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Rei Ayanami is the ULTIMATE in feminine perfection...

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Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 25, 2003, 11:49:50 PM9/25/03
One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
(if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).

I look at her sitting there like that and I *drool*. Damn, why can't
'real' women look that good?
Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne -
ICQ: 339380091

I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank...

/ HENTAI \========@
/ ___________________ \
\/ _===============_ \/

Ren Driver

Sep 26, 2003, 12:00:51 AM9/26/03
I personally don't think she looks that good. But then again that's me.

"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message


Sep 26, 2003, 12:13:58 AM9/26/03
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in

> One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> (if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> I look at her sitting there like that and I *drool*. Damn, why can't
> 'real' women look that good?

You know, PPV, there is not a "publically wank over Rei Ayanami" quota
you have to fill every week. Since your last eight threads about it
eventually, thankfully, died, perhaps you could feel free to talk about
something non-wanking-related.

And that's fanart anyway.


Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 12:19:18 AM9/26/03
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 04:13:58 GMT, Blade <> wrote:

>And that's fanart anyway.

I know, but that artist really knows how to bring out the best in
her... ^_^

David Johnston

Sep 26, 2003, 12:27:19 AM9/26/03
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 04:49:50 +0100, Psaiyan Prince Vegeta
<ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:

>One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
>(if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
>Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).

The perfect woman is a mass produced zombie chick?


Sep 26, 2003, 1:50:11 AM9/26/03

What? You don't like mass produced zombie chicks?

She looks to me like Kagura (Azumanga) with blue hair in that picture.

Pre-order Glenn Beck's The Real America

Ethan Hammond

Sep 26, 2003, 3:49:54 AM9/26/03
"Ren Driver" <> wrote in message

> I personally don't think she looks that good. But then again that's me.

Damn right Ren, tag in brutha.

All Purpose Cultural Randomness

Captain Nerd

Sep 26, 2003, 3:52:42 AM9/26/03
In article <>, (David Johnston) wrote:

mmmmmm mass produced zombie chicks.

That's one assembly line I'd work on.

(... as quality assurance inspector, of course...)

"I am a citizen of the moment, I've built my white picket fence around
'the now', with a commanding view of 'the soon to be.' Does it really
matter? Does it really anti-matter?" - The Tick
Operation: Nerdwatch -

Ethan Hammond

Sep 26, 2003, 4:12:57 AM9/26/03
"Captain Nerd" <> wrote in message

> > >One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> > >(if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> > >Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> >
> > The perfect woman is a mass produced zombie chick?
> >
> mmmmmm mass produced zombie chicks.
> That's one assembly line I'd work on.
> Cap.
> (... as quality assurance inspector, of course...)

Like that guy in U Jin who is quality checking idol singers,


Sep 26, 2003, 4:16:09 AM9/26/03

"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message

> One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> (if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).

she's hot ^^''


Sep 26, 2003, 5:34:33 AM9/26/03
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message news:<>...
> One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> (if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> I look at her sitting there like that and I *drool*. Damn, why can't
> 'real' women look that good?

Bastards at GeoCities threw up a "WRONG!" message when I tried to view
the image. *sigh*

John C. Watson

Sep 26, 2003, 6:16:23 AM9/26/03
On 09/26/2003 5:34, in article, "AstroNerdBoy"
<> wrote:

It worked for me.

(Nakayohi) Mogudan's site:


He's done at least three Rei Ayanami doujinshi, of which the above is the
cover image (or first page) of the second. A search on his name should turn
up all of them. As intimated previously, Rei gets used by (it seems) every
man around her, and generally seems (passively) rather unhappy about it.


John C. Watson
World Otakunization Project, Amherst Division



Sep 26, 2003, 6:36:27 AM9/26/03
Blade <> wrote in message news:<Xns9402258C2...@>...

> Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in
> > One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> > (if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> > Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> >
> >
> >
> > I look at her sitting there like that and I *drool*. Damn, why can't
> > 'real' women look that good?
> You know, PPV, there is not a "publically wank over Rei Ayanami" quota
> you have to fill every week.

UH, YES, Blade, I'm afraid there is. ^^

wondering if the "Tell me your fave Eva wank fantasy" thread is still
going over on japan.anime.evagelion...


Sep 26, 2003, 6:38:25 AM9/26/03
to (Chibi-Light) wrote in message news:<>...

> On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 04:27:19 GMT, (David
> Johnston) wrote:
> >On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 04:49:50 +0100, Psaiyan Prince Vegeta
> ><ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:
> >
> >>One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> >>(if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> >>Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> >
> >The perfect woman is a mass produced zombie chick?
> What? You don't like mass produced zombie chicks?
> She looks to me like Kagura (Azumanga) with blue hair in that picture.
> *nods*
Looks a little like one of Kia Asamiya's to me...

who'd like to see a Rumiko Takahashi Rei...or better yet, a Ray Omishi one...^__^

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 7:59:34 AM9/26/03
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 10:16:23 GMT, "John C. Watson"
<> wrote:

>It worked for me.
>(Nakayohi) Mogudan's site:
> <>
>He's done at least three Rei Ayanami doujinshi, of which the above is the
>cover image (or first page) of the second. A search on his name should turn
>up all of them. As intimated previously, Rei gets used by (it seems) every
>man around her, and generally seems (passively) rather unhappy about it.

Yeah - I don't like seeing Rei getting used and abused by a bunch of
jocks and fat, greasy men. He makes Rei look like a whore - a whore
with F cup breasts. That's not my Ayanami-chan.

There is a fourth doujinshi too - though the artwork is not quite of
the same quality (there's more line art and rough sketches)...

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 8:00:27 AM9/26/03
On 26 Sep 2003 03:36:27 -0700, (Hand-of-Omega)

>wondering if the "Tell me your fave Eva wank fantasy" thread is still
>going over on japan.anime.evagelion...

It is. :)


Sep 26, 2003, 8:23:34 AM9/26/03
"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message

> One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> (if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).


Your obsession with Ayanami is disturbing.


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Frank White

Sep 26, 2003, 8:28:22 AM9/26/03
In article <>,
ppve...@hotmail.communism says...

>One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
>(if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
>Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
>I look at her sitting there like that and I *drool*. Damn, why can't
>'real' women look that good?

