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future of Jam-py

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Andreas Schneider

Mar 12, 2024, 10:17:13 AM3/12/24
to Users Mailing List

We haven't heard anything from Andrew Yushew for a while now. Is he alright?

Danijel Kaurin

Mar 12, 2024, 1:50:53 PM3/12/24
to Andreas Schneider, Users Mailing List
Hi Andreas.

Everything is ok, ve are working on finalising Jam V7.


On Tue, 12 Mar 2024 at 15:17, Andreas Schneider <> wrote:

We haven't heard anything from Andrew Yushew for a while now. Is he alright?

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Muhammad Shafiq

Mar 12, 2024, 2:15:35 PM3/12/24
to Danijel Kaurin, Andreas Schneider, Users Mailing List
  Hi Danijel, 

Thank you for the update about v7. future is bright, and I will compare it with Oracle Apex.... although I am still struggling to implement different business rules with v5 as an accountant. But so far this is one of the best data driven applications. Once I worked on SAP and SAP ABAP is also an event driven/data driven language. So I think promotion at different forums may expand its use cases.


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Dean D. Babic

Jun 19, 2024, 6:35:46 AM6/19/24
to Users Mailing List
Hi all,

there are no that many options, since it is what it is.
Option one:
- forking Jam is done. The automated pip build and github release is up and running. 
  This is/was not possible without the admin rights on github and pypi. And it's important since
  pip releases will move to automated releases to prevent people for uploading unsecure software.
  It might introduce signing the software with a digital certificate, hence manual upload won't be possible.

- automated build for Docs is up and running. This means removing it from Jam distribution,
  as a separate github branch (because of the above pip). It also means having jam ? sign on Builder to point to updated Docs.
  The choice here is local installation or pointing it to somewhere. This is very true for "air gapped", no Internet connected users.

- providing admin rights to other manitaners is done. More people are better, since automated build and release must be approved
  by one maintainer. Any volunteers pls. get in touch. 

Option two is letting jam to slowly die out. Not sure if option one will cause the same, but worth a shot.

Andrew might help here and there, health permitted,  but the bulk of work is now on us.

Regarding the v7, not sure how much work is needed. 

Hoping to read what everyone thinks.


Manos Pappas

Jun 19, 2024, 6:48:31 AM6/19/24
to Users Mailing List

First of all, let me thank Andrew for his great work and I really wish his health improve and recover.

I would not want jam to die, for me the only viable option is the first one.
I am not so much proficient with Python but will try my best to help.
Of course regarding my other contributions - mainly translations - I will continue to do so, as I use Jam daily.
If there is - in some point - the need for financing (e.g to hire a working developer to bring up new functionality to the core), I will contribute.


Danijel Kaurin

Jun 19, 2024, 12:38:40 PM6/19/24
to Manos Pappas, Users Mailing List
Hi all.

Jam is a masterpiece that needs to see the light of the day for the whole world. I've developed several really big apps with Jam and they are working perfectly!

Jam will not die! I have 8 apps on V7 that work ok. Doc needs to be rewritten and there are a couple bugs on App builder that need to be solved for normal usage.

We need to make a Jam support team.


Danijel Kaurin

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Jun 20, 2024, 3:25:18 AM6/20/24
to Users Mailing List
I would like to wish Mr Andrew Yushew and the jam editor a very happy recovery. She is magnificent and excellent. 

Dean D. Babic

Jun 20, 2024, 4:54:08 AM6/20/24
to Users Mailing List
Thanks Manos

To be fair, I do not think one needs to be a top developer to be able to contribute to Jam core.
This is because Jam is very well written, and it is very readable.

For example, everything related to GUI Jam core is in the builder folder.
So if we want to change ie. Ace Editor functionality, thats where to do it.
Navigate into the builder folder, start the server and visit builder.html
After changes, visit the App (exit builder), and click on Prepare Files. All files from 
jam_files folder (this is where the changes are), must be copied into the jam folder.
Copy jam folder to your app, or install it manually and off you go.

Here is my take on this:
Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 4.29.22 PM.png

I am not sure if it would be beneficial to create some Doc about this. It's fairly simple.
It is true that it is not documented anywhere.


Ari Sobel

Oct 13, 2024, 12:37:54 PM10/13/24
to Users Mailing List
Hi - how to donload and test V7.

Is there an image on docker-hub for a working version?
If there is not, could you guys elaborate one?


Dean D. Babic

Oct 13, 2024, 9:03:39 PM10/13/24
to Users Mailing List
Hi Ari, 
similar to v5:
pip install jam-py-v7

Some notes are here:

Dean D. Babic

Oct 14, 2024, 7:15:52 AM10/14/24
to Users Mailing List
Here you go Ari, 

Docker image with V7 built on Apple Mac. No LibreOffice since would be too big for me.
The port is randomly assigned by Docker.
No, there is no Docker Hub image since this would require a Docker Hub account.
Which I do not have.
I see no need for Docker at all, since "pip install" works very well.

Hope this helps.
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