How to set source files in jasmine.jason

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Eduard Gut

Jan 9, 2020, 9:06:50 AM1/9/20
to Jasmine

At the moment I am using modules to connect the source and spec files in jasmine node like so:


"use strict"

let someFunction = function() {
some code here

module.exports = someFunction;

and I require it in the spec file like so:

let someFunction = require('pathToFile/source.js');

everything works fine but I really do not want to use modules just to connect source and spec files for jasmine.

The documentation says that it is possible to "customize spec/support/jasmine.json to enumerate the source files and spec files you would like the Jasmine runner to include."

But I did not found an example of how to do it so I have added the source file to helpers in jasmine.json like so:

"helpers": [

but it did not work.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Gregg Van Hove

Jan 14, 2020, 8:14:40 PM1/14/20
Files in Node.js are expected to export something such they can be `require`d and have their functionality exposed to the world. Even if you don't want to use `module.exports` or similar, you'd then need to explicitly put all of the functionality on the `global` object somehow, but you would still have to `require` it to ensure that had already occurred by the time your tests start executing.

Effectively, this means that without that `module.exports` line (or something similar putting it on global) no other Node.js code is able to access any of the functions you declare in that file. You're not exporting it on `module` so that Jasmine can use it, but so that anything outside of that file can.

Hope this helps. Thanks for using Jasmine!


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