today's menu (please don't feel like you need to read this...I just feel like I need to write it!!!)

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Marie Emma Graves

Jan 29, 2013, 9:03:19 PM1/29/13
Breakfast (Shared with Orion)

3 Amish eggs with homemade salsa (made with ac vinegar) and Ezeikiel toast.  Initially, I didn't make one for myself and then I decided that I needed to.  Also--I went ahead and smothered them in butter.  I was assured that the organic cows who churned my butter were home-schooled.  The butter was the best part of my day.  Oh yeah...and the sourkraut.  I think saurkraut could save the world...

Lunch was more leftover tabouleh made with quinoa instead of cous cous.  And then I made a banana split with a banana, some almond butter and homemade strained hawthorne valley farm yogurt.  I tried to deny myself the banana.  Was NOT going to happen

Snack snack snack on some fresh pineapple chunks.  MMMMmmm yum.  and had a little of Orion's pear and sheep cheese for his snack time.

at 5:30 I was ready to eat my hand, so I had a few blue corn chips with homemade salsa.  I didn't eat the whole bag (like I have in the past) just poured a few in a bowl.

Dinner was really good.  Ribeye Steak and grilled asparagus in a lemon butter sauce.  Orion loved it and kept wanting more, so I didn't get to each as much of it as I wanted to.  Joe promised to get a bigger cut of meat next time! 

Today was easier, but I still wanted to dig out the cookies that I know Joe has hidden around here!

Check out this picture of breakfast.

breakfast day 2.jpg

Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Jan 29, 2013, 10:07:37 PM1/29/13
This reminds me to mention how amazingly healthful fermented foods (like sauerkraut) are!! Not that it has anything to do with sugar purging, just for general health... So enjoy your pickles, tempeh, miso, yogurt, sauerkraut and kombucha :-)

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Aynsley Kirshenbaum
Fitness Nutrition Wellness


Jan 29, 2013, 10:09:52 PM1/29/13
That looks great!!!

Marie Emma Graves

Jan 30, 2013, 6:50:32 PM1/30/13
Day 3 and counting...

Breakfast (shared with Orion--very sweet by candlelight)  2 eggs, homemade salsa, and avocado.  Orion ate an entire apple by himself--except the couple bites he gave me!

We had a brief snack before playgroup--a little hummus and a few tortilla chips--I will make sure to have some carrot and celery stick for tomorrow!

We had lunch with a few mommas after the playgroup--knowing I had to stay within the guidelines made it easy for me to order at Karloffs--I got the grilled veggies with goat cheese sandwich with a salad on the side.  I ordered a side of grilled veggies and saurkraut for O and gave him one piece of the rye bread brom my salad.  We both left very satisfied.

We had a snack of an orange split between Orion, Joe and myself (the sweeeeetest part of my day) and I had a little bit of the pear and cheese that I also cut up for him.

Dinner tonight will be a simple salad with some peppers, avocado, tomatoes and some of Joe's leftover steak.  Yum. 

What I didn't eat:  a trader joes 74% chocolate bar in my cabinet.  The ENTIRE bag of tortilla chips...french fries at Karloffs...

How I feel:  GREAT.  But tired.

That looks great!!!
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Emma Graves
Between You & The Moon
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