FX JavaBuilder lives!

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Jacek Furmankiewicz

Feb 13, 2015, 9:29:12 PM2/13/15
to javabu...@googlegroups.com
Got the initial prototype of the FX JavaBuilder up and running.

Have a big chunk of the initial Person sample app working:


- control creation
- MigLayout integration
- databinding (unidirectional via "bind" and bidirectional via "bindDirectional")
- input validation

Still need to look at how to integrate with FX tasks for background processing.

So we're on a good track here.
if all goes well within a few weeks there may be an official release.

Gotta say I like JavaFX so far, the API looks solid.

Databinding is a pain, but Lombok is a big help if you are willing to give up the JavaBeans spec:


Achmad Nasirudin Sandi

Feb 13, 2015, 9:44:54 PM2/13/15
to javabu...@googlegroups.com
Awesome work Sir. I've been using Swing version for a not so large project. It's impressive how we developed with SJB.

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Achmad Nasirudin Sandi
Software Engineer
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