Do I need to decref for each member or is it enough to decref root?

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Sadeep Madurange

Oct 9, 2022, 4:23:15 AM10/9/22
to Jansson users
Apologies if this question has been asked before. I couldn't find an answer searching here or the doc. If I have a root object and an array member containing string values. I get string values from the array and copy them to my own strings by looping the array.

My question is, at the end of this copying, should I call decref for each item in the array, or can I just call decref at the end of the function on root? Will it cleanup everything in it?

Petri Lehtinen

Oct 9, 2022, 1:11:35 PM10/9/22
You should only decref the root. It “owns” the contained values and will manage their refcounts. 


Sadeep Madurange <> kirjoitti 9.10.2022 kello 11.23:

Apologies if this question has been asked before. I couldn't find an answer searching here or the doc. If I have a root object and an array member containing string values. I get string values from the array and copy them to my own strings by looping the array.

My question is, at the end of this copying, should I call decref for each item in the array, or can I just call decref at the end of the function on root? Will it cleanup everything in it?

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