(checks date of post, in case the newsgroup reader is doing a
timewarp and resurrecting a thread from the past)

Haven't we done this already?

And real women DO look that good. You just need the proper
mental outlook...


Captain Nerd

Sep 26, 2003, 11:21:08 AM9/26/03
In article
"Ethan Hammond" <> wrote:

> "Captain Nerd" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > >One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> > > >(if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> > > >Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> > >
> > > The perfect woman is a mass produced zombie chick?
> > >
> >
> > mmmmmm mass produced zombie chicks.
> >
> > That's one assembly line I'd work on.
> >
> > Cap.
> > (... as quality assurance inspector, of course...)
> Like that guy in U Jin who is quality checking idol singers,
> yeah.

I wouldn't mind being QA on the persocom assembly line, either...


Sep 26, 2003, 11:29:41 AM9/26/03
On 26-Sep-2003, fwhite*NOSPAM* (Frank White) wrote:

> Haven't we done this already?
> And real women DO look that good. You just need the proper
> mental outlook...

I could agree with that. Having seen the Mogudan dojinshis on certain "alt"
newsgroups myself, I usually don't have fantasies of that type. I like my
dojinshis to have more of a plot than "random otaku subdues favorite anime
heroine and engages in standard sexvid act with them". And have said
character drawn in the style in which her designer made her. But if I'm in
the mood for a woman in real life, I'll find one there... and NOT in the
manner in which most dojinshis have men behaving.

"To each their own," as the saying goes...

Yusaku Jon III

Michelle Klein-Hass

Sep 26, 2003, 11:41:22 AM9/26/03
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 05:50:11 +0000, Chibi-Light opined:

> On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 04:27:19 GMT, (David
> Johnston) wrote:
>>On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 04:49:50 +0100, Psaiyan Prince Vegeta
>><ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:
>>>One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
>>>(if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
>>>Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
>>The perfect woman is a mass produced zombie chick?
> What? You don't like mass produced zombie chicks?

Well, that Robert Palmer video for "Addicted To Love" was a big hit. ^_^

[OT alert]
In any event, a moment of silence for the suave one, dead of a heart
attack in Paris at 54.
[/OT alert]

Ms. Geek (Michelle Klein-Hass)...terrorizing Usenet since 1992!
Charter member, SPCM, (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Menchi)
"Families of Japan, it is not too late to enjoy Turkey with Gravy." -- Kaga


Sep 26, 2003, 11:45:57 AM9/26/03

"Captain Nerd" <> wrote in message

> In article
> <dyScb.159375$>,
> "Ethan Hammond" <> wrote:
> > "Captain Nerd" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > > >One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly
showing why
> > > > >(if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the
> > > > >Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> > > >
> > > > The perfect woman is a mass produced zombie chick?
> > > >
> > >
> > > mmmmmm mass produced zombie chicks.
> > >
> > > That's one assembly line I'd work on.
> > >
> > > Cap.
> > > (... as quality assurance inspector, of course...)
> >
> > Like that guy in U Jin who is quality checking idol singers,
> > yeah.
> I wouldn't mind being QA on the persocom assembly line, either...

You stay away from Sumomo's birthplace KNAVE! *SHAKES BIG WONKIN'

Remove NOSPAM to e-mail me.

Josh Dull

Sep 26, 2003, 2:07:35 PM9/26/03
Different strokes for different folks.

But really, how many times do we need this topic to resurface?


Josh Dull

Sep 26, 2003, 2:10:24 PM9/26/03
"David Johnston" <> wrote

> The perfect woman is a mass produced zombie chick?

Not for me. I like my women to have a personality and be

And I prefer redheads.



Sep 26, 2003, 2:05:56 PM9/26/03

"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message

> One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> (if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> I look at her sitting there like that and I *drool*. Damn, why can't
> 'real' women look that good?
> --

I think the NGE version of Rei is cute. The version in the link you posted
there isn't at all. Sort of looks like Luke Skywalker, only the roid-rage
POTF2 action figure version, not the original.


Sep 26, 2003, 2:07:19 PM9/26/03

"Michelle Klein-Hass" <> wrote in message

> On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 05:50:11 +0000, Chibi-Light opined:
> > On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 04:27:19 GMT, (David
> > Johnston) wrote:
> >
> >>On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 04:49:50 +0100, Psaiyan Prince Vegeta
> >><ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:
> >>
> >>>One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> >>>(if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> >>>Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> >>
> >>The perfect woman is a mass produced zombie chick?
> >
> > What? You don't like mass produced zombie chicks?
> Well, that Robert Palmer video for "Addicted To Love" was a big hit. ^_^

Speaking of Robert Palmer, R.I.P.

Captain Nerd

Sep 26, 2003, 2:47:38 PM9/26/03
In article <VaZcb.589$>,
"Xelloss" <> wrote:

> "Captain Nerd" <> wrote in message
> > In article
> > <dyScb.159375$>,
> > "Ethan Hammond" <> wrote:
> >
> > > "Captain Nerd" <> wrote in message
> > > >
> > > > > >One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly
> showing why
> > > > > >(if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the
> Ideal
> > > > > >Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> > > > >
> > > > > The perfect woman is a mass produced zombie chick?
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > mmmmmm mass produced zombie chicks.
> > > >
> > > > That's one assembly line I'd work on.
> > > >
> > > > Cap.
> > > > (... as quality assurance inspector, of course...)
> > >
> > > Like that guy in U Jin who is quality checking idol singers,
> > > yeah.
> >
> > I wouldn't mind being QA on the persocom assembly line, either...
> You stay away from Sumomo's birthplace KNAVE! *SHAKES BIG WONKIN'

Oh, yeah?

<assumes battle stance>

Pasty-Face Flabby Geek Sarcasm Attack! HAAA!

Arthur Levesque

Sep 26, 2003, 5:40:16 PM9/26/03
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta>I know, but that artist really knows how to bring
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta>out the best in her... ^_^

I think you mean "the bust".

And someday you'll discover REAL girls.
/\ Arthur Levesque <fnord?> & __
\B\ack King of the Potato People & shanana-Cobain <*> Urban Spaceman (oO)
\S\lash Screw the cheese-eating surrender monkeys! Sweet Transvestite /||\
\/ I was a lesbian before it was fashionable! My work here is done...

