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[VOTE] JanusGraph 0.5.2 release

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Oleksandr Porunov

May 5, 2020, 8:51:49 PM5/5/20
to JanusGraph developers

We are happy to announce that JanusGraph 0.5.2 is ready for release.

The release artifacts can be found at this location:

A full binary distribution is provided for user convenience:

A truncated binary distribution is provided:

The GPG key used to sign the release artifacts is available at:

The docs can be found here:

The release tag in Git can be found here:

The release notes are available here:

This [VOTE] will open for the next 3 days --- closing Saturday, May 9, 2020 at 12:50 AM GMT.
All are welcome to review and vote on the release, but only votes from TSC members are binding.
My vote is +1.

Thank you,
Oleksandr Porunov

Florian Hockmann

May 8, 2020, 6:27:36 AM5/8/20
to JanusGraph developers
I checked the release notes and did a quick test of both binary distributions. VOTE +1

Jan Jansen

May 9, 2020, 6:52:37 PM5/9/20
to JanusGraph developers
I did a quick test of both binary distributions. VOTE +1

I think could work on releasing an extra distribution for hbase1 which is used for google bigtable, if I'm correct.
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