One week in...

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Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Feb 4, 2013, 1:45:43 PM2/4/13

How's it going?? How is this Monday different than last Monday?

Elizabeth Conroy

Feb 4, 2013, 2:02:30 PM2/4/13
to Aynsley Kirshenbaum,
Overall I feel much more grounded and energized. My cravings for sugar have lifted. I have been slightly loose with some choices. I've eaten breads, pizza (fresh brick oven and sugarless), some chocolate that's been less then 85%, and few diet cokes. BUT!!! I have not eaten any refined sugars, no candy, cakes, desserts, ice cream, dried fruit, etc.

It feels easier now and I'm looking forward to this week.

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On Feb 4, 2013, at 1:45 PM, Aynsley Kirshenbaum <> wrote:

How's it going?? How is this Monday different than last Monday?

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Misty Fried

Feb 4, 2013, 2:31:17 PM2/4/13
It's slowly been getting better for me as well. Like Elizabeth, I made some compromises to my diet but also resisted some very tempting items. I went to a coffee shop for a few hours yesterday and ordered smoked salmon, crackers and cream cheese (probably some sugar there), but did NOT order a chai, or any of the other donuts, cookies and scones in the display. I consider that a win.

Still battling hunger, even though my calorie intake is the same as before, but stocked up on some new snack items at the store.

We'll see how it goes.


Michelle Jabs

Feb 4, 2013, 2:53:26 PM2/4/13
to Misty Fried,
It's going pretty well. I've definitely "cheated" a bit, but with "healthy" things like whole wheat wraps (not cookies, muffins, or the bryer's ice cream that was on sale for $2.99 and I had to pass it TWICE in a week). There were so many things I could have eaten, but passed. Hey, I ate kale salad during the super bowl! But then I was still hungry and had a bowl of cereal (but plain cheerios, not a frosted flakes kinda cereal). I can't say it's been easier though -- it's HARD! I had to pick up a cake that my husband ordered. The smell of the bakery was so overwhelmingly lovely! I CAN say, however, that I am thinking about every single crumb I am putting in my mouth, and that has been my main goal (and of course losing some weight). Oh, what I wouldn't give to have a huge oatmeal raisin cookie right now, but I know that in a week, I'll enjoy it -- and hopefully only one (a small one, promise!).

I have rediscovered tea (without sugar or honey) and have really started enjoying "fancy water". I have to say that when I see what everyone else cooks, I feel pretty inadequate, but I'm also starting to cook (and plan) more, which I also think is going to help me change my eating habits for the future. So, to finally answer Aynsley's question, this Monday feels easier because of meal planning. The "go-ahead" we've been given to "cheat" without guilt has made things easier too. My husband cooked dinner Saturday night (which NEVER happens), and I enjoyed the udon noodles with tofu and bok choy with a glass of wine, completely guilt-free. 

Happy week 2 everyone!


Elizabeth Rapkoch

Feb 4, 2013, 4:08:08 PM2/4/13
to January 2013 Sugar Purge
Yesterday was not my most stellar day, what with fast food (emphasizing the need to plan for meals more effectively) and Super Bowl treats (though I did pair every bite of not-so-good choices with about three veggie sticks...seemed like a victory). Finally being pretty much over the flu, I feel like this week is going to be harder than last week when I really had no appetite to speak of. I am shocked to find that I am not craving sweet and haven't had the difficulties I had anticipated avoiding sugar, BUT I am going crazy with cravings for heavy, salty things. I will typically eat just about anything sugary and gluten-free, but I'm starting to think it may not be just the sugar, but sort of anything in that moment. I am noticing that I am much more mindful about what I am eating, which actually feels really good...especially as someone who has been known to mindlessly eat just about anything. I appreciate that there are guidelines to this plan, but not rigid rules that I have a tendency to apply to my eating habits (and exercise and work and relationships...). I am optimistic about this week...

After having obsessed over Super Bowl food for the better part of four days, I am now preparing for a gathering with friends next Saturday in which I have been asked to bake morning pastry treats (Elevenses, to be exact...pastries, coffee, tea). Gluten-free baking is one of my great pleasures, but I am now scouring recipes for a few things that I can take that will at least partially suit my needs, but also taste good for my sugar-eating friends. I think I will do a GF pumpkin loaf sweetened mostly with applesauce, and perhaps some cranberry scones with greek yogurt, and I am hoping for one more recipe. I would love any suggestions...for recipes and for managing with multiple sweet treats in the house at once!


Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 14:53:26 -0500
Subject: Re: One week in...

Allison Loxton

Feb 5, 2013, 8:03:12 PM2/5/13
This somehow turned into quite the ramble, so I apologize in advance, but...

