New version of JALPack and Jaledit Released

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Sunish Issac

Mar 15, 2010, 5:08:13 PM3/15/10
You can download the latest version of jalpack having the latest stable version of jalv2 compiler, jallib and jaledit at

MArch 16, 2010 Verion
Bug Fixes
Filename with & sign was not displayed correctly in the tabsheet name area.
strToJAL settings were not saved.
Compile termination, a bit more reliable.
Tasks not passed correctly to command line
No fuse not passed correctly to command line

New Features
Support for aliases in Code explorer
jallib validation, path to jallibwin.exe enabled in Environment Options
Donate option more prominent as requested,it can be disabled by setting lblDonate_Visible=FALSE in jaledit.ini (if its irritating you)
jalv2 pdf manuals are accessible from help menu.

Its 2.36 am and definitely there can be all sorts of issues, since I've been sitting from 10 pm fixing jaledit and building jalpack.



Mar 15, 2010, 10:02:10 PM3/15/10
to jaledit
very nice Sunish. I would like to request a feature, spell check on
code comments.


On Mar 15, 2:08 pm, Sunish Issac <> wrote:
> You can download the latest version of jalpack having the latest stable

> version of jalv2 compiler, jallib and jaledit at

Sunish Issac

Mar 15, 2010, 10:36:19 PM3/15/10
Don't you think its an over kill for an editor like jaledit ?


Matthew Schinkel

Mar 15, 2010, 11:02:54 PM3/15/10
Well, I have to copy/paste my stuff to word. I'll continue to do that. Just asking, maybe there's an addon or something simple to implement. I'd rather have error free comments. Never mind then :)

The jallibwin.exe thing sounds nice, but doesn't work for me. actually I can't run the exe outside of jaledit anyways.


Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 08:06:19 +0530
Subject: Re: New version of JALPack and Jaledit Released

Matthew Schinkel

Mar 15, 2010, 11:38:30 PM3/15/10
Another feature that may be nice is to auto enter chipdef lines such as this:

-- include chip
include 18f452                   -- target picmicro
-- This program assumes a 20 MHz resonator or crystal
-- is connected to pins OSC1 and OSC2.
pragma target clock 20_000_000     -- oscillator frequency
-- configuration memory settings (fuses)
pragma target OSC  HS              -- HS crystal or resonator
pragma target WDT  disabled        -- no watchdog
pragma target LVP  disabled        -- no Low Voltage Programming

and maybe the same for libs like serial port, I2c, etc.
-- setup uart for communication
const serial_hw_baudrate  = 38400   -- set the baudrate
include serial_hardware

Or maybe something like the sample/board generator so I can just put this within my workspace:   ;@jallib use chipdef


Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 08:06:19 +0530
Subject: Re: New version of JALPack and Jaledit Released

Sunish Issac

Mar 16, 2010, 2:05:58 AM3/16/10
That's there in my todo list, code templates of macros or whatever you call it. Also have standard header's like copyright.


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Matthew Schinkel <> wrote:
Another feature that may be nice is to auto enter chipdef lines such as this:

-- include chip
include 18f452                   -- target picmicro
-- This program assumes a 20 MHz resonator or crystal
-- is connected to pins OSC1 and OSC2.
pragma target clock 20_000_000     -- oscillator frequency
-- configuration memory settings (fuses)
pragma target OSC  HS              -- HS crystal or resonator
pragma target WDT  disabled        -- no watchdog
pragma target LVP  disabled        -- no Low Voltage Programming

and maybe the same for libs like serial port, I2c, etc.
-- setup uart for communication
const serial_hw_baudrate  = 38400   -- set the baudrate
include serial_hardware

Or maybe something like the sample/board generator so I can just put this within my workspace:   ;@jallib use chipdef

Sunish Issac

Mar 16, 2010, 2:06:42 AM3/16/10
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 8:32 AM, Matthew Schinkel <> wrote:
Well, I have to copy/paste my stuff to word. I'll continue to do that. Just asking, maybe there's an addon or something simple to implement. I'd rather have error free comments. Never mind then :)

The jallibwin.exe thing sounds nice, but doesn't work for me. actually I can't run the exe outside of jaledit anyways.

