JakartaOne Livestream in your language in 2023

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Tanja Obradovic

Dec 12, 2022, 2:55:58 PM12/12/22
to Jakarta EE community discussions, Jakarta EE Ambassadors, Jakarta EE China Community discussions, Serina El Salibi, Shabnam Mayel

Hello Dear Jakarta EE Community,

now that we are closing a very successful year for Jakarta EE, we are looking ahead and planning events for 2023!

For the community organized JakartaOne Livestream in your language with guidance of Eclipse Foundation, we would like to start planning right away! Ideally we would want to have an event per quarter, if possible.

Can you please let us know if you plan JakartaOne Livestream in your language in 2023?

Here is the list of our previous language specific events


If you are wondering what is involved in organizing the event, please see JAKARTAONE LANGUAGE HOST PROCESS.

Many thanks!



Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Join us in Ludwigsburg! EclipseCon 2022 - October 24-27, 2022

Tanja Obradovic

Jan 10, 2023, 2:08:28 PM1/10/23
to Jakarta EE community discussions, Jakarta EE Ambassadors, Jakarta EE China Community discussions, Serina El Salibi, Shabnam Mayel

Happy New Year to Jakarta EE Community!!!

Now that we are all back from the break, we are very busy planning our 2023 events. We would like to hear from you in the case you are interested in organizing the event in your community.

Please get in touch and let us know and we'll start working with you as per our process (JAKARTAONE LANGUAGE HOST PROCESS).

Best Regards,


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