Fwd: Contributing to Spec Websites

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Reza Rahman

Jan 11, 2023, 12:38:08 PM1/11/23
to Jakarta EE Ambassadors

This is really good information from Ivar. I am sharing here in case anyone else is interested. This seems like a very easy way to contribute.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [jakarta.ee-community] Introduction
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2023 16:32:21 +0100
From: Ivar Grimstad via jakarta.ee-community <jakarta.ee...@eclipse.org>
Reply-To: Jakarta EE community discussions <jakarta.ee...@eclipse.org>
To: Jakarta EE community discussions <jakarta.ee...@eclipse.org>
CC: Ivar Grimstad <ivar.g...@eclipse-foundation.org>

Hi Walid,

First of all, thank you for your interest to contribute to Jakarta EE!
The websites you mention (Bean Validation and CDI) are pretty awesome and are maintained by the project teams for each specification.
It would be great if there were similar pages for the rest of the Jakarta specifications as well. And to some degree, these pages exist with varying levels of content.  
Here are some examples:

Jakarta RESTful Web Services

Jakarta Security:

Jakarta Servlet

More of them can be found at https://jakarta.ee/specifications/  where every specification should have a "Website" link that links to their page.
Note that due to moving between GitHub organizations, some of these links are currently not correct and we are working on correcting them.
We are also in the process of going over to ensure all specifications follow the same format/look and feel for their websites.

I would suggest you find the specification you feel most strongly about, check out the status of their website, introduce yourself on the mailing list, and start off by creating a couple of issues in their issue tracker for the website as a basis for your work.

Check out https://jakarta.ee/community/get-involved/ If you are not familiar with the Eclipse Foundation and contributing to Jakarta EE.
And as always, don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 4:46 PM L.walid (PowerM) <l.w...@powerm.ma> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I’m Largou Walid, a solution architect working with Java for almost a decade now, as my new year resolution I wanted to contribute to the Jakarta community. My domain of expertise is on Websphere/Liberty/OpenLiberty and other ibm products.

As a starter i would like to contribute to :

Create more custom websites for Jakarta EE technologies (e.g. https://beanvalidation.org, http://www.cdi-spec.org).

Any guidelines on how to start contributing to this is appreciated.

Thank you

Best regards, 

Walid Largou
Solution Architect / IBM Champion
Power Maroc
Mobile : +212 621 31 98 71
320 Bd Zertouni 6th Floor, Casablanca, Morocco

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Ivar Grimstad

Jakarta EE Developer Advocate | Eclipse Foundation Eclipse Foundation - Community. Code. Collaboration. 

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