Not Sweet on Sugar

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Abbey Hardy

Jan 28, 2013, 2:59:06 PM1/28/13
Hi All,
after hearing this on NPR a few weeks ago the seed was planted to get off sugar

Thanks Aynsley for giving us the supervision and motivation!

Elizabeth Rapkoch

Jan 28, 2013, 4:57:45 PM1/28/13
I woke up crazy sick this morning, so for better or for worse, watching sugar intake hasn't been an issues 'cause there is actually very little that sounds at all appetizing. I just had a nutrition-lacking small bit of rice pasta with garlic and EVOO, but can't stomach more of anything right now. Hoping for some veggie soup later...and lots and lots of water in the meantime. I am keeping your meal lists for inspiration when my appetite returns..


Elizabeth Rapkoch

Jan 30, 2013, 11:54:26 PM1/30/13
My fever finally broke! Still not operating at nearly 100%, but am feeling like I'm on the mend. My battle today was realizing that my stomach is not quite as ready for food as my eyes and taste buds are. I slept super late today and didn't eat this morning.

Lunch: vegetable soup, a few tortilla chips, and one bite of guacamole, which proved that guacamole was going to be a bad idea today. I also cheated and had cranberry juice mixed with seltzer (roughly four ounces of each). I have had so much water over the past few days trying to fight this bug, and desperately wanted another flavor. I switched to fancy water after lunch.

Snack: my husband made amazing stuffed mushrooms and I had a couple. Not the greatest choice for my still sick self and I quickly realized I was pushing too hard to eat so much. One would have probably been ok...the second, not so much today. They were really good though!

Dinner: Bobs Red Mill Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal with blueberries and walnuts from a local farm (best walnuts I have ever had!), with a dab of butter. I am trying up avoid corn with the sugar purge, because, due to not being able to eat gluten or soy, I tend to eat a lot of corn products. I decided that the brown rice, sorghum, and buckwheat in the cereal outweighed the corn.

My husband offered to get me ice cream to help my sore throat and I so desperately wanted to say yes! But, I didn't. Good choice, good choice. (It's not even 9:00 on the West Coast yet...I need a bit more cheer leading. Almost there...)


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