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Jun 8, 2012, 8:35:05 AM6/8/12
Sábado, 02 de Junio, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

Deseamos expresar nuestras más profundas condolencias a las familias
de las victimas del incendio en Doha, Qatar, que terminó con la vida
de 19 personas, entre ellos niños y niñas de descendencia de dos
familias españolas, tres de los niños pertenecen a un padre español y
la niña de siete años a una segunda familia española también. Así pues
lamentamos también la desaparición de las trillizas neozelandesas de
tres años cada una de ellas que en vida respondían a los nombres de
Lillie, Jackson y Willsher.
Todos ellos en su totalidad de diecinueve subieron a la presencia
gloriosa de nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo para
recibirlos con un brazo eterno porque los ama desde que salieron de Él
para ser su imagen y vivir por siempre conforme a su semejanza
celestial en el nuevo reino angelical, para gloria y honra de su
nombre bendito. Puesto que escrito está: Dejen que los niños vengan a
mí, porque de ellos es el reino de los cielos, aseguraba nuestro Señor
Jesucristo a los que le oían predicar la santa palabra de nuestro
Padre celestial por toda la tierra de Israel.
Nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo y quien no solamente es
su Padre Eterno que les dio vida en su primer día de vida celestial en
el reino angelical, sino que también será por siempre en toda la
eternidad venidera su más grande amor, paz, prosperidad y felicidad
infinita de sus almas y corazones inmortales. Cada uno de ellos será
como un apóstol o un discípulo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el reino
angelical para seguirle a él todos los días de sus vidas para servirle
a nuestro Padre celestial en todo así como los ángeles le han servido
desde siempre en la eternidad y hasta nuestros días, por ejemplo.
Por ello, los niños gozan de la llenura del Espíritu Santo para
servirle a nuestro Dios así como los ángeles le sirven desde siempre y
esto es con gran gozo y alegría infinita: porque en el cielo cuando un
alma regresa a su lugar de nacimiento y de sus primeros pasos de vida
entonces hay fiesta y alegría a cada hora. Y su fruto de cada día es
el fruto del árbol de la vida, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo les
dará de comer y de beber de él mismo para que no tengan hambre ni sed
jamás en todos sus nuevos días largos de su nueva vida infinita del
reino angelical, como La Nueva Jerusalén santa y gloriosa del cielo,
por ejemplo.
Además, sus oraciones delante de nuestro Padre celestial son siempre
en el nombre santísimo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que los levantó al
cielo en el momento que les faltaba el aire al consumirse por el fuego
ardiente la guardería del Mall de Doha, en Qatar, el cual los bomberos
no sabían que existía ni menos que estaba lleno de niños. En sus
oraciones diarias los niños le piden a nuestro Padre celestial por la
salud, el bienestar, la paz, la prosperidad y la felicidad de los
suyos, como sus familiares, amistades y demás conocidos de toda la
vida, para algún día volverse a encontrar en la eternidad celestial y
así no volverse a separar jamás, ¡por amor a nuestro Señor Jesucristo!
Por ello, los niños son como los ángeles en estos días, porque aman y
le sirven a nuestro Padre celestial con todas las fuerzas de sus
corazones, de sus mentes, de sus almas infinitas y de sus cuerpos
celestiales, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Espíritu Santo,
al honrar y exaltar su nombre santísimo junto con las huestes
angelicales. Incuestionablemente, los niños son infinitamente felices,
porque ya hallaron lo que siempre han buscando en sus corazones y esta
es la felicidad de vivir con nuestro Padre celestial para servirle
como Él siempre se lo merece por medio de su Hijo amado y con la
llenura del Espíritu Santo, para jamás volver a conocer el mal sino
sólo el bien eternal.
Que nuestro Padre celestial proteja y bendiga grandemente en su nombre
santísimo cada día de nuestras vidas a cada una de nuestras familias y
sus hijos en todas las naciones, para que el amor, el bien, la verdad,
la prosperidad y la misericordia divina les acompañe por todos los
caminos de la tierra y hasta aún más allá de la nueva eternidad
celestial. ¡Amén!)


