Vegetables and Alcohol, but not together

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Misty Fried

Jan 30, 2013, 1:41:53 PM1/30/13
Hey Aynsley,

I have a couple questions for you: First, can you give us the nitty gritty on veggies? What makes a serving? How much should we be eating? Nutrition values for cooked vs non-cooked? Greens vs Color? Starch vs everything else? Those sorts of things.

Also, I know most alcohol contains sugar, but is there anything we can have during these two weeks for times when we're in social setting and what a drink?

Thanks, Misty

Elizabeth Conroy

Jan 30, 2013, 2:12:53 PM1/30/13
to Misty Fried,
From what I remember vegetables and alcohol make a damn good mix together in a Bloody Mary ;) and correct me if I'm wrong but I think vodka is the lesser of booze evils on a sugar cleanse 

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Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Jan 30, 2013, 2:49:23 PM1/30/13
For starchy vegetables such as peas, beans and sweet potatoes, one serving size is 1/2 cup.  For all other vegetables, a serving size is 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw. ISH. As you know, spinach cooks way down, so 1 cup raw will not yield half a cup cooked. But kale might. Some things you really can't do raw and some things are better raw. It depends on your preference-veggies need to taste good for you to eat them!

Aim for 5 servings of veggies a day. This isn't as tough as it sounds-an entree salad could be 4 servings right off the bat. 

Some nutrients are lost in cooking, particularly water soluble vitamins in steaming. Some nutrients aren't "unlocked" until a food has been cooked, like lycopene in tomatoes. Some nutrients are much better absorbed by your body in conjunction with other nutrients, like iron and vitamin C.  Some vitamins are fat soluble and require fat to be absorbed. For these reasons, I really recommend eating whole, traditional type foods and food pairings. Tomato sauce with olive oil, corn tortillas with lime, beans and grain, etc.  Try to eat foods that are in season-in the winter, it's greens and root veggies. These really need to be cooked, so you'll do more cooked veggies. In the summer, it's cucumbers, baby greens, snap peas, sprouts, etc that are much better raw.

You want a variety of color and the deeper the color, the better. If you're doing 5 servings a day, aim for 3 of them to be dark leafy greens (broccoli, spinach, lettuces, kale, chard, etc) and the other two to vary. Maybe an yellow bell pepper and some mushrooms today and carrots and eggplant tomorrow.  

If you can, do a starchy veggie in addition to the other 5 to round out a meal instead of grain.  

Beth is correct-liquor without a mixer is your best bet for drinking socially. Or club soda/seltzer.  Though it might be more pleasant to enjoy one glass of wine with some cheese and nuts...

Hope this helps!!

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Aynsley Kirshenbaum
Fitness Nutrition Wellness

follow me on twitter: @aynskirshenbaum

Aynsley Kirshenbaum
Fitness Nutrition Wellness

Misty Fried

Jan 30, 2013, 2:55:07 PM1/30/13
to Aynsley Kirshenbaum,
Awesome, Thanks! So wine is ok then? Is one better than the other, red or white?

Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Jan 30, 2013, 3:00:04 PM1/30/13
All the studies point to red wine being good for circulation, but really, if you're only having one glass, have the one you want more
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