Day 3 trouble

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Misty Fried

Jan 30, 2013, 7:55:34 PM1/30/13
Today has been really tough. I have been starving all day and all I want is a large chewy cookie. Totally have the "hollows" (if you've read the Hunger Games)

Breakfast I had my usual egg and whole wheat english muffin with a little butter.
Snack was some white bean hummus, carrots, snap peas and high fiber crackers, oh and just a little piece of 70% dark chocolate.
Lunch, well lunch I went a little astray thought it wasn't my intention. My dad took me out for lunch and wanted Vietnamese. Healthy enough. Normally I would have ordered a noodle bowl with white rice noodles, chicken, veggies and sauce. I thought perhaps brown rice would be the better option so ordered chicken and veggies with brown rice, but the chicken came with a pretty sweet sauce already on top. Oh well. I ate the whole things. That should have totally filled me up, along with the three cups of tea I've also had today (pretty good liquid intake for me compared to normal) but no.
Tonight I'll have my tortilla soup with avocado, then wine and baked pears with friends.

What I would be eating if I didn't have a group holding me accountable: More chocolate, Cookies? Rice noodles and sauce. Some other type of dessert provided by my friends if I hadn't suggest baked fruit.

Thanks, Misty


Jan 30, 2013, 8:54:12 PM1/30/13
to Misty Fried,
I can completely relate. Today was rough. I woke up a bit cranky and everyone noticed. 
I was also very busy from the second I woke up
Breakfast: berries,nuts and a hard boiled egg. Cup of coffee with coconut milk

Water with kiwi and cucumber (my favorite fancy water so far) 

Lunch: cucumber sticks, leftover chicken salad, the second hard boiled egg I made 

Snacks: cheese stick, piece of 85% dark chocolate, olives, mango, pineapple  and almonds

Dinner: will be courtesy of Aynsley. Stuffed acorn squash with peppers onions spinach and chopped chicken sausage. 

I hope that fills me up otherwise I'm going to bed!! 

I'm still having trouble with wanting veggies. I usually choose fruit instead. 

I decided not to eat an almond croissant, venti hot chocolate from Starbucks, cookies, or waffles(the last one was really tough because I toasted a few for my kids). 

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