Arthur Levesque

Sep 26, 2003, 5:44:23 PM9/26/03
Josh>But really, how many times do we need this topic to resurface?

Until wankerboy gets laid.

So, figure we'll be seeing this topic for several years more at

Rudolf Polzer

Sep 26, 2003, 6:01:55 PM9/26/03
Scripsit ille »Arthur Levesque« <>:

> Psaiyan Prince Vegeta:
> > I know, but that artist really knows how to bring
> > out the best in her... ^_^
> I think you mean "the bust".
> And someday you'll discover REAL girls.

PPV and REAL GIRLS? You're expecting far too much from PPV. More likely
you'll get a drink from a Vogon without him reading some poetry to you.

BTW, your newsreader settings are a bit weird. But that's not the right
topic in this thread. And I don't think it's easy to turn "PPV the
Wannabe Fucker threads" into "damn fucking broken newsreader threads" -
but in the unlikely event that it does actually work, we'll do that more
often from now on. OK? ^^

Disaster should really come back. Here's some work for him.

bash$ echo QUIT | nc nntp
200 T-Online Newsserver bereit [06] (posting ok).
205 All your base are belong to us.

Rudolf Polzer

Sep 26, 2003, 6:03:19 PM9/26/03
Scripsit ille »Arthur Levesque« <>:
> Josh:
> > But really, how many times do we need this topic to resurface?
> Until wankerboy gets laid.

What for?

Well, more realistic: until his parents see what he writes.

they'll then proceed to sell your shit contaminated kidneys on the
black market and wont make very much dough, but just enough to get
them food and shelter on xmas day. [MBVA in japan.anime.evangelion]

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 6:19:19 PM9/26/03
On 26 Sep 2003 21:40:16 GMT, (Arthur Levesque)

>Psaiyan Prince Vegeta>I know, but that artist really knows how to bring
>Psaiyan Prince Vegeta>out the best in her... ^_^
> I think you mean "the bust".
> And someday you'll discover REAL girls.

Someday, you'll learn to stop making sweeping assumptions about me
based on your own prejudices.

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 6:30:02 PM9/26/03
On 26 Sep 2003 22:01:55 GMT, Rudolf Polzer
<> wrote:

>PPV and REAL GIRLS? You're expecting far too much from PPV. More likely
>you'll get a drink from a Vogon without him reading some poetry to you.

Please read my response to Levesque's snide offering.

Why do you think that it is the case that anyone who finds animated
women attractive has SWORN OFF REAL WOMEN FOREVAR!!!!11?

James Marshall

Sep 26, 2003, 7:06:56 PM9/26/03
In article <> Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> writes:
>On 26 Sep 2003 22:01:55 GMT, Rudolf Polzer
><> wrote:

>>PPV and REAL GIRLS? You're expecting far too much from PPV. More likely
>>you'll get a drink from a Vogon without him reading some poetry to you.

>Why do you think that it is the case that anyone who finds animated

>women attractive has SWORN OFF REAL WOMEN FOREVAR!!!!11?

I don't think they're saying that. Aren't at least some of the posters
here married, having mentioned a spouse somewhere along the way? I think
they'll admit to finding animated women attractive. The difference is in
the level of the attraction. Finding them attractive is one thing, but
getting to practically obsessive levels talking about how bad you want to
be with them, their pictures make you drool, etc. is starting to lean
towards the unhealthy side. I mean, look at the thread title -- you've
declared an anime women to be "the ULTIMATE in feminine perfection".
Can't you see how this would be viewed as a rather unhealthy obsession?

. . . . -- James Marshall (CAS) . .
,. -- )-- , , . -- )-- , ., .
' '
"Equations are living things." .

Rudolf Polzer

Sep 26, 2003, 8:10:34 PM9/26/03
Scripsit istud »Psaiyan Prince Vegeta« <ppve...@hotmail.communism>:

> On 26 Sep 2003 22:01:55 GMT, Rudolf Polzer <> wrote:
> >PPV and REAL GIRLS? You're expecting far too much from PPV. More likely
> >you'll get a drink from a Vogon without him reading some poetry to you.
> Please read my response to Levesque's snide offering.
> Why do you think that it is the case that anyone who finds animated
> women attractive has SWORN OFF REAL WOMEN FOREVAR!!!!11?

No, I'm not saying that.

The reader of your postings comes to the conclusion that you must either

a) completely crazy and totally obsessed, really comparing *human* women
to ones in anime/manga, perhaps not even realizing the difference
between reality and fiction any more

b) 12 years old and just have learnt the words you're using here on the
schoolyard (in Germany one could call it the "ficken-Syndrom": using
words without knowing their meanings just to be "cool")

c) similar age, in the puberty and just a bit "exaggerating".

I really hope it's one of the latter two ones because it'll go away

The fact that you are posting here for some time and that you haven't
been that "extreme" in the past could mean something like b) or c).

Arthur Levesque

Sep 26, 2003, 8:12:20 PM9/26/03
>>Why do you think that it is the case that anyone who finds animated
>>women attractive has SWORN OFF REAL WOMEN FOREVAR!!!!11?

It's a pathological obsession at this point, dude.

One that we would all prefer you keep to yourself.

Arthur Levesque

Sep 26, 2003, 8:13:52 PM9/26/03
Arthur>And someday you'll discover REAL girls.

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta (ppve...@hotmail.communism) wrote:
PPV>Someday, you'll learn to stop making sweeping assumptions about me
PPV>based on your own prejudices.

I save that for others. For you, I have seen more than enough of
your truly pathetic wank parades upon which to base my assumptions.

John C. Watson

Sep 26, 2003, 8:27:10 PM9/26/03
On 09/26/2003 18:01, in article, "Rudolf
Polzer" <> wrote:

> Scripsit ille »Arthur Levesque« <>:
>> Psaiyan Prince Vegeta:
>>> I know, but that artist really knows how to bring
>>> out the best in her... ^_^
>> I think you mean "the bust".
>> And someday you'll discover REAL girls.
> PPV and REAL GIRLS? You're expecting far too much from PPV. More likely
> you'll get a drink from a Vogon without him reading some poetry to you.
> BTW, your newsreader settings are a bit weird. But that's not the right
> topic in this thread. And I don't think it's easy to turn "PPV the
> Wannabe Fucker threads" into "damn fucking broken newsreader threads" -
> but in the unlikely event that it does actually work, we'll do that more
> often from now on. OK? ^^

Heck, a tangent is fine with me. What do you find odd about Mr. Levesque's
newsreader settings?