I'm feeling really great about this sugar purge! I'm finding joy in the little hurdles I get past every day. I have will power in situations that were previously quite the battle. It's strangely empowering as I take steps to be present and honest with my body... "No, you don't want that munchkin donut. It's just there and it's just a habit." Beyond anything, I'm focusing on this as a lifestyle change and not a diet. It's an attitude adjustment.

I dreaded the Super Bowl all week. I stressed about what I was going to do to keep me occupied with healthy options. I gave myself a pep-talk every time it crossed my mind. And you know what? I made it out alive and I am comfortable with the choices I made. I know it's going to take more than two weeks to make serious change so I'm committing to two additional weeks to the sugar purge. That in mind, I refuse to give up my passion for baking in this conquest! It is my friend's birthday on February 16th and I'm going to bake her some cupcakes... and eat one!

One thing I have found helpful is a calendar reminder I set on my phone that pops up every day at 1PM. It simply says, "in a year from now you would give anything to have started today." Rarely has a sentence hit so close to home. I have lived it every day for the past ten years and I am doing my best to make that guilt a thing of the past. As of yesterday I'm down 9 pounds in about a month and a half which I'm very happy with. I hope to continue to move forward and make progress!

Claire Courtade

Feb 5, 2013, 10:23:20 PM2/5/13
I know Libby and Sarah (I think?) had the flu and strep, and I wondered how you both hung in there doing no sugar, but now have extra admiration for your sticking with it: this morning I got some kind of bug and have had nausea and vomiting all day. All I wanted was saltines, seltzer water and a little bowl of sorbet, which I had, and don't feel super guilty about. 

Overall though, even with a little superbowl cheating (pringles) my choices have been *very* different than they usually are, and I found tonight that the strawberry sorbet didn't even taste that great, and that I'm starting to crave vegetables and real food rather than chips and cookies. Everyone's emails have been really helpful and motivating--I read them on the train in the morning, even though I don't check in every day--they're really keeping me on track. 

Also, for people who live in Brooklyn--I rediscovered all the pre-made salads and vegetables at Damascus Bakery on Atlantic and Court. Their cabbage and carrot salads and tabouli are so amazing (or were, pre-voms) and super convenient for people who can't cook every night. Has anyone found a good brand of crackers? I'd like to move on from the saltines and would love recommendations. 




Feb 5, 2013, 11:08:04 PM2/5/13
to Claire Courtade,
Yes Claire, I had strep last week and it wasn't fun. By this weekend I was NOT fun to be around. Hence my major pig out on 2 very large pieces of vegan pound cake made w stevia. It helped.

I also replaced ginger ale w ginger kombucha and ate loads of strawberries, kiwi and smoothies to get vitamin C and soothe my throat. 

I feel much much better today and was SO proud I turned down the ice cream bar that they passed out in class tonight that everyone else ate. Pat on back.

Elizabeth Rapkoch

Feb 6, 2013, 9:55:05 AM2/6/13
I understand where you are coming from, Claire. I had a number of days where all I wanted was ginger ale and Popsicles. Instead, I drank a ton of water and herbal tea, and a little unflavored bubbly mineral water. I also made smoothies and sucked on ice chips. It helped that I felt bad enough that I couldn't get to the store to buy the things I really wanted, but I can't say it was easy or that the things I did have totally satisfied the cravings. I also tried to really listen to what was true hunger and what were cravings out of habit. I determined that I definitely wasn't hungry for a number of days, but I also think the ginger ale, in particular, would have helped me feel a little better. I wonder if small amounts of "medicinal" sugar would actually be ok?

I hope you feel better soon!


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Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Feb 6, 2013, 12:38:24 PM2/6/13
I'm so freaking impressed with everyone who has managed to stay purging throughout illness!

The truth is that sugar can really set you back if you're sick, as your body then needs to spend energy processing the "junk" instead of focusing on healing. BUT, if you're nauseous, I think ginger is a panacea!  When I was pregnant, I *always* had ginger candies like these on me. I would also always have real ginger beer, like Reed's, in my fridge and would mix some of it into water or seltzer when I couldn't drink plain water (or when it just sounded good). Ginger tea is also great, but there is something to be said for a touch of sweetness with the ginger that tea just didn't do for me. Ginger kombucha was also great

In terms of crackers, I love Dr Kracker Seedlander crackers. They are *not* gluten free, but they are delicious. (Sorry, GF peeps!) I also like Mary's Gone Crackers which are also delicious and gluten free. Though my absolute favorite crunchy salty thing is rice cakes. They're a staple of mine. I like Lundberg brand because they're a big proponent of GMO labeling and are GMO free.  They work for me when I'm not feeling great, too.

Hope everyone stays healthy for the rest of this season!


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