I think, you'll need pythond dll for jallibwin to work, not confirmed, but Seb might know.



Sebastien Lelong

Mar 16, 2010, 4:13:32 AM3/16/10
Hi guys,

2010/3/16 Sunish Issac <>

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 8:32 AM, Matthew Schinkel <> wrote:
Well, I have to copy/paste my stuff to word. I'll continue to do that. Just asking, maybe there's an addon or something simple to implement. I'd rather have error free comments. Never mind then :)

The jallibwin.exe thing sounds nice, but doesn't work for me. actually I can't run the exe outside of jaledit anyways.

I think, you'll need pythond dll for jallibwin to work, not confirmed, but Seb might know.

Yes, that might be the problem. jallibwin.exe needs python2.5, if you have python2.6 installed, it won't work. I would recommend to use, letting users have the choice of their python installation. More, jallibwin.exe is quite outdated (not for validate), using will make you sure you're using last available.


Matthew Schinkel

Mar 16, 2010, 9:51:28 AM3/16/10
Could you move the jallibwin thing to the "tools" menu? It is not needed all the time, only before a commit.

Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 11:36:42 +0530

Sunish Issac

Mar 16, 2010, 10:39:52 AM3/16/10
doable, may be  along with other fixes in the next minor release.


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 7:21 PM, Matthew Schinkel <> wrote:
Could you move the jallibwin thing to the "tools" menu? It is not needed all the time, only before a commit.



Sebastien Lelong

Mar 16, 2010, 12:30:41 PM3/16/10
Hi guys,

I shouldn't post this here, probably get flamed, but Jaluino IDE has spell check, for many languages, including en_US, en_GB, fr_FR, de_DE. It also have a nice support for templates. Well, to be completely, it's not Jaluino IDE, it's Editra itself (and it seems smart enough to only spell check in comments) !

(silently leaving in peace...)

2010/3/16 mattschinkel <>

vasi vasi

Mar 16, 2010, 5:39:45 PM3/16/10
Hi guys,

Now, serious questions.
How suitable is an IDE based on a specific version of python (or other interpreter/gui library)? Speaking generally (here are great tools which I use them). Now, operating systems are advancing too fast for us, developers (Windows 7 is here and XP is still the best Windoze OS for development (as it was Win98)). Python 2.5 is now deprecated, many Linux distributions replaced it with newer versions. And a downgrade become harder in time.

I worked for a while in php (contributing to sNews CMS). There was a rule. What is working in php 4, must work in php 5 and vice versa, etc. I mean, use only standard features from that language to assure a long usability.

I thought at a cross-platform application (be it pascal or C/C++) using Qt libraries but here is the same problem. Qt new versions coming at lightning speed. And the user always installing a new version because is trendy. Keeping your application compatible require some serious effort. And don't depends entirely on you. You can't force the final user at not upgrading his system. Borland created CLX based on Qt 2.3. And they saw that it require effort in money and people to keep it fresh, compatible with every new Qt version. You need a team as is in any open-source project.

Operating systems last a little longer than those libraries. So the solution seems to be using native libraries (system) and a static compilation where is needed. 

By example, a lazarus/freepascal application using LCL compiled for Win32 API in Windows, Carbon/Cocoa in OS X, gtk2 (better XWindow) in Linux, etc. Compiling LCL libraries in Qt mean every Windows and Mac user must install them separately because are not easy accessible as in Linux. Of course, the application can be in C/C++ but with same rules. You can't have a Qt statically linked application because is huge (as an observation, freepascal can link statically even from dynamic libraries).

To keep an IDE which depends on libraries with fast development cycle you need a team as is in every open-source project. Otherwise, we must keep our old computers, having our preferred Linux distributions on DVD (because repositories for older systems are closing fast). Anyway, this phenomena is happening already in Electronics at a Hobby level (maybe this mean I'm old now :D ).

