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SARS epidemic is Chinese population control

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Apr 13, 2003, 12:30:26 PM4/13/03
The SARS epidemic in China is good for population control in an overcrowded
and less than hygienic country.

It appears as though mainland Chinese are just some dirty and uncivilized
people. Handwashing with soap is non-existent. Clean clothes unattainable,
and people who simply can't be bothered with personal grooming. Nevermind
the ever present hawking up of phlegm onto the floors of restaurants and
shops, and blowing the nose with just the hands and then touching money.

SARS was most likely contracted from an animal that a Chinese man either had
sex with, or half-cooked and ate. I hear the Chinese men are into sex with
animals (and children). And the whole world knows that Chinese people will
eat anything that walks, swings from trees, crawls, slithers, wiggles,
flies, jumps or swims.

The dirty Chinese bugger then dressed up in a suit on the pretense of doing
business and then brought the disease to the rest of the world. The first
know case in Toronto happened 2 months ago. A Chinese woman who went to
China for a visit, got sick and died, her husband got sick and died, and her
son got sick and was in Intensive Care (I don't know if he died or not).
Now several of her family members are still being treated at different
Toronto hospitals. From these 3 people 10 deaths resulted. The doctor who
initially diagnosed and treated them has died, and a nurse has died from
being exposed to their nasty Chinese habits.

Now Chinese businesses in Toronto are bellyaching about customers staying
away from their franchises, retail stores, and restaurants. Oh, poor
babies. Funny thing is, it's mostly Chinese customers staying away from
their own places of business. They are undoing their own communities by
cowering at home. I don't know where they are getting their groceries from
now. I do know that my neighbors dog has gone missing since last week

The Chinese have scorned other races for centuries, always thinking of
themselves as superior. They have scorned Jews, Arabs, and Blacks.

Now the world will have a reason to scorn and stay clear of them.


May 4, 2003, 2:44:14 PM5/4/03

"GrimReaper" <cumo...@young.guy> 写入消息新闻


May 27, 2003, 3:04:30 PM5/27/03
This artical shows racial discrimation against chinese~
Japanese tend to think they are the best, but in fact that they fear of
chinese being over power with tremedous enconomic growth.
Japan had denied the cruelty they did to china in history such as great
masscare in nanking.What a shame that their children can't see the real face
of their ancestor~

"katte" <> wrote in message news:3eb55f84@shknews01...

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