Our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai saturated with the Holy
Spirit’s glories of His blessed name and Ten Commandments because He
needed to present to the entire world His continuous celestial-
sacrifice of His Chosen Lamb’s atoning-blood (our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach) slain from the creation of the world, so Israel may
finally serve Him. Indeed, it was time for our heavenly Father to be
served by the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through His
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s eternal rock, so people may
quench their thirst and fill their bellies with food from heaven, the

Truly, this is the Lord’s Table where our Lord Jesus Christ as the
King of Salem or Melchizedek served initially the bread and wine to
Abram to make a Pact of life for the soon coming into the world the
new Israel, a nation of priests that will serve Him at Mount Sinai and
His Son’s atoning-blood sacrifice for eternity. Therefore, the time
was right for our heavenly Father to be served by the hearts of men,
women and children that He had called from His servants of old:
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so they may become a nation of Gods and
priests thus to love, serve and glorify Him through His Son’s first
celestial-sacrifice before the nations of the world.

Certainly, our heavenly Father needed already to be loved, served and
exalted by the people that He had chosen to be called His children
throughout the world and for ages to come on earth and in heaven, so
He may start a new angelic Kingdom where He will be loved by people
born miraculously from the Holy Spirit. This is the reason that our
heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai’s summit engulfed amazingly
with the Holy Spirit of His eternal presence, the SHEKINAH cloud, so
people may be born again coming out from darkness into the light of
the baptism and fire emanating from His Son’s sacrificed life over the
eternal rock thus to start a new world forever.

Because, only those born from the Holy Spirit are truly called
children of the Most High God on earth and in heaven for they are
worthy to enter eternal life thus to enjoy the glories that our
heavenly Father has prepared for those that love Him through the
glorious sacrificed life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach. And as our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai
filled with the Holy Spirit of His first supreme celestial-sacrifice
of His Son’s atoning-blood slain from the creation of the world so He
may create a new earth with glorious heavens for those that love Him
in spirit and in truth, then He was willing to do anything to
accomplish His eternal goal.

That is why our heavenly Father had to perform miracles before those
that failed to believe that He had descended from heaven within the
Holy of Holiest over Mount Sinai to present to the world His glorious
saving sacrifice to Israel and the entire human race thus to start a
new world filled with the Holy Spirit to serve Him everlastingly.
Consequently, He needed to meet every one born from Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob so He may personally fulfill the promise of love, blessing and
eternal life promised initially to their ancestors by liberating them
first from Egypt’s slavery to grant them a land filled with milk and
honey, thus to love, serve and glorify Him: always around His Son’s
shed atoning-blood.

Meaning also that our heavenly Father was willing to use all powers
necessary thus to convince Egypt’s Pharaoh that He meant business as
He called His people to leave Egypt so they may love, serve and
glorify Him at Mount Sinai, because this is the place where His Son’s
atoning-blood was shed initially before His angelic hosts in heaven.
Therefore, after millenniums our heavenly Father was happy to descend
over Mount Sinai’s summit engulfed within the Holy Spirit of His Son
Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven
and over the eternal rock, so Israel may drink the living water that
emanates from it hourly so to quench the thirst of those that live on

Indeed, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is not only our heavenly Father’s
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world
but also he is His high priest, mediator, and David’s Son (making him
to be God’s Son forever), so he may be always a fountain of living
water for Israel and the nations everywhere into eternity. For the
people’s thirst of their living souls on earth it is just as severe as
of the lost souls of men presently tormented in hell, because in hell
there is no water for anyone so they crave for it into millenniums,
given that they never glorified within their hearts our heavenly
Father’s continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood,
our Jesus Christ!

And because our heavenly Father loved dearly the living souls of
Abraham’s children, then He personally took them from Egypt’s slavery,
crossed the Red Sea in dry ground to stand at Mount Sinai’s foot thus
to love, serve and glorify His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s atoning-blood, so they may drink from his
saving-blood to live forever blessed into eternity. For this is the
service that our heavenly Father called Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and now
Israel with the nations too to approach Mount Sinai to drink from the
injured rock by Moses’ rod so they may always drink from the fountain
of living water, our Lord Jesus Christ, the quencher of the thirsty
souls of men on earth and in eternity.

