Jane 2.2 released!

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Joern Wuebker

Feb 4, 2013, 11:14:07 AM2/4/13
to jane-ann...@googlegroups.com
Dear Jane users,

I am happy to announce that the new version 2.2 of the RWTH's SMT toolkit Jane is now
available for download at http://www.hltpr.rwth-aachen.de/jane .

We have also updated the Jane manual and extended it with usage
instructions for some of Jane's more advanced features.

Changes in Jane 2.2 are:

* translation
 - hybrid LM look-ahead in source cardinality synchronous search (SCSS)
 - lexicalized reordering models for phrase-based decoder
 - support for source-side discontinuous phrases in the phrase-based decoder

* phrase training
 - relaxed constrained search
 - backoff phrases can be specified in a separate file (e.g. to integrate user feedback)

* n-best output
 - unified format for additional information in n-best entries
 - used phrases and alignment informations can be exported as additional information
 - fixed bug resulting in duplicate n-best entries

* bugfix for server communication in distributed translation

* tools
 - rudimentary Moses-to-Jane conversion scripts

* optimization
 - adding ter-bleu optimization with MIRA
 - some small improvements for MIRA (e.g. ratio between translation score and
   error score is now a parameter)
 - printing out the single best hypothesis after each iteration

A paper describing Jane's phrase-based decoder was published at CoLing 2012:
J. Wuebker, M. Huck, S. Peitz, M. Nuhn, M. Freitag, J. Peter, S. Mansour, and H. Ney. Jane 2: Open Source Phrase-based and Hierarchical Statistical Machine Translation. In International Conference on Computational Linguistics (CoLing), pages 483-491, Mumbai, India, December 2012.

If you have any questions about the toolkit or need assistence installing or using it, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,
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