Because of these changes I wanted a USB development board. To replace any serial/parallel port dependent device (for me, that mean pic programmers, logging devices, a CNC Router). I did the conversion (from old ports to USB) with big effort and I still have much to learn (thank you jal creators, jallib team, Albert and Pinguino team). And I'm not ready for another migration if USB is replaced (again, maybe I'm too old but for sure is not only my problem - maybe this is why here are Ubuntu LTS versions)...

Sunish, Delphi will be for sure cross-platform and also 64 bytes. I'm curious what solutions they will provide (until now, Lazarus LCL have the best approach regarding to portability and long life terms). So I'm not blaming you because you stay close do Delphi - can be a wise decision.

So, this is the problem: choosing the right tools/solutions for a long term, good JAL IDE...


vasi vasi

Mar 16, 2010, 4:24:06 PM3/16/10
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 6:30 PM, Sebastien Lelong <> wrote:

(silently leaving in peace...)

Show romanization
... and watching every now and then behind. :D


Sunish Issac

Mar 17, 2010, 11:02:36 AM3/17/10
On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 3:09 AM, vasi vasi <> wrote:
Hi guys,

Now, serious questions.
How suitable is an IDE based on a specific version of python (or other interpreter/gui library)? Speaking generally (here are great tools which I use them). Now, operating systems are advancing too fast for us, developers (Windows 7 is here and XP is still the best Windoze OS for development (as it was Win98)). Python 2.5 is now deprecated, many Linux distributions replaced it with newer versions. And a downgrade become harder in time.
Very true. I couldn't get editra running yet for  jaluino.An installer is needed even for running the final thing, compling from source may not get many windows users.

I worked for a while in php (contributing to sNews CMS). There was a rule. What is working in php 4, must work in php 5 and vice versa, etc. I mean, use only standard features from that language to assure a long usability.

I thought at a cross-platform application (be it pascal or C/C++) using Qt libraries but here is the same problem. Qt new versions coming at lightning speed. And the user always installing a new version because is trendy. Keeping your application compatible require some serious effort. And don't depends entirely on you. You can't force the final user at not upgrading his system. Borland created CLX based on Qt 2.3. And they saw that it require effort in money and people to keep it fresh, compatible with every new Qt version. You need a team as is in any open-source project.

Operating systems last a little longer than those libraries. So the solution seems to be using native libraries (system) and a static compilation where is needed. 

By example, a lazarus/freepascal application using LCL compiled for Win32 API in Windows, Carbon/Cocoa in OS X, gtk2 (better XWindow) in Linux, etc. Compiling LCL libraries in Qt mean every Windows and Mac user must install them separately because are not easy accessible as in Linux. Of course, the application can be in C/C++ but with same rules. You can't have a Qt statically linked application because is huge (as an observation, freepascal can link statically even from dynamic libraries).

To keep an IDE which depends on libraries with fast development cycle you need a team as is in every open-source project. Otherwise, we must keep our old computers, having our preferred Linux distributions on DVD (because repositories for older systems are closing fast). Anyway, this phenomena is happening already in Electronics at a Hobby level (maybe this mean I'm old now :D ).

Because of these changes I wanted a USB development board. To replace any serial/parallel port dependent device (for me, that mean pic programmers, logging devices, a CNC Router). I did the conversion (from old ports to USB) with big effort and I still have much to learn (thank you jal creators, jallib team, Albert and Pinguino team). And I'm not ready for another migration if USB is replaced (again, maybe I'm too old but for sure is not only my problem - maybe this is why here are Ubuntu LTS versions)...

Sunish, Delphi will be for sure cross-platform and also 64 bytes. I'm curious what solutions they will provide (until now, Lazarus LCL have the best approach regarding to portability and long life terms). So I'm not blaming you because you stay close do Delphi - can be a wise decision.

Atleat for the time being, I can concentrate more on the development than on the environment. Now I got to make the app work seamlessly on OS7 and Vista. Its mostly having the user data in user profile folder instead of app exe folder.


Sebastien Lelong

Mar 17, 2010, 11:59:18 AM3/17/10
> Very true. I couldn't get editra running yet for jaluino.An
> installer is needed even for running the final thing, compling from
> source may not get many windows users.

new editra version (0.5.51) has been released, with windows installer
(dbl-click, next, next, continue, ok finish). this should easier


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