Furthermore, Israel drank from our heavenly Father’s eternal rock
where our Lord Jesus Christ had been slain from the creation of the
world, because this was something that had to be done immediately so
He may be loved, served and glorified in heaven, on earth and under
the earth as well, for Satan to die cursed with his lies in hell
forever. Because, whoever drinks from the fountain of living water
that is our Lord Jesus Christ since the creation of the world, over
Mount Sinai’s summit and over Jerusalem’s holy hill, then he is
drinking truth and the life that leads into heaven thus to serve,
worship and love our heavenly Father into all eternity to come before
His faithful angels.

Accordingly, drinking from our heavenly Father’s eternal rock at Mount
Sinai’s foot, it was the power of the Holy Spirit that will not only
fill them with life thus to lead them into the Promised Land
victoriously to attain new glories by having His Son born miraculously
from David’s virgin daughter but also to conquer the nations for
heaven everlastingly. For our heavenly Father so loved the world that
He gave His only begotten Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so whoever
may believe in him will not perish in this life but, instead ascend
into eternal life in heaven thus to return to our heavenly Father
everlastingly liberated from sin, death and Satan forever into all
eternity to come.

This meant also that our heavenly Father by having Israel drink from
the eternal rock from where our Lord Jesus Christ had been slain from
the creation of the world within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, then
He was spreading the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and eternal
commandments thus to liberate eventually the entire earth from Satan’s
lies. Moreover, our heavenly Father had to do it like this because
this was the only way possible to liberate the world from the power of
Satan’s lies, sin, curses and eternal death in hell by having Israel
believe within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for
salvation His Son’s name, and this is the Great I Am perpetually.

(Indeed, as our Lord Jesus Christ was manifesting himself as the Great
I Am that the Hebrews must know him so they may invoke his salvation
name, then he was actually causing them to drink from him the living
water that they needed to live forever saved since he is the fountain
of the Holy Spirit raining from heaven always (Gn 1:2). For he alone
is the One that descended with our heavenly Father from heaven over
Mount Sinai’s summit to baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire every
man, woman and child from Israel, beginning with Moses, so the nations
and the entire earth may also be engulfed soon with the amazing powers
of the Holy Spirit and fire from the continuous sacrifice.)

Indeed, by Israel doing this for our heavenly Father, and this is by
drinking living water of the Holy Spirit from the supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed from the creation of the
world in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit, then every one was
loving what our heavenly Father loves the most in His entire holy life
forever into eternity. Meaning also that this is the original faith
from the heart of every man, woman and child that pleases our heavenly
Father on earth and with the angels in heaven that they may freely
drink from His fountain of living water, our Lord Jesus Christ, for
the earth to become a holy place just as it is in heaven these days.

This is the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ declared openly to his
apostles and disciples everywhere throughout the ages to come that he
is the true bread that has descended from heaven that whoever believes
in him, then he will never hunger in this life nor in the next one to
come within the New Jerusalem from heaven above. Because, our Lord
Jesus Christ had descended from heaven as our heavenly Father’s Chosen
Lamb with the Holy Spirit of eternal life manifested over Mount Sinai,
so whoever believes in him then he will be filled with salvation to
dress with a new glorious body that will never sin before our heavenly
Father on earth and in paradise forever and ever.

Meaning also that as our heavenly Father had Israel standing with
Moses at Mount Sinai’s foot, then, this meant that He was going to be
served with people dressed with His Son’s priesthood dress from heaven
that is directly from him these days: every one’s sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones and atoning-blood to enter immediately into the New
Jerusalem from heaven above perpetually saved. Therefore, finally
Israel was loving, serving thus to glorify our heavenly Father forever
at Mount Sinai where He had declared openly to Moses that He needed
Israel to serve Him so truth and justice may flourish throughout the
earth and in paradise too, so He may create a new earth with glorious
heaven for His children to live forever blessed.

For this is the promise of salvation that our heavenly Father had
personally promised diligently to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that they
would become citizens of a new land that will never see sin nor death
because Satan’s lies are not part of it, but only His anointed Son
will reign forever for the glory of His blessed name. This is our Lord
Jesus Christ promised directly to Abraham and his children to have
with them through Isaac’s seed (birth from the Holy Spirit), so they
may have life moreover the sinless-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-
blood that will guarantee every one that believes and confesses his
powerful name a new life thus to enjoy only blessings and endless
happiness into eternity.

