Question about Retrieving Data

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Danielle Gershman

Mar 9, 2021, 10:35:37 AM3/9/21

I might have missed this in the documentation somewhere, so I apologize if this seems like a silly question, but I was curious if it was possible to retrieve the results from participants that did not complete the study for whatever reason? Recently I ran some pilot data and although I had upwards of 50 participants under one study (I'm running multiple versions of the same task, so they're all considered different studies). However, the majority of them were either marked as "DATA_RETRIEVED" or "RELOADED". I know that more than likely what this means is that participants were having internet issues and then closed out the window before finishing or reloaded the page in an attempt to get the task running for themselves, but then that meant they were never marked as "FINISHED" and I never got their results in the final export. Is it possible to get the data from participants whose attempts were marked as "DATA_RETRIEVED" or "RELOADED", or is it not collected until they're completely finished? If not, would there be any way to get any proof of their attempt?

Also, I'm using version 3.5.8 of JATOS and have my server securely connected via an ethernet cable.

Thank you,

Elisa Filevich

Mar 9, 2021, 1:49:12 PM3/9/21
Hi Danielle, 

This depends on how your JavaScript is written. 
If you used a toolbox like OSWeb, that usually sends result data after every trial (which we think is too much and overloads the server). In that case, you would be able to see any data that were sent to the server up until the point of reload. If you programmed the task with (say) jsPsych, and submit the data only at the end of the component, then there would have been no chance for the data to get transferred before the reload. 

So, essentially, JATOS will let you see any data that is in the server, but if there were no data transferred, then the data are not there to be seen. 

Hope this helps

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