Here comes the weekend!

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Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Feb 1, 2013, 9:23:25 PM2/1/13

Happy Friday! As we move into our first purge weekend (superbowl weekend, too!), is anyone concerned about how to navigate maybe a bit less structure in their day and more social situations?

Personally, I an dreading a visit from my in laws tomorrow, they always stress me out and have me running for brownies as soon as they leave. I'm planning a strong workout in the morning before they come and will be thinking of all of you to keep me from letting their crap push me to eat crap.


Bryan Zuckerman

Feb 1, 2013, 9:32:02 PM2/1/13
to Aynsley Kirshenbaum,
i already had my epic fail last night. I think it was maybe the
buttered roll, shortbread and then bacon cheeseburger on the brioche
roll thingie. Felt horrible. Even today, I had some sushi, tuna,
avocado, and, you know, some white rice, still, felt awful. Fruit and
veggies and granola for me. That's it
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Long Island:
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Tel. (347) 221-0627

Misty Fried

Feb 1, 2013, 10:32:13 PM2/1/13
I must be really far gone. I am still hungry all the time, even when I'm eating normal items like my eggs and English muffin, which usually keeps me going all morning, but hasn't at all this week.

Today I had a bahn mi and potato salad for lunch, so not a great choice. It was due to a mix of waiting to long to eat and not having enough time to seek out a healthy solution. I felt fine afterward.

Dinner was a little better: Salad with egg and chicken, crackers with cheese and avocado, and a small bit of peanut butter with dark chocolate.


Feb 1, 2013, 10:42:44 PM2/1/13
to Misty Fried,
Hi Misty. 

I'm still hungry a lot too!  I know part of it is because now I am thinking about food so much more. I also notice when I don't drink water with and between meals I'm starving within an hour. 
This has always been my downfall with diets and eating healthy. 
You're doing a great job. 

Sent from my iPhone

Misty Fried

Feb 1, 2013, 11:10:23 PM2/1/13
Thanks Jeanmarie!

Aynsley, why is it we're so much hungrier without the sugar?

Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Feb 2, 2013, 12:17:05 PM2/2/13

There could be a few reasons you're hungrier. I'm not sure what you were eating before the purge, but you could simply be taking in  less calories now. If your meals are basically the same but you're choosing an apple over a muffin for a snack or even a meal add on, you're going to be hungrier.  If this is the case, eat more food!  Let go of the "shoulds" and deal with reality. If your normal serving size of X (if X is protein, veggies, fruit or tea) just isn't cutting it these days, eat more of it. Maybe you'll eat two chicken breasts instead of one. Maybe you'll have more greens and dressing on your salad. Maybe you'll eat the whole bowl of pho and then need a sandwich. It's ok.

Jeanmarie is right, it could also be because you're constantly thinking about food. Ever be feeling totally fine and then see an image of something scrumptious and all of a sudden you're starving? While the emails are awesome and supportive  there is a constant reminder that you're eating differently.

It could also be about food volume instead of calories. A piece of dark chocolate (or even the whole bar of chocolate) is not the size of a cookie, it doesn't have the mouth feel of a cookie and it just isn't a cookie. There are studies showing that people feel more satisfied eating 200 calories of grapes compared to 200 calories of raisins (duh, but there you go); food volume, add well as water and fiber will you up. So add more volumous foods

Then there's the aspect of when you want a cookie, something else just isn't going to cut it. That's hard. That's our work.

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