Appropriately, our heavenly Father did not only need Israel to serve
Him at Mount Sinai’s foot by drinking directly from the injured rock
by Moses’ rod that was coming down from the top but also eat every day
from its manna, so the sinful-flesh, broken bones and ill blood from
Adam may be converted into His Son’s divine-body heaven bound forever.
Because, in eternal life no one is accepted with Adam and Eve’s sinful-
flesh, broken-bones and ill blood filled with Satan’s lies of curses,
infirmities and death on earth and in hell but, instead, only those
that are willing to reenter eternal life then they must be as good as
Jesus Christ is pure, holy and eternally righteous these days and

This is what our heavenly Father meant to say to Abraham as He
personally manifested His glorious will to be within his life and the
lives of his loved ones from all the nations of the world, beginning
with Israel, and this is that they must be perfect and holy as His Son
Jesus Christ is forever into eternity. For our heavenly Father
commanded Abraham and his children initially by saying: be perfect for
I am perfect, moreover be holy for I am holy, and the way to be
perfect and holy before Him then they must drink and eat from His Son
who is the Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood slain from the creation
of the world for everlasting-salvation holiness.

Otherwise, there is no possible perfection and holiness for any man,
woman and child on earth because these attributes for the human soul
and new glorified body that reenters paradise are only possible in
heaven by eating and drinking directly from the tree of life, our Lord
and savior Jesus Christ. Therefore, our heavenly Father has descended
initially to Mount Sinai’s summit engulfed within the Holy Spirit of
His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood slain
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit
because He loves to have every man, woman and child comeback to Him
through the glory of His eternal life in heaven.

Consequently, our heavenly Father urgently needs every one from within
Israel and the nations these days to believe within their hearts for
justice thus to confess with their lips for salvation His Son’s name,
so the Holy Spirit’s atoning-blood may wash away every sin for their
souls to ascend to heaven immediately, even though they are sill
living their normal lives everywhere. Because, it is the amazing power
of the Holy Spirit descending directly from within the Holy of Holiest
in heaven and over Mount Sinai that pulls you back into eternal life
but, miraculously, liberated from Satan’s lies, curses and threats of
death, therefore it is the grave, darkness and Satan’s lie pulling you
into hell (and not gravity as people may assume).

In other words, it is the supernatural powers of hell that are
constantly pulling you into an early grave so you may die and fall
forever cursed into the chains and shackles of hell, however, our
heavenly Father’s work through the Holy Spirit and His blessed Son
Jesus Christ is pulling you up always towards heaven to enter eternal
life immediately. That is why that our heavenly Father has executed
His ancient salvation and creation-work too, beginning with His
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood
shed from within the Holy of Holiest’s altar and over Mount Sinai’s
eternal rock (Gn. 1:2), so you may ascend to heaven immediately thus
to enter eternal life to enjoy blessings, peace, prosperity and

Meaning also that no matter where you may go on earth or deep into
space you will find planets, starts and moons always pulling you into
hell because of their gravity force for we are surrounded by heavenly
objects that are extremely hot or cold just as lifeless hell, however
with Jesus Chris you are liberated to enter heaven anytime and
anywhere. For as you leave earth to find new worlds deep into space,
truly the only thing you are doing is traveling from one hell into
another one, perhaps more extreme than you will ever imagine that are
unable to sustain life just as earth’s hell pulls you constantly until
you let go your grip on life to become lost into it forever.

However, if you really want to escape earth’s hell then you must
believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for
salvation our heavenly Father’s blessed Son Jesus Christ, because he
is the way, the truth and the life to escape hell on earth and the
ones deep in space too. Nevertheless, Satan is at the bottom of any
hill to pull anyone into to an early grave by killing that one with
terrible hidden lies so he may die forever cursed in hell never to
raise his hands towards the mountaintop with our Lord Jesus Christ
that shed his atoning-blood so he may live always enjoying love,
truth, and justice forever.

Meaning also that our heavenly Father is calling everyone from the
nations just as He initially called Israel’s children to escape
Egypt’s slavery by crossing the Red sea from where they could never
return to Egypt but, instead, continue to serve Him always around the
mountaintop of Sinai’s or Jerusalem’s holy hill so love, truth and
justice may fill them immediately. This is the reason that our
heavenly Father could very well manifest to Israel that He was willing
to kill them at Mount Sinai’s foot because they had obeyed Aaron by
fashioning a golden calf from the jewelry received from the Egyptians
as they escaped slavery, nonetheless at the mountaintop He is willing
always to forgive sin and take them into heaven immediately.