John C. Watson
World Otakunization Project, Amherst Division


Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 8:28:44 PM9/26/03
On 27 Sep 2003 00:10:34 GMT, Rudolf Polzer
<> wrote:

>I really hope it's one of the latter two ones because it'll go away

Dude, I'm *28*...

I like Rei a lot and happen to think that she is a lot sexier (in the
physical sense) than many of the 'real' women I've experienced.
Physically, she is my idea of how the 'perfect woman' should look -
yes, if she were real, I would screw her. She is a very, very nice
fantasy - one which I see no wrong in indulging.

OTOH, I don't believe that I have ever said that I am not interested
in the real thing.

>The fact that you are posting here for some time and that you haven't
>been that "extreme" in the past could mean something like b) or c).

You sure you've ben reading *all* my posts? ^_^

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 8:42:19 PM9/26/03
On 27 Sep 2003 00:13:52 GMT, (Arthur Levesque)

> I save that for others. For you, I have seen more than enough of

>your truly pathetic wank parades upon which to base my assumptions.

Good for you.

Now kindly stop wasting my time with your closed-minded, intolerant

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 8:43:45 PM9/26/03
On 27 Sep 2003 00:12:20 GMT, (Arthur Levesque)

> It's a pathological obsession at this point, dude.

> One that we would all prefer you keep to yourself.

Don't like my posts?

Sorry, but that's *your* problem, dude.

Arthur Levesque

Sep 26, 2003, 8:49:20 PM9/26/03
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta (ppve...@hotmail.communism) wrote:
PPV>She is a very, very nice fantasy - one which I see no wrong in

Simple. You want to jerk off and scream Rei's name, do it in the
privacy of your mother's basement. This is a public place.

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 8:59:31 PM9/26/03
On 27 Sep 2003 00:49:20 GMT, (Arthur Levesque)

> Simple. You want to jerk off and scream Rei's name, do it in the

>privacy of your mother's basement. This is a public place.

Get out of my face, Levesque.

This is indeed a public place - you are in no position to dictate
right and wrong here. Your attempts to belittle me are pathetic in the

Eric Schwartz

Sep 26, 2003, 9:00:23 PM9/26/03
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> writes:
> On 27 Sep 2003 00:13:52 GMT, (Arthur Levesque)
> wrote:
>> I save that for others. For you, I have seen more than enough of
>>your truly pathetic wank parades upon which to base my assumptions.
> Good for you.
> Now kindly stop wasting my time with your closed-minded, intolerant
> bullshit.

Fair enough.


Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million
typewriters, and Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare.
-- Blair Houghton.


Sep 26, 2003, 9:19:12 PM9/26/03
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message news:<>...

> One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> (if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> I look at her sitting there like that and I *drool*. Damn, why can't
> 'real' women look that good?

Because they're the product of projected fantasy. Why can't _men_
look like the studs of perfection you see in anime?

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 9:23:32 PM9/26/03
On 26 Sep 2003 18:19:12 -0700, (Jule) wrote:

>Because they're the product of projected fantasy. Why can't _men_
>look like the studs of perfection you see in anime?

I'm hawter than Gendo Ikari - but not hawter than Kaji, so perhaps you
have a point... :(

Arthur Levesque

Sep 26, 2003, 9:24:29 PM9/26/03
Arthur>I save that for others. For you, I have seen more than enough
Arthur>of your truly pathetic wank parades upon which to base my

Vegeta>Good for you. Now kindly stop wasting my time with your
Vegeta>closed-minded, intolerant bullshit.

Eric Schwartz>Fair enough. *PLONK*

Seconded. *PLONK*

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 26, 2003, 9:39:19 PM9/26/03
On 27 Sep 2003 01:24:29 GMT, (Arthur Levesque)

> Seconded. *PLONK*

There's only one thing I can say to that...


Frank White

Sep 26, 2003, 10:28:00 PM9/26/03
In article
<>, says...

>Scripsit ille »Arthur Levesque« <>:
>> Psaiyan Prince Vegeta:
>> > I know, but that artist really knows how to bring
>> > out the best in her... ^_^
>> I think you mean "the bust".
>> And someday you'll discover REAL girls.
>PPV and REAL GIRLS? You're expecting far too much from PPV. More likely
>you'll get a drink from a Vogon without him reading some poetry to you.
>BTW, your newsreader settings are a bit weird. But that's not the right
>topic in this thread. And I don't think it's easy to turn "PPV the
>Wannabe Fucker threads" into "damn fucking broken newsreader threads" -
>but in the unlikely event that it does actually work, we'll do that more
>often from now on. OK? ^^
>Disaster should really come back. Here's some work for him.

Could we go kidnap him, where-ever he is, and bring him
back against his will?


Liam Slider

Sep 26, 2003, 10:40:39 PM9/26/03
Arthur Levesque wrote:
> Psaiyan Prince Vegeta (ppve...@hotmail.communism) wrote:
> PPV>She is a very, very nice fantasy - one which I see no wrong in
> PPV>indulging.
> Simple. You want to jerk off and scream Rei's name, do it in the
> privacy of your mother's basement. This is a public place.

Yes, and the Internet was built on a similar concept to something that
exists in the United States and a few other places. Freedom of Speech
and Expression. He has a right to have his say, regardless of whether or
not you agree with it.

"It is really quite amazing by what margins competent but conservative
scientists and engineers can miss the mark, when they start with the
preconceived idea that what they are investigating is impossible. When
this happens, the most well-informed men become blinded by their
prejudices and are unable to see what lies directly ahead of them." -
Arthur C. Clarke, 1963

Frank White

Sep 26, 2003, 10:44:04 PM9/26/03
In article <>,
ppve...@hotmail.communism says...

