Day 4 - Emma & Orion

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Marie Emma Graves

Feb 1, 2013, 8:52:10 AM2/1/13
I realized that this sugar purge is also positively affecting my family.  Orion and I are sitting down together and having 3 meals a day with a snack or 2.  Because Joe and I are making such wholesome foods, it has been really easy to share them with O and he's been really into trying new things.

Breakfast--We did our usual eggs with ezeikiel toast.  Added fresh herbed goat cheese.  O ate all of his eggs, but didn't really want the toast.  I ate my toast, but refrained from finishing his!

Later we had a little snack of an apple drizzled with almond butter and some strained yoghurt.  Yummy.  OK--I added a little molasses and honey, but not much and it was for NUTRITIONAL reasons, really.

Lunch was sooo good.  I did a 5 minute flash in the pan of brussels sprouts in ghee in the cast iron skillet with the top on to steam 'em up.  I paired it with a side of Sardines in Olive Oil right out of the can and added a tiny bit of the herbed goat cheese (there wasn't much left)  Orion at everything I gave him (see attached picture) except what made it on the floor.  I had expected to have some leftover brussels sprouts, but I ate all of them.  And it was a lot. 

Thursday is my day off and DadaJoe goes into the city to take class at night, so I usually use the dutch oven to make a soup or a stew.  I used the leftover carcass from Sunday's Roast Chicken to create a chicken soup using all of the week-old veggies in the fridge.  Including that salad I was supposed to eat the night before.  (Orion ended up eating all the leftover steak and I just decided to have a cup of tea and go to bed early...)  While I was chopping veggies, we nibbled on a little carrots and celery and the rest of the hummus (I will have to make more soon!)

I almost forgot!!! I cooked the egg noodles separately so that we could each add as much as we wanted.  I only added a few to my soup, but before getting the food to the table I managed to get a whole fistful in my mouth without thinking.  And then I added more to my soup...Not my shining moment...maybe that's why I almost forgot.

We don't usually do a dessert, but Joe brought us home a box of mixed berries.  I ate the blackberries and blueberries.  Orion went nuts over the raspberries and finished them off.  What a treat:  fresh berries in winter.  I knew that Joe did it because he used to treat me (we call them goodie-goodies) with a cacao prieto chocolate bar once or twice a week and --with an awareness of the sugar purge-- went for something a little more within the guidelines.

I still have not touched the Trader Joes chocolate bars that are up in the cupboard.  If they were cacao prieto, they probablly would have been gone by now.  Or the two unopened boxes of organic ginger cookies that have been taunting me whispering "I'm organic, I MUST be good for you".   And I have resisted the urge to make a fruitcake with all of the dried fruit we have around here right now.

I have been waking up feeling better and not having so many sugar cravings...though I felt kinda yucky after those noodles...not sure if it was the guilt, the gluten...or the exhaustion from the day.

Emma Graves
Between You & The Moon
day 4 yummy.jpg


Feb 1, 2013, 9:18:32 AM2/1/13
to Marie Emma Graves,
Your fistful of noodles just had me cracking up. But only bc that's a trick straight out of my book as well!!
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