In those days, only Moses and Aaron were allowed to ascend to the
mountaintop initially, but later our heavenly Father allowed seventy
of the elders from Israel to ascend to it, however, they were not
allowed to approach our Lord Jesus Christ burning in the midst of the
bush however as they reached the top they could see salvation-glory
everywhere. Now, Moses and Aaron were allowed to approach our Lord
Jesus Christ at the place where initially he was sacrificed so he may
shed the Holy Spirit of eternal life from his atoning-blood into the
world, because they were commissioned since birth to be the eternal
witnesses for what happened over Mount Sinai’s summit so Israel may
escape darkness forever.

This is a prophesy that it was going to repeat itself over Jerusalem’s
holy hill, so two brothers from our Lord Jesus Christ would also be
crucified next to him, so they may be witnesses to the generations
under the earth and in paradise too for what happened as our Lord
Jesus Christ was judged and crucified by wicked men. Nonetheless, our
heavenly Father was unwilling to accept that everyone within Israel
may forget what He manifested over Mount Sinai so gloriously by
introducing into their lives the savior of their living souls from the
power of darkness, sin, curses and death on earth and in hell,
furthermore our heavenly Father commanded Israel diligently never to
forget what happened at Sinai.

Really, as the time went by everyone that was condemned by our
heavenly Father at Mount Sinai’s foot because of the golden calf that
they had fashioned with jewelry from Egypt to call it their liberator,
then their sinful bodies died prostrated within the desert for their
living souls to ascend Mount Sinai thus to enter into the heavenly
Promised Land. This pleasurable Land is the New Jerusalem from heaven
where Abraham’s children from Israel and the nations have been taking
into eternal life, so they may live their celestial lives with the
sinless-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood filled with the Holy
Spirit from our Lord Jesus Christ, our heavenly Father’s supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood, that saves men’s living-
souls these days for eternity.

Inasmuch as, our Lord Jesus Christ is not only our heavenly Father’s
blissful life in heaven and on earth but also he is our personal
savior, Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, righteousness, perfection,
sanctification, sinless-flesh, unbroken-bone and atoning-blood of our
living souls to live saved into all eternity to come, so he is our
true personality (or our everything today and eternity). Undeniably,
this is the celestial land from heaven above that our heavenly Father
has always dreamed to create with wonderful glories to enjoy
eternally, so He may live with those faithful angels and saved men,
women and children from the nations that have believed within their
hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation our Lord
Jesus Christ’s all-powerful name.

Because, since eternity the only name that our heavenly Father’s
faithful angels, archangels, seraphs, cherubs and other holy creatures
in heaven have ever believed within their hearts for justice to
confess glories with their lips before our heavenly Father is His
Son’s ancient name, Jesus Christ, also known as God’s righteousness
forever into all eternity in the New celestial Jerusalem! Moreover,
this is the amazing city from heaven above that our heavenly Father
has always spoken about to His servants from old, because it is a
glorious city hidden within the high heavens where mansions paved with
streets of gold await patiently the angelic hosts and saved men from
the nations to inhabit it, so He may be worshipped forever into

This is a celestial city in heaven as Mount Sinai’s summit on earth
where our heavenly Father needs to be loved, served and worshipped
everlastingly from Israel and the nations that have been washed from
sin by the blood of the Lamb slain from the creation of the world, so
He may eventually enter into eternal joy with His children forever. To
this day, Israel has failed to love, serve and worship our heavenly
Father just as He intended to be served by the first Hebrews escaping
Egypt’s slavery to cross the Red sea thus to stand at Mount Sinai’s
foot to watch the spectacle from above of the Holy Spirit’s lights,
white smoke and fire as Jesus Christ’s face shone over them.

For our Lord Jesus Christ has a glorious face looking down at us from
high above the mountaintop as Mount Sinai’s summit and Jerusalem’s
holy hill that must be loved, served and glorified by Israel and the
families of the nations too, so we may at last say before our heavenly
Father: we have served you at the mountain. Therefore, our heavenly
Father has called Israel to love, serve and worship Him at the
mountain that He has chosen for them to serve Him forever, and this is
Mount Sinai and Jerusalem’s holy hill within the Promised Land, so the
Holy Spirit of love, truth and justice may run freely everywhere as
the living water gushing out from the eternal rock.