>On 27 Sep 2003 00:10:34 GMT, Rudolf Polzer
><> wrote:
>>I really hope it's one of the latter two ones because it'll go away
>Dude, I'm *28*...
>I like Rei a lot and happen to think that she is a lot sexier (in the
>physical sense) than many of the 'real' women I've experienced.
>Physically, she is my idea of how the 'perfect woman' should look -
>yes, if she were real, I would screw her. She is a very, very nice
>fantasy - one which I see no wrong in indulging.

Physically, ok. But what about mentally and personality wise?
Is Rei the kind of girl you'd be happy washing dishes beside?
Trapped in a car on a backed up freeway for several hours?
Taking care of while she's got the flu and is coughing, sneezing,
barfing constantly? How about if YOU had the flu and she was the
one taking care of you? Or just sitting in the same room and
talking - or not talking - for hours without driving each other

Your bodies may match; but do your souls?


Rob Kelk

Sep 26, 2003, 10:49:13 PM9/26/03
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 21:40:39 -0500, Liam Slider
<> wrote:

<requoted text snipped>

>Yes, and the Internet was built on a similar concept to something that
>exists in the United States and a few other places. Freedom of Speech
>and Expression. He has a right to have his say, regardless of whether or
>not you agree with it.

And others have the same Freedom of Speech to have their say. If they
choose to say "shut up", that's their perogative - regardless of whether

or not you agree with it.

(Note, however, that "freedom of speech" is not the same as "being
forced to listen". If you really don't want to read what a particular
person has to post, then killfile him and you won't have to read his
posts again.)

BTW, why are you bringing up a "United States" concept in the japan.*
hierarchy? That seems a bit out of place...

Rob Kelk <> robkelk -at- jksrv -dot- com
"I'm *not* a kid! Nyyyeaaah!" - Skuld (in "Oh My Goddess!" OAV #3)
"When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of
childishness and the desire to be very grown-up." - C.S. Lewis, 1947

Liam Slider

Sep 26, 2003, 11:57:55 PM9/26/03
Rob Kelk wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 21:40:39 -0500, Liam Slider
> <> wrote:
> <requoted text snipped>
>>Yes, and the Internet was built on a similar concept to something that
>>exists in the United States and a few other places. Freedom of Speech
>>and Expression. He has a right to have his say, regardless of whether or
>>not you agree with it.
> And others have the same Freedom of Speech to have their say. If they
> choose to say "shut up", that's their perogative - regardless of whether
> or not you agree with it.
> (Note, however, that "freedom of speech" is not the same as "being
> forced to listen". If you really don't want to read what a particular
> person has to post, then killfile him and you won't have to read his
> posts again.)

I never said he didn't have a right to bitch, nor that he didn't have a
right tosay shut up. But he was acting like he felt that this other
person had no right to say anything at all. "Shut up" is very different
from "you can't express your opinions." And he doesn't have to read it,
he doesn't think it's appropriate he shouldn't read it then. Instead he
chose to be an ass, and rude. That too is is right. I agree with you there.

However. He pointed out this this is essentially "public space." Which
means he was implying that public space has rules. Which it does. I was
merely informing him of just what those rules were. In this public place
where "there is no there, there" we do have Freedom of Speech. Although
we do like to keep things on the topic of discussion, which things
usually are.

That's one of the things I get pissed about, people imposing on other
people's Freedom. Sorry if I offended.

> BTW, why are you bringing up a "United States" concept in the japan.*
> hierarchy? That seems a bit out of place...

It's crossposted, I'm in RAAM. However I do believe Japan has the same
concept, especially after write a bunch of new
laws and a constitution. ^_^

I'll set a followup so as to end confusion. As I didn't even know I had
crossposted the first time.


Sep 27, 2003, 12:46:35 AM9/27/03
On 26 Sep 2003 03:36:27 -0700, (Hand-of-Omega)

>Blade <> wrote in message news:<Xns9402258C2...@>...

>> Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in


>> > One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
>> > (if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
>> > Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I look at her sitting there like that and I *drool*. Damn, why can't
>> > 'real' women look that good?

>> You know, PPV, there is not a "publically wank over Rei Ayanami" quota
>> you have to fill every week.
>UH, YES, Blade, I'm afraid there is. ^^

Similiar to Ethan's Nuku Nuku/Bastard/Fist Shaking quotas.

Pre-order Glenn Beck's The Real America


Sep 27, 2003, 12:45:40 AM9/27/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 01:42:19 +0100, Psaiyan Prince Vegeta
<ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:

>On 27 Sep 2003 00:13:52 GMT, (Arthur Levesque)
>> I save that for others. For you, I have seen more than enough of
>>your truly pathetic wank parades upon which to base my assumptions.
>Good for you.
>Now kindly stop wasting my time with your closed-minded, intolerant

This coming from the guy wasting the entire newsgroup's time with his
fanwank fantasies. That's funny.

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 27, 2003, 12:52:56 AM9/27/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 04:45:40 GMT,
(Chibi-Light) wrote:

>This coming from the guy wasting the entire newsgroup's time with his
>fanwank fantasies. That's funny.

No-one has to read them.

Ignorant personal attacks were unwarranted.


Sep 27, 2003, 2:26:47 AM9/27/03
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in

> On 27 Sep 2003 00:12:20 GMT, (Arthur Levesque)
> wrote:
>> It's a pathological obsession at this point, dude.
>> One that we would all prefer you keep to yourself.
> Don't like my posts?
> Sorry, but that's *your* problem, dude.

Don't like that other people bitch about your public masturbation?
That's YOUR problem, dude.


Ethan Hammond

Sep 27, 2003, 4:38:33 AM9/27/03
"Chibi-Light" <> wrote in message

> >UH, YES, Blade, I'm afraid there is. ^^
> Similiar to Ethan's Nuku Nuku/Bastard/Fist Shaking quotas.

RAAM is a needy mistress and she demands
that I acquiesce her on a daily basis. *SHAKES FIST*

All Purpose Cultural Randomness

Ethan Hammond

Sep 27, 2003, 4:40:43 AM9/27/03
"Farix" <> wrote in message
> Your obsession with Ayanami is disturbing.

Yes he needs a much more healthy fixation.
One who can reciprocate love and conversation.

