Java Advent 2019 on DZone

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olimpiu pop

Nov 7, 2019, 3:08:45 AM11/7/19
to Mike Gates, Mani Sarkar, Java Advent Coordination
Hi Mike,

as we are again try to put together the Java Advent 2019, we were wondering if you want to republish again the articles.

Please let us know.



Olimpiu  Gh. Pop, MSc

Mani Sarkar

Nov 8, 2019, 9:10:41 AM11/8/19
to Mike Gates, olimpiu pop, Lindsay Smith, Java Advent Coordination
Hi Mike, nice to hear from you after a long time. All good points and we will do our best to get them thru to our authors!

@Lindsay Smith nice to meet you. We look forward to working with you for this year's advent!

Btw we have been promoting our initiative via please help us push it into the DZone/Java communities, please.

Thanks again!


On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 at 13:16, Mike Gates <> wrote:

Hi Olimpiu,


It’s great to hear from you again!


I think we would be delighted to work with you on reposting the Java Advent Calendar again this year. On that note, I’m going to introduce you to Lindsay Smith, who is our Java Zone’s editor. She’ll be your main point of contact for this project and she can help handle the logistics on our end. She’s very familiar with the Java Advent Calendar and was very excited to help out.


Lindsay, this is Olimpiu Pop, who coordinates the Java Advent Calendar. Olimpiu is great to work with, as is the whole team.


Just a couple of things before I hand this over to Lindsay, Olimpiu:

  1. If, I remember correctly, several of your authors were hesitant to agree to syndication with us because of our canonical policy. I just wanted to let you and them know that we have changed it. Instead of pointing canonicals back at our version of the post, we now simply don’t use them at all. I know that’s not quite the same as pointing the canonical back at the original source, but from our understanding of Google’s search guidelines, that should be enough to tell Google that your version is the authoritative version — plus you’ll obviously get a backlink from us like always.

  2. On that note, just a reminder that any authors whose posts you’d like us to syndicate need to have DZone accounts. I think the spreadsheet we used last year worked very well. I think that’d be helpful for Lindsay, but if you’re organizing it a different way, that’s fine too. I’ll let you and Lindsay handle the specifics.


Obviously, if you need anything from us, just let us know!


Happy to be working with you again.




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Mani Sarkar

Dec 2, 2019, 5:48:44 AM12/2/19
to Lindsay Smith, Java Advent Coordination, Lauren Forbes, Mike Gates, olimpiu pop
Hi Lindsay, Mike,

It's time of the year again. We are on the 2nd day of the advent and already published a couple of posts now.

So we thought we let you know. Sorry we should have informed you earlier but in all the admin hussle this fell thru our list.

What would you need to know from us in addition to getting added to the spreadsheets. We do know and understand that there might be a bit if lapse in days between us publishing and you publishing.

Holger, olimpiu what did we do last year about this?



On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 at 18:03, Lindsay Smith <> wrote:

Hi Mani,


Nice to meet you as well! We really enjoyed the Java Advent Calendar last year and are looking forward to featuring it on DZone again this year!


Also, I’ve cc’ed my colleague Lauren Forbes who runs DZone’s social media accounts. She can make sure we are promoting the series on Twitter, etc.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I am always happy to help!


Kind regards,


Lindsay Smith, Content Coordinator

(919) 805-3427 ext. 156


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