For people from the nations need to drink the living water from the
eternal rock injured initially by Moses’ rod so their thirst may be
quenched, eventually to dress their living-souls with the sacred-
flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood that will run through their
veins and hearts forever thus only to know love, truth and justice
before our heavenly Father that is in heaven. And the Holy Spirit of
the living water that emanates hourly from the eternal rock injured by
Moses’ rod thus to quench our thirst not much from the world where we
live in these days but from the thirst that can only exist within a
lifeless-desert or hell, so this way we will never thirst again in
paradise for love, truth and everlasting-righteousness.

For this is not a water that you can get from a bottle or the faucet
to quench your thirst of your living-soul these days, however it is
emanating constantly from the eternal rock that has received within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the mountaintop, the Holy
Spirit of the atoning-blood to quench your everlasting thirst from
hell today. For you need to quench your thirst from hell on earth
before you get there, so as you get there you will feel within your
inner being’s living soul constant satisfaction to have served our
heavenly Father at the foot of the mountain to which He has faithfully
called you and your loved ones with much love to serve Him today too.

Therefore, as you stand at Mount Sinai’s foot or Jerusalem’s holy
hill, then, you are loving, serving and exalting our heavenly Father
because of the glorious salvation-work that our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach has fulfilled thus to save you from the power of sin, death
and hell finally to escape Satan’s wilds by lifting your hands up in
victory into eternity. Because, it is important for our heavenly
Father for you to lift your hands over to the mountaintop of Sinai’s
or Jerusalem’s, so you may declare over your entire life His blessed
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, victorious over Satan’s lies, curses,
infirmities and threats of death finally to escape the sinful world to
ascend everlastingly saved into the New blissful Jerusalem.

For this is the reason that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach declared
openly within Israel to his disciples (and throughout the nations
these days too) by assuring them that he is the way, the truth and the
life back into heaven, and that no one can ever see our heavenly
Father in perfect holiness forever into all eternity, except through
him only. And today just as in the olden days: our heavenly Father
could only be approached through His glorious celestial-sacrifice of
His Son’s atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit for Israel
finally to manifest to the nations over Jerusalem’s holy hill the seal
of eternal salvation within everyone’s heart.

This means that by any one just looking up to the mountaintop whether
this is at Mount Sinai’s summit or Jerusalem’ holy hill, there our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is faithful to receive us with his opened arms
extended over to us as our heavenly Father’s children returning home
after millenniums from departing heaven because of Satan’s lies,
curses and hidden holocausts. For our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is
faithful to receive us with the same love that he personally shed over
Mount Sinai’s summit to liberate Israel from slavery or Jerusalem’s
holy hill as he allowed wicked men to nail his sacred-flesh, unbroken-
bones and atoning-blood to Adam and Eve’s lifeless crossed trees, so
we may become part of his divine-body today for eternity.

Therefore, as our Lord Jesus Christ died crucified on the cross, then
you died with him too your death so you descended with him into hell
because of the powers of darkness pulling you into an early grave even
before you were born, so on the third day you broke loose from the
grave and hell to enter forever saved into heaven. Thus, it is here
where our heavenly Father united every man, woman and child to his
sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood, so not only Adam and
Eve may become alive in heaven before Him and His angelic hosts but
also his children, so a new era liberated from Satan hidden lies,
curses and deaths may start anew into eternity for everyone

Because, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to Adam and Eve’s
lifeless crossed trees over Jerusalem’s holy hill, only then, our
heavenly Father accepted us back into paradise for the first time to
be His legitimate children within His brand New Jerusalem from heaven
above never to know sin, judgments and death on earth and in hell
forever into eternity. That is why that our heavenly Father warned
Moses by assuring him that He will descend from Mount Sinai’s summit
to kill anyone trying to ascend it to see the Lord Jesus Christ,
because for men and women to see him it was not the day yet, however
at Jerusalem’s holy hill then everyone was allowed up to see the Lord

These days as we return to heaven because our Lord Jesus Christ did
not only was born sinless from David’s virgin daughter so our heavenly
Father may reintroduce His divine-seed into humankind, this way,
removing Adam’s sinful-seed from every man, woman and child forever,
but also we have received perfect righteousness and endless sanctity
worthy to live with Him in heaven everlastingly. This means that as we
eat and drink through prayer and faith from our tree of life, the
fruit of life, our Lord Jesus Christ’s living bread from heaven and
the cup of eternal life of his atoning-blood, then we are receiving
also our celestial-bodies thus to reenter heaven and eternal life
starting today to live forever blessed into eternity.