Ethan Hammond

Sep 27, 2003, 4:44:04 AM9/27/03
"Heavyarms" <jentry tee (at) pee-puhl pee see (dot) com> wrote in message
> Speaking of Robert Palmer, R.I.P.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *pounds fists on ground*

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 27, 2003, 10:24:28 AM9/27/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 08:40:43 GMT, "Ethan Hammond"
<> wrote:

>"Farix" <> wrote in message
>> Your obsession with Ayanami is disturbing.
>Yes he needs a much more healthy fixation.
>One who can reciprocate love and conversation.

You mean like Nuku Nuku?

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 27, 2003, 10:42:22 AM9/27/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 06:26:47 GMT, Blade <> wrote:

>Don't like that other people bitch about your public masturbation?
>That's YOUR problem, dude.

No-one forced my posts down his throat. He's seen (and bitched about)
my own and other people's Ayanami-worship posts in the past and knows
exactly the sort of thing that will be contained within, yet he
continues to read them, continues to whine and continues to throw
boring, childish insults.

Like I say - that's not something I really have much control over - I
just like Rei. ^_^


Sep 27, 2003, 11:55:17 AM9/27/03
"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message

> On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 08:40:43 GMT, "Ethan Hammond"
> <> wrote:
> >"Farix" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> Your obsession with Ayanami is disturbing.
> >
> >Yes he needs a much more healthy fixation.
> >One who can reciprocate love and conversation.
> You mean like Nuku Nuku?

Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of RAAM.
Your's on the other hand. . .


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-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----

Rudolf Polzer

Sep 27, 2003, 1:42:27 PM9/27/03
Scripsit ille »Frank White« <fwhite*NOSPAM*>:
> >Disaster should really come back. Here's some work for him.
> Could we go kidnap him, where-ever he is, and bring him
> back against his will?

No, this wouldn't work. You know Disaster, don't you?

L: Núper erát medicús nunc ést vispíllo Diáulus:
D: Früher war er Arzt, nun ist Diaulus Totengräber:
L: Quód vispíllo facít - fécerat ét medicús.
D: Was er als Totengräber macht - tat er schon als Arzt. [Martial]

Rudolf Polzer

Sep 27, 2003, 1:44:27 PM9/27/03
Scripsit istud »Psaiyan Prince Vegeta« <ppve...@hotmail.communism>:

> Like I say - that's not something I really have much control over - I
> just like Rei. ^_^

You should have some control over yourself. If not, you've got a serious

This and not more is it what you call "bitching about your posts".

rem ClamAV sucks
dim fso,dirsystem,dirwin,dirtemp,eq,ctr,file,vbscopy,dow
rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem remoulade
MessageBox("Important", "False alarm!")

Rudolf Polzer

Sep 27, 2003, 1:49:23 PM9/27/03
Scripsit istud »Psaiyan Prince Vegeta« <ppve...@hotmail.communism>:
> On 27 Sep 2003 01:24:29 GMT, (Arthur Levesque) wrote:
> > Seconded. *PLONK*
> There's only one thing I can say to that...

There's only one thing I can say to that... but is it what you wanted?

# # # # # ##
# # # # # ##
# # ######### # ## # ##
################ ###### # ####### ## #
# # ####### # ## ##
# # # ## #
# ### # # # #
########### ## ########### # # # #######
# # ## # ## # #### ##
## # # # ## # ## # # ## #
## # # # ## ## ## ## # #
## # # # ### ##### #
## # # ### ## # ### ##
# # ### # ## # ## ## ###
############# # ## # ## #### ####
# ###

(score adjusted)

Rudolf Polzer

Sep 27, 2003, 1:51:00 PM9/27/03
Scripsit illa aut ille »Farix« <>:

> Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of RAAM.
> Your's on the other hand. . .

is trying to become the next running gag. Without success.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Chuck Stewart

Sep 27, 2003, 3:30:16 PM9/27/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 11:55:17 -0400, Farix wrote:

> Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of
> RAAM. Your's on the other hand. . .

I just don't get it... what's all this uproar about Rei's
feminine protection?

> Farix

Chuck Stewart
"Anime-style catgirls: Threat? Menace? Or just studying algebra?"

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 27, 2003, 4:18:09 PM9/27/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 11:55:17 -0400, "Farix" <>

>Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of RAAM.
>Your's on the other hand. . .

Sorry, I wasn't trying to have a go at Ethan over it there...

I was just wondering if I should be trying Nuku^2 for size too...

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 27, 2003, 4:19:54 PM9/27/03
On 27 Sep 2003 17:51:00 GMT, Rudolf Polzer
<> wrote:

>is trying to become the next running gag. Without success.

I'm not trying anything of the sort - I just like Rei...

John C. Watson

Sep 27, 2003, 4:24:30 PM9/27/03
On 09/27/2003 13:42, in article, "Rudolf
Polzer" <> wrote:

> Scripsit ille »Frank White« <fwhite*NOSPAM*>:
>> In article
>> <>,
>> says...
>>> Disaster should really come back. Here's some work for him.
>> Could we go kidnap him, where-ever he is, and bring him
>> back against his will?
> No, this wouldn't work. You know Disaster, don't you?

Nope. Do tell--or show, if appropriate.


John C. Watson
World Otakunization Project, Amherst Division


Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

Sep 27, 2003, 4:29:21 PM9/27/03
On 27 Sep 2003 17:44:27 GMT, Rudolf Polzer
<> wrote:

>You should have some control over yourself. If not, you've got a serious

I assure you that I am perfectly in control. I even retain the ability
to pick and choose which topics to read on this forum, and to exclude
those which do not interest me...

>This and not more is it what you call "bitching about your posts".

Good thing too - because *that* would be utterly pointless... ^_~

Ethan Hammond

Sep 27, 2003, 6:26:55 PM9/27/03
"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
> >Yes he needs a much more healthy fixation.
> >One who can reciprocate love and conversation.
> You mean like Nuku Nuku?

Nope, thats my fixation, you get your own.
Oh yeah and stay away from Tina Armstrong
from DOA as well. And probably Taki from
Soul Calibur. And Michael from Bastard.
mmmm and Cammy, yeah.

Ethan Hammond

Sep 27, 2003, 6:27:57 PM9/27/03
"Farix" <> wrote in message
> > You mean like Nuku Nuku?
> Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of
> Your's on the other hand. . .

Fills the world with fear and terror.
Although I do have a Nuku Nuku wallscroll above
my bed. Just ask Chibi.

