Android Development

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Stuart Grimshaw

Jul 30, 2010, 4:18:34 PM7/30/10
I've been doing a bit of Android development recently, and I have to say I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

The SDK has it's problems, the main one for me being a long-standing bug in the editor for eclipse that means it can't handle Tab layouts, it just crashes, the other being a bug in either the SDK or xstream whereby you can't use the annotations on classes, you have to do it all by hand.

I'm working on a couple of apps at the moment, 2 that are missing after using an iPhone for a couple of years. One is for a health & fitness app (BurnDroid) which I'm working on with the original author and a LoveFilm client, which hasn't got very far yet.

Has anyone else done much with Android?


Jul 31, 2010, 11:25:27 AM7/31/10
to Sheffield Java User Group
I have just started to look at Android. I have watched tutorials by
Tim Layton ( and have the book Sams
Teach Yourself Android Application Development.

Not done anything yet, just setup the environment.

I think it will take off soon, so thought I'd have a look...

Kind Regards,

Ian Ibbotson

Aug 1, 2010, 8:12:41 AM8/1/10
I had a go when I first got my G1 but it sounds like the tools have
come on quite a bit since then... Be really interested in re-visiting.
GIST foundation is trying to help out community media association by
building a mobile internet radio player, so this is something I need
to get a grip on pretty soon now. We're also hoping to kick off a
mobile development user group (Covering both android, iPhone and other
mobile tech) so there may be some crossover there...

We've been toying with the idea of running some mobile dev
workshops... Difficult to assess interest tho


Ian Ibbotson
Knowledge Integration Ltd
35 Paradise Street, Sheffield. S3 8PZ
T: 0114 273 8271
M: 07968 794 630

James Jefferies

Aug 2, 2010, 4:50:40 PM8/2/10
to Sheffield Java User Group
I had a couple of days with Android dev between Christmas & New Year -
really liked being able to use all my Java skills, Eclipse etc. It
reminded me of building UI apps early in my pre-java career.

But! At the time I found it frustrating that the documentation seemed
to be misleading in places, recommended patterns changed, sometimes
significantly, between point releases and I found it a bit

Having said all that, I'd be well interested spending a bit of time
building something properly, but I don't have time out of work at the
mo, so it isn't going to happen!
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