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Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Jan 31, 2013, 8:49:45 PM1/31/13
Hi all!
Well, day four is coming to a close. And I've gotten several comments about "cheating." Almost all of them have been "I was determined to make a better choice. Instead of sugar laden, no nutritional value X, I ate nutrient-dense, somewhat sweet Y. But now I think that Y was cheating."

Of course we are all coming into the purge with different goals, but I think one of the universal ones is to consciously make better food choices. So even if food Y isn't ideal or perfect or has more sugar than you'd hoped you'd consume, you are clearly meeting that primary goal. How awesome that Abbey chose a banana when she was clearly stressed and hungry and would have ordinarily reached for something else. How awesome that Misty found an amazing delicious dessert that's simple, healthy and such a crowd pleaser. It's a process, guys, no one needs to be perfect. We live in the real world: it's flu season, it's tax season, we go on dates, our husbands hide cookies or offer ice cream...we're all going through it.

So, don't apologize for "cheating" which is not cheating at all, it's making sustainable changes. And don't apologize if you really do go on a sugar bender. Acknowledge it, see if you can see where it came from and then move on, making the next choice a better one.


Claire Courtade

Feb 1, 2013, 12:04:11 PM2/1/13
to Aynsley Kirshenbaum,
Hi Aynsley, 

I wondered if you could tell us a little about why we're avoiding fake sugar--my diet coke habit has been a struggle to kick this week, and then I realized that my trident probably also falls into that category. 
Are we giving it up because it's totally disgusting, or does eating that stuff work against us in other ways? Just curious. I've always felt guilty about consuming it, and would love to get your take. Am I the only one in the group who's a DC addict? I don't think it's come up yet... 

Thanks so much for your support! 



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Elizabeth Rapkoch

Feb 1, 2013, 2:14:15 PM2/1/13
to January 2013 Sugar Purge
You are not alone, Claire. Coke Zero is my very good friend...(and nemesis...)  Years ago my naturopath told me I was better off drinking regular Coke because "better to mess with real sugar than fake sugar", which worked for awhile...then, not so much...


Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 12:04:11 -0500
Subject: Re: cheating

Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Feb 1, 2013, 4:46:16 PM2/1/13

Great question!

The short answer is that it's unclear how artificial sweeteners affect blood sugar. For our purposes, we want to try to keep blood sugar as stable as possible.

Some studies find that sweeteners increase sweet cravings, others find them to be really hard on the liver, still others have found that they cause your fat stores to go into over drive and want to hold onto more fat...personally, I just try to stay away from things that don't offer my body any nutritional value.

I suggest you do a little Googling if you want to dig deeper. My nutritionist suggested I do it when I was having a hard time giving up my diet coke with Splenda habit and that's what finally did it. The second (and third, fourth, fifth and sixth) thing that pops up aren't so great

Abbey H.

Feb 1, 2013, 8:44:44 PM2/1/13
This brings up something i bought recently--
i don't do artificial sweeteners (usually eta too much sugar to need artificial sweets, ha!)
but when i was looking for the 85% cacao chocolate bar
the one i saw had sugar in it
and next to it was a bar of something called Simply Lite-Sugar Free-Dark chocolate bar
it is sweetened with maltitol
curious how this ranks in the blood sugar realm?
i have had a few pieces and didn't feel a spike or the usual high i get from chocolate :(
but it did satisfy the craving for a chocolate flavor :)

doing pretty good here
finding my appetite is decreased a bit
have only cheated on some agave in my tea
and this chocolate bar thingamajig

and the recipe for my son's birthday cake that i have to make this weekend
calls for agave only so i am eating it! ha!
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Aynsley Kirshenbaum

Feb 1, 2013, 9:28:19 PM2/1/13

I know exactly the bar you're taking about. Malitol is another sugar alcohol, your body can't digest it. If you didn't have any gastro distress after eating it, go for it. But the sugar added to 85% chocolate is pretty minimal and it has so much fat that your blood sugar doesn't spike. Basically if you want to avoid, if not fake food, a manipulated food, stick with the real stuff :)

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