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One more thing...

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Ross Singer

Oct 10, 2008, 11:03:07 AM10/10/08
I realize the spec document is kind of a tough read right now. Even
by improving the prose, I think it will remain pretty dense. After
all, it's a spec document.

So once the spec is released, I would like to put together an
implementation guide, something that's a little easier to read, flows
better and is more geared towards outcomes than reference. If there's
any takers on co-authoring, come on down.

The spec will remain as the definitive go-to for the ins and outs of
how Jangle should operate, but the implementers guide would be the
preferred starting point for a new developer/implementer.

So, I guess my point is, yes I know the spec doc is daunting, but
don't let that dissuade you :)


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