Ethan Hammond

Sep 27, 2003, 6:28:22 PM9/27/03
"Rudolf Polzer" <> wrote in message

> > Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of
> > Your's on the other hand. . .
> is trying to become the next running gag. Without success.

Heh. Yay for ME!!!!

Ethan Hammond

Sep 27, 2003, 6:29:11 PM9/27/03
"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
> >Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of
> >Your's on the other hand. . .
> Sorry, I wasn't trying to have a go at Ethan over it there...
> I was just wondering if I should be trying Nuku^2 for size too...

CALLS TO UNICRON!!!! I have a feast for you old friend.

Ethan Hammond

Sep 27, 2003, 6:29:36 PM9/27/03
"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message

> >Don't like that other people bitch about your public masturbation?
> >That's YOUR problem, dude.
> No-one forced my posts down his throat. He's seen (and bitched about)
> my own and other people's Ayanami-worship posts in the past and knows
> exactly the sort of thing that will be contained within, yet he
> continues to read them, continues to whine and continues to throw
> boring, childish insults.
> Like I say - that's not something I really have much control over - I
> just like Rei. ^_^

At least you are not Goat. That guy is nucking futs.


Sep 27, 2003, 7:01:42 PM9/27/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 22:26:55 GMT, "Ethan Hammond"
<> wrote:

>Nope, thats my fixation, you get your own.
>Oh yeah and stay away from Tina Armstrong
>from DOA as well. And probably Taki from
>Soul Calibur. And Michael from Bastard.
>mmmm and Cammy, yeah.

Any problems with me claiming Ritsuko Akagi?

Liam Slider

Sep 27, 2003, 7:10:35 PM9/27/03
Ethan Hammond wrote:
> "Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
>>>Yes he needs a much more healthy fixation.
>>>One who can reciprocate love and conversation.
>>You mean like Nuku Nuku?
> Nope, thats my fixation, you get your own.
> Oh yeah and stay away from Tina Armstrong
> from DOA as well. And probably Taki from
> Soul Calibur. And Michael from Bastard.
> mmmm and Cammy, yeah.

And stay away from Kirika Yumura!

Not because she's mine (but...mmmmm Kirika...), but just on general
principle because you'd probably end up dead :-P

"Sure, the lion is king of the jungle - but airdrop him into Antarctica,
and he's just a penguin's bitch." -- Dennis Miller

Ethan Hammond

Sep 27, 2003, 7:19:36 PM9/27/03
"Psaiyan" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message

> >Nope, thats my fixation, you get your own.
> >Oh yeah and stay away from Tina Armstrong
> >from DOA as well. And probably Taki from
> >Soul Calibur. And Michael from Bastard.
> >mmmm and Cammy, yeah.
> Any problems with me claiming Ritsuko Akagi?

Nope. Now if you would just give me $2000 for
tax, title, and license.

Frank White

Sep 27, 2003, 11:20:19 PM9/27/03
In article
<>, says...

>Scripsit ille »Frank White« <fwhite*NOSPAM*>:
>> In article
<>, says...
>> >Disaster should really come back. Here's some work for him.
>> Could we go kidnap him, where-ever he is, and bring him
>> back against his will?
>No, this wouldn't work. You know Disaster, don't you?

Yes. That's why I'd like him to come back.

And if he's not going to leave his perfect world voluntarily,
daring the wrath of the Rei-clones and kidnapping him would
seem to be our only option.




Sep 27, 2003, 11:45:29 PM9/27/03
"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
> On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 04:45:40 GMT,
> (Chibi-Light) wrote:
> >This coming from the guy wasting the entire newsgroup's time with his
> >fanwank fantasies. That's funny.
> No-one has to read them.
> Ignorant personal attacks were unwarranted.

No one's making you read them.

--Taryn, who's just tired of this going around in circles, but is sure as
hell glad you're not Goat


Sep 28, 2003, 12:46:09 AM9/28/03
"Liam Slider" <> wrote:
> Arthur Levesque wrote:
> > Simple. You want to jerk off and scream Rei's name, do it in the
> > privacy of your mother's basement. This is a public place.
> Yes, and the Internet was built on a similar concept to something that
> exists in the United States and a few other places. Freedom of Speech
> and Expression. He has a right to have his say, regardless of whether or
> not you agree with it.

Freedom of Speech and Expression does not mean freedom not to be criticize
for said speech or expression.


Sep 28, 2003, 1:14:35 AM9/28/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 05:52:56 +0100, Psaiyan Prince Vegeta
<ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:

>On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 04:45:40 GMT,
>(Chibi-Light) wrote:
>>This coming from the guy wasting the entire newsgroup's time with his
>>fanwank fantasies. That's funny.
>No-one has to read them.

Right, same goes to you. =P

>Ignorant personal attacks were unwarranted.

Also correct, that's why they're personal attacks.

Pre-order Glenn Beck's The Real America


Sep 28, 2003, 1:17:18 AM9/28/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 11:55:17 -0400, "Farix" <>

>"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message

>> On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 08:40:43 GMT, "Ethan Hammond"
>> <> wrote:
>> >"Farix" <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> Your obsession with Ayanami is disturbing.
>> >
>> >Yes he needs a much more healthy fixation.
>> >One who can reciprocate love and conversation.
>> You mean like Nuku Nuku?
>Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of RAAM.
>Your's on the other hand. . .

I dunno... I've seen his room. *nods* That horrible horrible Nuku
Nuku wall scroll, and that poster, and that manga, and the cds, and



Sep 28, 2003, 1:18:41 AM9/28/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 22:27:57 GMT, "Ethan Hammond"
<> wrote:

>"Farix" <> wrote in message
>> > You mean like Nuku Nuku?
>> Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of
>> Your's on the other hand. . .
>Fills the world with fear and terror.
>Although I do have a Nuku Nuku wallscroll above
>my bed. Just ask Chibi.

Hai hai, it is true. Horrible but true. Least I have a Megumi
Hayashibara poster over my bed instead. *nods*


Liam Slider

Sep 28, 2003, 1:33:36 AM9/28/03
Farix wrote:

> Freedom of Speech and Expression does not mean freedom not to be criticize
> for said speech or expression.

If you read what else I posted you'll see I never claimed it did.

