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about QA tests of Tritonserver

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Jack He CN

Jan 11, 2022, 8:14:42 AM1/11/22
to javacpp
Samuel and all:

We are trying to design the QA tests for Tritonserver, another hard journey for us, haha!
I got the task for memory growth:
This one uses valgrind to test if any memory issue there.

the "" will run tritonserver, tritonserver is compiled with, which requires quite a few .cc files need to be converted to JAVA. Also, to be an executable package, it also needs HTTP, GRPC, ...etc. Looks like it's a huge task. What's your opinion and do you think if there is any easy way to cover this QA test?

Samuel Audet

Jan 11, 2022, 6:21:42 PM1/11/22

Do you mean that you want to convert all these tests to Java? Well, yes,
that looks like a lot of work.

I've mentioned what I think you should do previously, that is, if Triton
were to provide a high-level API that wraps all that, it would make it a
lot easier to use, as well as to make dependencies like CUDA optional:


Jack He CN

Jan 12, 2022, 4:05:42 AM1/12/22
to javacpp
Hey, Samuel:

I'm still thinking of this, some comments below.

On Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 7:21:42 AM UTC+8 Samuel Audet wrote:

Do you mean that you want to convert all these tests to Java? Well, yes,
that looks like a lot of work.
A: all these tests? that's mission impossible:), we just pick about 10 test cases as first phase.
I've mentioned what I think you should do previously, that is, if Triton
were to provide a high-level API that wraps all that, it would make it a
lot easier to use, as well as to make dependencies like CUDA optional:
A: looks like you mean if C++ can wrap this, then this will not even compiled into the C++ library for the above case, to make it in JAVA, it still will compile it and needs the CUDA dependency, so not good enough. Yes, agree. But we need to do a compromise, it is not possible to write some high-level stuff in a hurry.
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