SMTP/LocalDelivery issue for persitance in JES 2.0

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Mr. KD

2010年7月6日 上午8:55:522010/7/6
收件者:Java Email Server
Hi, my problem certainly comes from something i didn't see, but there
it is!

I modified the mail.conf file to enable the "FULL" service (not only
Then when I use telnet to send an email on the smtp port (25000), from
an other IP adress,
that email is stored in the users delivery with a name ended with
".loc" which means "local".
So i conclued that this file was created from the
"persistance.LocalDelivery" package and
not from the "persistance.smtp" package.

What can I do to use correctly the smtp feature?

Andreas Kyrmegalos

2010年7月6日 上午11:29:582010/7/6
Hi there.

All incoming smpt messages are stored in the
incoming smtp directory with the extension

If the message has a recipient who has
been registered, as a local user in a local
domain, with JES, then it is picked up by the
local delivery service and directed to (stored in)
the local user's directory using a "loc" file

If there is a non-local recipient then it is picked
up by the RemoteSender class and sent to the
remote host as defined by the recipient's domain

The Full Transfer Mode means:
Receive all smtp messages, send outgoing messages
to non-local recipients, store messages for local users
in their respective folders.

Here is the relative excerpt from mail.conf:
# Mail Transfer Mode. Options are: Full, Local, Remote (case
# insensitive)
# In full mode all incoming and outgoing SMTP messages will be
# served as expected.
# In local mode, mail is delivered only to local recipients. Any
# connecting client is accepted as a valid mail sender, provided
# no security issues arise.
# In remote mode, no messages for local recipients are accepted.
# Only authenticated users (that is users belonging to a domain
# serviced by a JES instance, who properly authenticate) are
# allowed as valid mail senders.

Do note that JES operates in full mode by default.

I hope this clarifies the JES storing mechanism
for you.


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