Most popular PICs?

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Aug 20, 2023, 1:53:21 PM8/20/23
to jallist
Hello all,

Some time ago somebody e-mailed me with the question if I could help with developing a Remote Control decoding routine for a Remote Control that uses the NEC protocol.

Before I contributed to JAL I made such a program in 2016 but it was not a library. So I converted this program into a JAL library. Since decoding is done on an interrupt basis, I created a version that uses the external interrupt and one that uses the IOC interrupt (while I am typing this I might combine this into one library).

Now the problem is that registers are not always the same for all PICs which is fixed by using aliases. In this library I am using interrupts (IOC and INTE) and Timer 1 so I already added some aliases to cover more PICs. There is a limitation in the library since Timer 1 must run at 1 MHz.

Now after this long introduction I was wondering if some PICs are more popular than others to that I can prepare the library for that.

So which PICs are for you the most popular?


BTW. I will also create a library that decodes Philips RC5 and RC6 Remote Control messages. I had created that also in 2016.

Kind regards,


vasi vasi

Aug 20, 2023, 2:44:27 PM8/20/23
Historically? Maybe 
- 16f84, 16f88, 16f628, 16f877
- 12f675
- 18f2550

Today, I think the all new 16F and 18F series with contiguous RAM and separate I2C and SPI peripherals... 

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Rob CJ

Aug 21, 2023, 1:40:48 AM8/21/23
Hi Vasile,

Thanks for the information. I was indeed looking for PIC’s that are currently the most used? I think the compiler does not support contiguous RAM.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Rob Jansen

From: <> on behalf of vasi vasi <>
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2023 8:44:13 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [jallist] Most popular PICs?
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vasi vasi

Aug 21, 2023, 12:22:07 PM8/21/23
> I think the compiler does not support contiguous RAM.

I know but it should... it should be easier... a separate project only for that, without the complexity of memory bank management. And arrays would be without restrictions in size.



Aug 21, 2023, 12:32:15 PM8/21/23

As an hobbyist, I try to find for each project the PIC that best suits its requirements.

- number of pins

- Presence of the needed peripherals (ADC, SPI, I²C, etc....)

- IDD if power consumpion is critical

The consideration of memory size comes after I've already have written and compiled a alpha-version of the program

This means that I do not have a real "favorite" list of PIC.   When I need some, I always buy 3 or 5 of the same model, just to have them in stock when needed.   And in different packages: one in DIP package for breadboarding, and one in SOIC or SSOP for the real PCB.

About your library, I would say that the first (and maybe only) thing to consider is if you need a PIC18 or PIC16 to run it.

After that, it all depends of the same criteria as above: pins and available peripherals (or their software emulation if this is compatible with the rest of your program)

Sorry, I realize this may not be of much help to you.....

Le 20-08-23 à 20:44, vasi vasi a écrit :

Rob CJ

Aug 21, 2023, 12:57:13 PM8/21/23
Hello all,

Thanks for the replies. I will compile the software for various PICs (will not create sample files for all) to see if it compiles.

Kind regards,


Van: <> namens Pinhead <>
Verzonden: zondag 20 augustus 2023 23:30
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Onderwerp: Re: [jallist] Most popular PICs?

Dave Lagz

Aug 21, 2023, 1:39:11 PM8/21/23
to jallist
Cool.Appreciated. A bit of poking around tells me sony uses something(protocol) else again, SIRC?
Dave :)
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Aug 22, 2023, 2:11:21 PM8/22/23
to jallist
Hi Dave,

Yes it could well be that Sony uses something else. I initially made the NEC and Philips decoder for a project. I do not have plans to make a remote control decoder library for Sony unless somebody reaaaaally needs it  :-).

I am still in the testing phase - helping somebody getting it working on his system - but it is getting better all the time since I also made it possible to use other Timer clocks. Initially it was based on a Timer 1 running at 1 MHz but that can be overruled by the user by changing the decoding bit times by scaling them to a smaller or larger number..

When it is available and tested I will add it to GitHub so it becomes part of the next bee-package (but waiting for Matt to complete the bee-creation :-)).

Kind regards,


Op maandag 21 augustus 2023 om 19:39:11 UTC+2 schreef Dave Lagz:

Aug 25, 2023, 1:47:23 PM8/25/23
to jallist
Hi Dave,

For your information. When I uploaded the NEC Remote Control decoder I saw that somebody already made a decoder (and encoder) for Sirc. I saw that library is based on 'waiting' for the remote command to arrive and to monitor the incoming bit stream. My library is interrupt based to prevent that the PIC has to wait and to prevent that it misses a remote control command.

Kind regards,


Op maandag 21 augustus 2023 om 19:39:11 UTC+2 schreef Dave Lagz:
Cool.Appreciated. A bit of poking around tells me sony uses something(protocol) else again, SIRC?
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