Confession, learning moment and goals

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Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Mar 27, 2013, 8:50:43 PM3/27/13
I have NOT been well enough prepared with my food this week. Yesterday I was hungry all day and last night I dreamt of food. Like, buffet upon buffet, things like cornbread and oatmeal.  So, this morning I resolved to have a solid breakfast instead of just a bit of fruit. I had lots of sauteed collard greens, parsley and a couple organic chicken sausages.  Awesome, I was happy and satisfied.  And then, I just could not pull it together to eat lunch. By 3pm, I finally had a chance to eat and was starving. I inhaled my arugula, carrot, radish and parsley salad. Delicious, but not nearly enough by that point.  I ate an entire package of Applegate farms deli turkey and was still hungry. I had some Babycakes brownie in my freezer and succumbed to that, too.  Now, it was gluten-free and vegan, so not necessarily a "cheat" but I really wasn't planning to eat junk food on the cleanse.  

Okay, so this was a learning moment.  I *must* have ready to eat, satisfying food available.  That means prepping the veggies the night before and having ready to go protein and snacks available.  Today I restocked my organic raw nuts, bought some chicken breast and  wrote out a grocery list of things to buy tomorrow on my way home from the gym.  I will not let myself get to this point again!

Anyone else have any AHA moments the past couple of days??


Mar 27, 2013, 9:57:54 PM3/27/13
to Aynsley Kirshenbaum,
I haven't had a problem being prepared but I can say that my body is not a huge fan of the diet change (gross I know). But it seems to be settling down now, but I did eat some white rice last night to calm my stomach down. I don't consider that cheating bc the alternative was not cute.

Ok I'll stop over-sharing now.
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