Hi all.
I want to present to you an interesting app written in Jam V7 named TODO app. App has a kanban board, calendar view and table view with buttons by which you can shift between views (see attached video).
Kanban boards have drag and drop functionality which is created on top of the jquery-ui plugin. I wrote additional jquery code to enable double click event and adding new items to the "Task" board.
Calendar is also draggable and droppable and very flexible, created with the
fullCalendar plugin.
You can use this app for personal organization and project management. You can create a "Project" table so every project has a separator kanban board or calendar view and also global.
Note: kanban board needs to be adjusted for optimal usage on mobile devices. Calendar can be normally used on mobile devices (I'm using it) but the "defaultView" parameter for mobile devices needs to be set to daily view.
Here is the Google Drive link..
Happy usage and coding!
Danijel Kaurin