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Jangle in fac-back-opac

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Ross Singer

Nov 10, 2008, 12:31:39 PM11/10/08
Hi all,

So I've gotten very rudimentary support for Jangle into
fac-back-opac/Helio/Kobold Chieftain. The indexer pulls from the demo
Jangle's Resources Atom feed (and it would be pretty easy to have it
operate on timestamps, so incremental updates can be made every hour
or whatever) and the search/full record display shows the "current"
status of an item. Current is quotes there, because this isn't an
actual working library, so no circulation activity has happened since
I contrived a bunch of transactions in the initial data load.

Some possible next steps would be to incorporate current availability
into the Solr schema so that can be facet and update every 10 or 15
minutes or so.

Anyway, you can play around with it at:


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