In case anyone is interested in what I'm eating

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Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Jan 29, 2013, 10:26:40 AM1/29/13
Not sure if anyone is interested in what I'm eating, too, but here's yesterday:
breakfast: left over collard greens and chicken breast
snack: dried mangoes after Spinning class
lunch: about 3/4 head of romaine lettuce with roast beef and mustard (like a roast beef lettuce wrap) and pickles
snack (though really this was an extension of lunch): 2 rice cakes with almond butter and broken up chuncks of 85% chocolate
dinner: chicken soup and way too much spinach pie. 

Today I had a handful of cashews first thing and just finished a big bowl of broccoli, half an avocado and some chicken meatballs. And some super dark chocolate.

I am hoping to cut out white flour for the rest of the two weeks and already failed last night when I didn't eat the crust of the spinach pie at first and then went back and ate some. I should have thrown the crust away immediately so it wouldn't be an option and really ask myself if I was still hungry after eating all of that spinach and feta. I suspect I wasn't hungry at all, it just tasted good. 

Also, I try to avoid chocolate at night because I sometimes struggle with insomnia and the caffeine, though in small amounts, doesn't help. But I *always* want dessert at night, so last night I had some more chocolate and of course couldn't fall asleep.  SO, I think it's really time to break the sweets at night habit!

Aynsley Kirshenbaum
Fitness Nutrition Wellness

Abbey H.

Jan 29, 2013, 2:56:49 PM1/29/13
looks good!
thanks Aynsley--
I really need to get that 85% chocolate!
this is my real pitfall! i usually have some chocolate in the afternoon
3-6 pm is my hardest time for bad eating
today everything is skewed earlier since i am home with a sick toddler :(
i have just given into a banana -- better than giving into something sweeter i thought

Sarah Conroy

Jan 29, 2013, 4:17:47 PM1/29/13
to Abbey H.,
Aynsley I'm the same. The chocolate, especially that strong, will keep me up all night, so I can only eat it before 5pm.

I'm rediscovering cottage cheese! Packed w protein and great creamy taste. I love it w fruit or on toast or wheat crackers w some avocado. YUM

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Sarah Conroy, Stylist

Rachel Cutler

Jan 29, 2013, 4:21:23 PM1/29/13
to Sarah Conroy, Abbey H.,
Anyone else out there trying to do avoid dairy and meat on this purge?  I eat 2 eggs and 2 egg whites per day otherwise I eat primarily vegan.  I would love recipe ideas.  This week has been lentils (and seasoning) with a bit of sprouted brown rice and pounds of kale for main meal of the day split into 2 parts.

Beth Conroy

Jan 29, 2013, 5:23:40 PM1/29/13
All I have to say is I love chocolate whey smoothies. Milk, 3/4 cup of frozen berries and 3/4 scoop of chocolate whey protein powder makes me super happy. Oh and I ate two whole avacados last night disguised as guacamole  for dinner last night and peanutbutter for dessert ;) So much for the veggies!! HA

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 10:26:40 AM UTC-5, Aynsley Kirshenbaum wrote:

Bryan Zuckerman

Jan 29, 2013, 5:36:11 PM1/29/13
to Beth Conroy,
So, last night i woke up and had some not the best as far as sugar
goes cereal, but got back on the sugar free bandwagon this morning.
So far:

-Turkey swiss lettuce tomato whole wheat wrap

that's it. It was a lot of food. Got some granola and plain soymilk
for later.
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Bryan A. Zuckerman, Esq.
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Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Jan 29, 2013, 7:28:40 PM1/29/13
Rachel, what about a seed burger like this?  (obviously leave out the cheese) 

Seaweed is always a good option-super nutrient dense. You can get seaweed salad at Whole Foods and any sushi place. It usually has sesame seeds on it, too, or you can add them

more nuts and seeds; wlanuts usually are delish with lentils, cashews go great with garbanzo beans, pistachios are great in salads...

tempeh is good once or twice a week

mushrooms are a great source of protein-great in soups, stews, sauteed with kale and other greens, fajita style and/or as a gravy/sauce

I know there are a few other vegetarians in the group-what are your thoughts??

Jan 29, 2013, 11:43:30 PM1/29/13
Hey, Rachel I, also, do not eat meat and try to limit my dairy
consumption; for the purposes of this purge I intended on adding a
little more dairy since I was trying also to limit my carbohydrates
which is difficult for vegetarians. I, do, however, eat fish and will
probably consume it a few times per week. As Aynsley suggested, a great
breakfast is a smoothie or a whole grain cereal like steel cut oats or
millet. Adding ground chia, flax, and/or hemp seeds to either would add
protein, fiber and omega 3 fatty acids, in addition, berries, cinnamon
and vanilla extract can also be added.. For lunch, a large salad,
adding chick peas and nuts such as almonds or walnuts would also add
healthy fats and protein. I know a salad doesn't do it for me so I like
to have a sandwich. According to Aynsley consuming 2 pieces of Ezekiel
Sprouted Organic Bread would be fine; for my lunch, today, in addition
to a salad, I had an avocado and melted cheese sandwich. Of course, you
can eliminate the cheese and add tomato and sprouts or soy (almond or
rice) cheese if you consume those things. I, also, usually enjoy a
combination of nut butters (org. almond, peanut, and tahini) with an
org. fruit juice sweetened fruit preserve. For the purposes of this
purge, I don't think the preserves would be indicated. Hummus with WW
pita or carrots is another idea. For dinner, i always have steamed
vegies usually broccoli or kale with olive oil, pink Himalayan sea nacl
and sometimes mustard. For an entree, i usually eat once a week a whole
grain pasta with a non sugared tomato sauce with diced up tempeh in the
sauce.Since I'm not much of a cook, I do rely on prepared foods like
Amy's organic frozen entrees or Trader Joe's canned vegetarian chili (a
little too spicy for me) Another idea would be to add beans,rice,
guacamole and salsa to a sprouted ww tortilla.

Good luck!


Elizabeth Rapkoch

Jan 29, 2013, 11:59:16 PM1/29/13
I would highly recommend the Gluten Free Goddess blog for vegetarian/vegan meal options. She has a quinoa, chickpea, spinach, and beet dish that is so yummy, and many other similar options. Definitely worth checking out even if you typically eat gluten!


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Rachel Cutler

Jan 30, 2013, 6:17:58 AM1/30/13
to Elizabeth Rapkoch,,
Thanks, everyone!

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