This is the celestial-body that our heavenly Father has prepared for
each one of us within the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-
blood of His Chosen Lamb slain from the creation of the world thus to
create a new earth with glorious heavens for Adam and his children to
reenter eternal life immediately in a moment of prayer and faith
before His holy presence. This is the divine-life that our heavenly
Father had promised initially to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, moreover He
had descended with His Son’s sacrificed-life from the creation of the
world over Mount Sinai and within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, so
Israel may have a new life with a glorified body to reenter heaven
immediately by serving Him at Mount Sinai.

Because, at the mountaintop our heavenly Father was waiting faithfully
for every man, woman and child from Israel thus to enter into eternity
with Him and His angelic hosts never to know sin, curses and death
again, but only love, peace, prosperity and the eternal happiness of
the heart and living soul to serve our heavenly Father at His holy
mountaintop. Since it is at Mount Sinai’s summit that our heavenly
Father was ready to love, accept and bless with salvation not only
Moses and Aaron but also every man, woman and child within Israel, so
they may reenter with Him into the eternal life of the New Jerusalem
from heaven above where He will be loved forever by the nations.

For at the bottom of Mount Sinai there is only rebellion, judgment
because of sin and death within a holocaust that will end in hell
since our heavenly Father cannot save anyone away from His supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed from the creation
of the world because the salvation of men’s souls is only possible
through shedding the ancient atoning-blood. Unexpectedly, at the
bottom of Mount Sinai there was the grave for the entire house of
Israel since they had fashioned a golden calf with the gold received
from the Egyptians to call it their liberator when in truth it was our
Lord Jesus Christ slain from the creation of the world over the
eternal rock that had saved them from slavery.

Nevertheless, at Mount Sinai’s summit there is our heavenly Father
engulfed within the Holy Spirit of His blessed name, eternal
commandments and supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood to save every one within Israel and the nations that is willing
to believe within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for
salvation His Son’s saving name, our Lord Jesus Christ! Meaning also
that our heavenly Father still is to this day saving people from the
nations, beginning within Israel, at Mount Sinai’s summit or
Jerusalem’s holy hill, so they may leave their sins buried with their
sinful-bodies, broken-bones and ill blood in the grave that He
initially offered to bury Israel into it thus to make a new world from
Moses forever.

In other words, at Mount Sinai’s foot where you have been born and
live in this world you may abandon your sinful-flesh, broken-bones and
ill blood today to ascend to where our heavenly Father is waiting with
His Son’s atoning-blood from the creation of the world to receive you
back into heaven as His legitimate child to live forever saved. Here,
at Mount Sinai’s foot or Jerusalem’s holy hill you may summit your
sinful-body to the grave so you may ascend to the mountaintop to
receive your new celestial-body not from Adam and Eve as in paradise
but from our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood
filled with eternal life and endless blessings to live forever saved,
our Jesus Christ!

Because, it is only in this divine-body that has never offended the
Holy Spirit of His blessed name, glorified commandments and glorious
life of the New Jerusalem from heaven above, our heavenly Father wants
to see you live in these days already thus to fill you with His
glorious richness that will never end in you and within your loved
ones. This is the divine-body that our heavenly Father has brought
down from within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s
summit so you may receive it faithfully with all the glorious
blessings that lawfully belong to you and your loved ones too thus
only to know love, peace, glory and eternal happiness these days and
into all eternity.

