What is the state of vaadin java builder plugin?

瀏覽次數:29 次

Alexandre Navarro

2011年4月16日 凌晨4:45:422011/4/16
收件者:Java Builders

Hi Jacek,

I want to know the state of the vaadin java builder plugin?
What is working or not working notably components, listener, layout, binding?
Do you know if something like miglayout exists for vaadin (I didn't find anything)?
The vertical, horizontal and form layout can be used but they will not be as powerful as miglayout javabuilder dsl which is for me the killer feature of javabuilder.


Jacek Furmankiewicz

2011年4月16日 上午10:39:462011/4/16
The plugin was never started really, I do not have the time to work on it (sad reality of OSS development).
I have no immediate plans to work on it in the future, sorry


P.S. Besides, now I use Django for all my web development needs and Python for all of our BDD integration testing.
Java is great for many things, but I have finally realized that it is not the best solution for everything. You need to
learn other options outside of the JVM.

I highly recommend an article I wrote on this subject :-)

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