how'd it go??

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Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Feb 11, 2013, 9:38:49 AM2/11/13
How's everyone doing today?? Anyone putting less sugar in their coffee this morning? Or did the danish for breakfast win out?  

Elizabeth Conroy

Feb 11, 2013, 11:40:56 AM2/11/13
to Aynsley Kirshenbaum,
So I had a weekend full of the crappiest food ever, seriously. I'm even too embaressed to share ;), but today in yoga I felt gross and groggy and all I was craving was veggie and fruit-juice. So I'm going to Juice cleanse today and start a new week sugar free again. It made me feel good and wasn't really too hard so I'd have to say this experiment was a game changed for me moving forward :) xo

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On Feb 11, 2013, at 9:38 AM, Aynsley Kirshenbaum <> wrote:

How's everyone doing today?? Anyone putting less sugar in their coffee this morning? Or did the danish for breakfast win out?  

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Elizabeth Rapkoch

Feb 11, 2013, 12:04:43 PM2/11/13
I am in the same boat as Beth...this weekend was something else. I too feel less than great today, but with my smoothie and toast for breakfast and the huge salad I am craving for lunch, I think I will be back on track quickly. I suspect the weekends will continue to be the most challenging for me in general. I definitely felt "cleaner" and less weighed down this week without the afternoon crashes that I am accustomed to, so the purge was beneficial for me too!

Aynsley shared a really fabulous smoothie recipe with me last summer that I wanted to pass along for anyone who likes iced coffee drinks. Leftover coffee chilled in the fridge, unsweetened chocolate almond milk,   chocolate protein powder (the low sugar stuff), handful of spinach, and a bit of frozen banana for sweetness. I actual prefer it without the banana, but it definitely hits the frappaccino/milkshake button in a much healthier way!


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Claire Courtade

Feb 11, 2013, 12:47:47 PM2/11/13
Well, me too. I sort of gave in on Saturday morning and had a chocolate croissant, a few shortbread cookies, and a bowl of pasta (soba) over the weekend. But, all the things I had that were outright sweets were not as much fun as they usually are--they tasted overly sweet. This morning for the first time in two weeks I put about 10 raisins and a teaspoon of brown sugar in my oatmeal (much less than I ordinarily would, although my usual pre-purge breakfast is a muffin the size of my face), and still I could barely eat it--I think I actually much prefer it with just fresh apple and cinnamon. Overall I'm much more conscientious about what I'm eating, and I think the purge has definitely broken me of the desperate or unthinking reaching for cookies and ice cream that's been my way of life for a LONG time. 

Libby, I know what you mean about weekends being tougher, but I'm so glad that I participated! Everyone, thank you so much for the support--I definitely wouldn't have lasted a day without these emails. 

I plan to go forward with (mostly) sugar-free meals, and limit what I do take in to be my very favorite foods (pasta, apple crisp, homemade biscuits--my A-list--just once every two or three days) and continue to say no to the crap sugar foods that the purge has given me the willpower to get over. 

Thanks so much for your help, Aynsley! It's been great. 



Feb 11, 2013, 12:46:37 PM2/11/13
to Elizabeth Rapkoch,
Hi all. 
I have been eating crap since Friday. I was embarrassed as well. I have to say I didn't enjoy any of it!! I'm hoping once my daughter is better and we get back home I can start buying fruits and veggies because that's what I really want. 

Good luck everyone. 

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Misty Fried

Feb 11, 2013, 4:00:42 PM2/11/13
Congratulations to everyone! I'm really impressed with everyones commitment and new outlooks on food.

I also caved early on in the weekend but I'm fine with that. I'm feeling about the same as I did before the purge, but as I mentioned earlier, for me I think it, it's really about balance. I still love sugar, but I'm going to be more thoughtful about which sweets I choose, and I want to balance my fat/protein/carbs so they're even. I'm looking forward to not just eating "healthy", but actually thinking about what "heathy" is. Does that makes sense? 

I did find some great snacks that satisfied my sweet tooth, but are definite but are super healthy. Go Raw Ginger Snaps, sweetened with dates, and Kaia Foods Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds. 



Feb 11, 2013, 4:40:02 PM2/11/13
to Misty Fried,
Ha I caved yesterday too! I ate a little bit if King Cake that was overnighted from NOLA. Was crazy about how the sugar made me feel though, 1/2 guilt 1/2 rush.

But needless, I loved the break and would gladly do it again. I also think that I'm on a healthier road than I was two weeks ago and for that I'm super thankful!!
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