including only specific OS libs in boot jar

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Abhishek Yadav

May 5, 2023, 11:20:51 AM5/5/23
to javacpp
Hello There,

I am using platformcv to stream from rtps stream and do further processing using javacv. 
Currently bootjar is containing libs for all OS including windows/mac/linux which is making size of the jar file huge. I am looking for a way to keep libs only for specific OS. Can you please suggest how can I achieve that.
below is content of gradle here for reference:

plugins {
id "org.springframework.boot" version "3.0.4"
id 'java'
id 'org.bytedeco.gradle-javacpp-platform' version "1.5.8"

group 'org.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

repositories {
ext {
javacppPlatform = 'macosx-arm64' // or any other platform, defaults to Loader.getPlatform()

tasks.jar {
enabled = false

bootJar {
archiveBaseName = "video_streaming_poc"
archiveVersion = "1.0.0"

dependencies {

implementation group: 'org.bytedeco', name: 'javacv-platform', version: '1.5.8'


Samuel Audet

May 6, 2023, 9:53:45 AM5/6/23
to javacpp
If you're using Gradle, setting the javacppPlatform property like you're doing will do what you want. Could you maybe rephrase your question?

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Abhishek Yadav

May 6, 2023, 9:02:36 PM5/6/23
Hello Samuel,

Thanks for your email, yes the gradle setting I took from your git page itself. If you noticed, I am only specifying macosx-arm64 as javacppplatform but still it’s downloading all dependencies for other os as well, and when I am building bootjar, its containing these additional dependencies of other os which is contributing in its size.

Ideally it should download only macos related libs which is not happening. I am using ffmpeg libs to convert rtsp streams to file.

Samuel Audet

May 6, 2023, 10:13:07 PM5/6/23
to, Abhishek Yadav
Maybe there's a conflict with the plugin for Spring Boot. Could you try
without Spring Boot see if it does the same thing or not?
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