The end of week one...

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Allison Loxton

Feb 4, 2013, 5:31:42 PM2/4/13

This is a fairly long and boring catch up, I've been writing down everything I eat down in narrative and my WW app I just haven't had a chance to post in a few days! Overall, I'm really happy with how my sugar purge is going. It was definitely a helpful and interesting post from Aynsley about "cheating" and helped the guilt of eating a piece of my homemade pumpernickel bread yesterday haha.

Day 3 (Wednesday)


2 egg whites, 1 egg, ½ whole wheat tortilla, spinach, peppers, onions


Baby carrots, almonds, 85% chocolate, 1 laughing cow cheese wedge


Quinoa, black beans, onions, tomatoes, broccoli - split into two parts (thanks for the idea, Rachel!)


Same quinoa leftovers but I added sriracha hot sauce, light soy sauce, ground ginger, garlic, and peppers -- delicious!!!!


Apple, almond butter


I didn’t eat but normally would have:

- Pasta, baguette with butter, salad dressing, chocolate pound cake for dessert -- my boyfriend is Italian and we have family dinner at his grandparents’ house every week...  I made and brought over my own food tonight and I’m hoping BYOF(ood) will be sustainable to steer clear of that type of food every week.  I just always feel really weighed down after eating that and it makes me feel like I’m throwing away a lot of hard work. I enjoyed the meal just as much and some brave souls even tried my food!

Day 4 (Thursday)


- Apple, peanut butter -- ran late for work, had a presentation to do, no time!


- Huge amount of baby spinach, ⅓ of an avocado, tomatoes, tiny bit of goat cheese, balsamic vinegar and olive oil

- Leftover quinoa concoction from last night

*headache 1PM


- 85% chocolate


- Quinoa, broccoli, mushrooms, onions, parmesan cheese

Day 5 (Friday):


- Fage 0%, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, coconut water, almond butter smoothie


- Quinoa, broccoli, mushrooms, onions, parmesan cheese leftovers


- 85% chocolate


- Veggie burger with cheddar (no bun), half a baked sweet potato with butter, accidentally dipped the veggie burger in ketchup out of habit - probably a teaspoon of it before I realized what I was doing haha.

- Two cups of tea, tablespoon of honey because I went to a comedy show and that was what seemed to be the best option as I had to purchase something!


I didn’t eat but normally would have:

- The bun on the veggie burger, sweet potato fries, diet coke with dinner, split an appetizer or bite of someone’s dessert, two whiskey and diet cokes at the comedy show

Day 6 (Saturday):


- 2 eggs, spinach, green and red peppers, onions, colby cheese

Very late lunch:

- Taco salad: lettuce, brown rice, black beans, peppers and onions, salsa, chipotle seasoning, hot sauce, shredded cheese

- No real dinner, because we went out to watch the UFC and the choice was pizza or nothing so I ate an apple... and didn’t want to eat at midnight when we got home.


I didn’t eat but normally would have: 

- Added sour cream on the taco salad or tortilla chips/made it a burrito with the whole wheat wrap

- Slice of pineapple and hot pepper pizza (it’s more delicious than it sounds)

Day 7 (Sunday)


- Two eggs, spinach, sun dried tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, goat cheese


- Plain popcorn with cayenne sprinkled on it

- Apple, tablespoon peanut butter

- 1 clementine


- Quinoa, parmesan, mushrooms, broccoli

Superbowl snacks:

- Clementine, carrots, celery, ¼ cup spinach dip, I made pumpernickel bread from scratch so I had about a 1” cube of that to make sure it was edible! (didn’t want to poison the guests!), 85% chocolate square, one pasta shell to taste (it was a buffalo pasta dish someone brought)


I didn’t eat but normally would have: 

- Umm... more buffalo pasta, more pumpernickel bread, chips, pretzels, cookies, 7-layer dip, etc. etc. you know, all those tempting super bowl finger foods that were staring at me as I nom’d on my carrots :P

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