Day 5 and this weekend's expectations

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Marie Emma Graves

Feb 2, 2013, 8:43:28 AM2/2/13
Day 5 (as tried to be remembered on day 6...)

Morning was fruit.  Fruit, Fruit Fruit.  First a banana (I had 1/3rd) and then a pear cut up with slices of Manchego cheese.  Mmmmm...and then we all 3 devoured the rest of the fruit from the night before.  Raspberries (Orion's favorite) Blackberries (adored by Joe) and Blueberries (a GIANT comfort food for of my first memories with my mother--who owned a bakery as I was growing up--was a day that we went blueberry picking and then I made my first pie all by myself and the crust came out perfect...)

We rushed to music class and didn't have time to eat, so we had some toast and cottage cheese with beet/cabbage saurkraut when we go t back.  Friday afternoon is a big workday for me--so I didn't really have anything except 2 slices of dried papaya and 2 Mary's Gone Crackers (I would have had more, but the kids ate them all up).  That would have usually been a chocolate bar or maybe a bag of blue corn chips.  And  cup of herbal tea--no milk or honey. 

Joe made dinner (which he does many nights a week and it's usually paleo--even though he doesn't know what that means, he just IS caveman at heart) which was porkchops and asparagus.  Joe INSISTED on a sweet dessert, so I brought a big apple to the table on a chopping board and a little bowl of cinnamon.  We lit our "gratitude candle" and I cut up the apple, sprinkled on cinnamon, and doled out the pieces.  It was a very sweet and satisfying dessert.

I wanted to get a cup of the very veggie soup from Thursday in there, but alas--it didn't happen. 

Sunday will take some effort.  We will be spending the day at my in-law's in NJ.  We are Celebrating Orion's Birthday, as well as Joe's Mother (and, technically we should be celebrating Joe's too-but he keeps saying we're not)  Not only am I going to be pressured to have cake (they pressured me hard to eat sugar when I was pregnant even though I kept testing high for gestational diabetes--saying I am starving the baby) because I am too thin and that that "healthy" way I eat "organic" is weird and everyone at these --very large-- parties asks me how my "Organic Diet" is going.  I, personally, have tried in the past to not talk about food, but I have a new plan for this time.

When they ask "How is your Organic Diet going?"  I will say "Oh, It's great thank you!  I feel wonderful!"  And if they push it--I will tell them about how healthy my family has been this winter and how I've almost gotten my pre-baby body back...and that it just FEELS GOOD to eat well.  Yes, they will continue to think I'm weird and yes, I will have a few bites of some of the amazing tasty foods--but I need to start looking at their questions as them being curious instead of assuming that they are judging me!

There will be lots of good home made food and I will check the ingredients on the junk food to decide if I want to do it (most likely not) and, of course, I already know that dominoes pizza is disgusting and that I just have to move one slice around the plate and cut it into smaller and smaller pieces until it disappears into a paper napkin...and goes away.


Emma Graves
Between You & The Moon
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