In this divine-body that you will receive from our Lord Jesus Christ
today, it will be because he came down from heaven to shine over Mount
Sinai’s summit moreover later was born sinless from David’s virgin
daughter, so you may live your eternal life within a sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones and atoning-blood running throughout your veins and
your heart sinless forever. And our heavenly Father needs to give you
not only the holy life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ to live forever
saved but also give you His Son’s sinless body, so you will never have
to suffer sin within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit but
you will only fill the flow of the Holy Spirit’s goodness into

For it is sin within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit
that makes you feel miserable repeatedly, so because of it you run
into troubles, sicknesses, diseases and even death, and must of the
time you do not have to go looking for problems but they come to you
without notice anyway because your sinful body attracts evil by
default. However, with our Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart
as your personal savior because he is our heavenly Father’s supreme
celestial sacrifice of the atoning-blood slain from the creation of
the world, then you will live within his holy-body born into the world
sinless from David’s virgin daughter, so you may enjoy always the
fullness of the Holy Spirit.

This is the reason that our heavenly Father commanded Moses to lift
his hands always against Satan and his terrible darkness, so the light
of His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood may pour
powers from heaven to do wonderful things for His glorious name within
your life and your loved ones, including your friends too throughout
the world. This also means that the Israelites were called by our
heavenly Father to lift their hands towards Mount Sinai’s summit so
power may come into their lives thus to defeat any of Satan’s darkness
that may be coming or operating against them to destroy the great work
that He had already started for them in heaven to enjoy on earth

Meaning also that if you hear someone telling you to drop your hands,
or say hands down to you, then know that this is not from God that you
must do, instead you must lift your hands high before our heavenly
Father and His glorious Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood in heaven
to receive power to defeat Satan’s wilds. Because, as it is written
all day long I extended my arms towards my people so they may touch me
and power may come into their lives; since each time our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach is touched, then virtue (power) leaves his holy-body thus
to heal that one(s) that have touched him by lifting their hands
towards heaven above.

Therefore, if you have problems, difficulties, infirmities and even
threats of death in your life or of your loved ones, including of
those of your friends as well (no matter how far they may live from
you today), then, just lift your hands towards our heavenly Father and
His Chosen Lamb to receive power from heaven immediately for help and
healing. Just do as the ancient Hebrews did by standing at Mount
Sinai’s foot and as they lifted their hands towards our Lord Jesus
Christ that was standing in the midst of the fire that burn but it did
no harm anything throughout Mount Sinai, then power they received from
heaven above to drink abundantly living water from the eternal rock.

Miraculously, today you will drink from the eternal rock living water
that will quench your thirst throughout your body so you may heal from
your problems, difficulties, infirmities and even threats of death
that they may come against you and your loved ones from Satan the
great liar, or one of his followers that wants to hurt you without
reason. Moreover, once the living water from the eternal rock where
our Lord Jesus Christ was slain within the Holy of Holiest in heaven
and over Mount Sinai’s summit to be manifested finally over
Jerusalem’s holy hill enters your life, then it will never leave you
but it will flow as rivers of living waters from your belly into

Because, once our heavenly Father has given you anything, and in this
case this is: the Holy Spirit of His Son’s sacrificed life that sheds
continuously living water of His atoning-blood for you to drink
continually, then no one can ever take it away from you since it has
become a river of living water flowing directly from your belly into
eternity. Therefore, called you are to serve our heavenly Father at
Mount Sinai’s foot by standing firm in your faith for what happened
with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, Moses and Aaron at its top as he
personally confessed to Israel and the world to know forever that he
is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.

And this is to say also that he is the Living God of the salvation of
their children because he has power not only to save them but also the
families of the nations to become one big family before our heavenly
Father on earth these days and in heaven forever into all eternity to
come. Therefore, today wherever you may live on earth just raise your
hands towards the mountaintop of your faith to receive the Holy Spirit
of love, healing, blessings of miracles from the eternal life that has
entered the world with our Lord Jesus Christ to become part of you
with a new divine-body that only knows love, peace, prosperity and
never-ending happiness.

Prophetically, at Mount Sinai, Israel will return first and then the
nations too to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father through the
glorious presence of His Son’s, our Lord Jesus Christ, celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world to
create a new earth with glorious heavens for His children to enjoy
with His holy angels everlastingly. And finally you are standing also
at Mount Sinai these days just as our heavenly Father called Israel to
serve Him through His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood shed for you since the creation of the world to walk out
liberated always thus to live only the amazing life that He has
faithfully reserved for you since eternity until now. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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