Hi all,
there are no that many options, since it is what it is.
Option one:
- forking Jam is done. The automated pip build and github release is up and running.
This is/was not possible without the admin rights on github and pypi. And it's important since
pip releases will move to automated releases to prevent people for uploading unsecure software.
It might introduce signing the software with a digital certificate, hence manual upload won't be possible.
- automated build for Docs is up and running. This means removing it from Jam distribution,
as a separate github branch (because of the above pip). It also means having jam ? sign on Builder to point to updated Docs.
The choice here is local installation or pointing it to somewhere. This is very true for "air gapped", no Internet connected users.
- providing admin rights to other manitaners is done. More people are better, since automated build and release must be approved
by one maintainer. Any volunteers pls. get in touch.
Option two is letting jam to slowly die out. Not sure if option one will cause the same, but worth a shot.
Andrew might help here and there, health permitted, but the bulk of work is now on us.
Regarding the v7, not sure how much work is needed.
Hoping to read what everyone thinks.