The Weekend's accomplisment: stop punishing myself

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Feb 4, 2013, 12:10:03 AM2/4/13
This weekend was really hard for me.

On top of being on antibiotics and getting rid of strep I was also very hormonal, and by sat night I was practically in tears and ready to kill someone or eat a whole cake by myself. You see up to that point I had not allowed myself even one slip up. NO sugar or any substitutes. So I texted Beth  and she wisely asked me why I was punishing myself? I had no idea. So I woke up this morning, marched myself to my local vegan bakery asked what they had that was vegan and used only agave (it was pound cake) and said "i'll take two slices." And that was breakfast today :)

Much better, and no more punishing myself.

Marie Emma Graves

Feb 4, 2013, 8:47:57 AM2/4/13
This weekend was hard on me too!  Surrounded by birthday cakes and pushy people.  I was upset at myself for giving in and "wasting" my precious "cheating sugars" on a store-bought-filled-with-dyes-and-preservatives-cake that I didn't even enjoy eating.  (and felt even guilty that I let them feed it to my baby!!!)  but you are right--we need to stop punishing ourselves and give permissions to be human!

Enjoy your breakfast! I'm going back to my one slice of ezeikiel toast covered with butter and baby slobber--because it is what I (not anyone else!) like to eat...

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Emma Graves
Between You & The Moon
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