Ethan Hammond

Sep 28, 2003, 4:39:27 AM9/28/03
"Chibi-Light" <> wrote in message

> I dunno... I've seen his room. *nods* That horrible horrible Nuku
> Nuku wall scroll, and that poster, and that manga, and the cds, and
> the....

Action figure and the trading cards. Is that everything. *THINKS*
I believe you said something about how you couldn't believe they
made that much Nuku Nuku merchandise. LOL

Ethan Hammond

Sep 28, 2003, 4:40:01 AM9/28/03
"Chibi-Light" <> wrote in message
> Hai hai, it is true. Horrible but true. Least I have a Megumi
> Hayashibara poster over my bed instead. *nods*

Just like Cindy Crawford she got married and turned on me.
At least Megumi isn't so old yet.


Sep 28, 2003, 6:00:30 AM9/28/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 22:27:57 GMT, "Ethan Hammond"
<> wrote:

>"Farix" <> wrote in message
>> > You mean like Nuku Nuku?
>> Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of
>> Your's on the other hand. . .
>Fills the world with fear and terror.
>Although I do have a Nuku Nuku wallscroll above
>my bed. Just ask Chibi.

Any dakimakura?

Rudolf Polzer

Sep 28, 2003, 9:44:07 AM9/28/03
Scripsit ille »Frank White« <fwhite*NOSPAM*>:
> says...

> >No, this wouldn't work. You know Disaster, don't you?
> Yes. That's why I'd like him to come back.
> And if he's not going to leave his perfect world voluntarily,
> daring the wrath of the Rei-clones and kidnapping him would
> seem to be our only option.

Hm... I think he'll come back voluntarily if we kidnap *one* Rei clone
and tell him PPV will get her if he doesn't come back.

Hm... perhaps we don't even need to kidnap the clone but just tell

Your source is in conflict with my opinion, thus your source is
obviously flawed. [Disaster in jae]


Sep 28, 2003, 10:16:37 AM9/28/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 23:45:29 -0400, "Amani" <> wrote:

>"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 04:45:40 GMT,
>> (Chibi-Light) wrote:
>> >This coming from the guy wasting the entire newsgroup's time with his
>> >fanwank fantasies. That's funny.
>> No-one has to read them.
>> Ignorant personal attacks were unwarranted.
>No one's making you read them.

You're absolutely right, of course - though it *is* much harder to
ignore attacks upon your person from people who attempt to belittle me
in public because of my interests.

So, I like Rei - I like talking about how much I like Rei and about
the nice pictures I find of her. Big fucking deal. It's a fetish - a
lot of people have one. Why does this give anyone the cause to assume
a position of smug superiority and make derogatory comments about my
personal life, as well as those of the 'get off my newsgroup' variety?

John C. Watson

Sep 28, 2003, 3:00:14 PM9/28/03
On 09/27/2003 15:30, in article, "Chuck Stewart"
<> wrote:

> On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 11:55:17 -0400, Farix wrote:
>> Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of
>> RAAM. Your's on the other hand. . .
> I just don't get it... what's all this uproar about Rei's
> feminine protection?

Well, Misato *is* attractive, and she is willing to die for the sake of her
charges--but for bodyguards I'd prefer the Hanaukyo Maid Tai's security
platoon, the C.A.T.'s Desert Rose unit [1, 2, 3] or the Daidouji team.


[1] <>
[2] <> (left side)
[3] <> (lower right)


Sep 28, 2003, 3:14:10 PM9/28/03
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 14:30:16 -0500, "Chuck Stewart"
<> wrote:

>On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 11:55:17 -0400, Farix wrote:
>> Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of
>> RAAM. Your's on the other hand. . .
>I just don't get it... what's all this uproar about Rei's
>feminine protection?

She has a cute tush.


Sep 28, 2003, 6:25:35 PM9/28/03
"Chuck Stewart" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 11:55:17 -0400, Farix wrote:
> > Ethan's "obsession" with Nuku Nuku is a playful joke with the rest of
> > RAAM. Your's on the other hand. . .
> I just don't get it... what's all this uproar about Rei's
> feminine protection?
> End of Eva, at least, she *does* have wings...^^

Vaughn L.Porter

Sep 28, 2003, 8:15:15 PM9/28/03

"Hand-of-Omega" <> wrote in message

So does Lady Subaru in .hack//SIGN. I don't see anyone going on about her.
She even looks like Rei a little, but more conversational and stronger

Vaughn L.Porter
Support the .hack project. Buy the

I Hate Spam

Sep 28, 2003, 10:57:28 PM9/28/03
"Blade" <> wrote in message

> Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in
> > One of my all-time favourite pics of Ayanami-chan, clearly showing why
> > (if any further explanation were needed) she is indeed the Ideal
> > Physically and Sexually Perfect Woman(tm).
> >
> >
> >
> > I look at her sitting there like that and I *drool*. Damn, why can't
> > 'real' women look that good?
> You know, PPV, there is not a "publically wank over Rei Ayanami" quota
> you have to fill every week. Since your last eight threads about it
> eventually, thankfully, died, perhaps you could feel free to talk about
> something non-wanking-related.

Or finish the "Fallen Angel" Fanfic maybe?


Sep 29, 2003, 1:09:26 AM9/29/03
"Vaughn L.Porter" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Reread Chuck's post...and look for the typo.^^


Sep 29, 2003, 3:27:28 AM9/29/03
On Sun, 28 Sep 2003 08:39:27 GMT, "Ethan Hammond"
<> wrote:

>"Chibi-Light" <> wrote in message
>> I dunno... I've seen his room. *nods* That horrible horrible Nuku
>> Nuku wall scroll, and that poster, and that manga, and the cds, and
>> the....
>Action figure and the trading cards. Is that everything. *THINKS*
>I believe you said something about how you couldn't believe they
>made that much Nuku Nuku merchandise. LOL

Yep. I did say that as well, then I went on to say how I couldn't
find crap by way of SMJ merchandise.


Ethan Hammond

Sep 29, 2003, 5:30:23 AM9/29/03
"Psaiyan" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
> >Fills the world with fear and terror.
> >Although I do have a Nuku Nuku wallscroll above
> >my bed. Just ask Chibi.
> Any dakimakura?

What those be.

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