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Is there any Possibilty to submit an image in addition to an comment?

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Aug 30, 2009, 7:09:51 AM8/30/09
to jaikuengine-discuss
Hi Jaiku-Engine community,
First of all I want to say "THANK YOU" for this amazing Engine!
I want to set up JaikuEngine as my new Microblogging-Service but I
need a functionality to show Images in Categories in addition to
comments or just images as a substitution to any comment.

I would prefer another text below the text field (as it is used for
the "add an icon"-functionality). If this will be too much for
google's hosting service (too much Gigs of Images) it would be nice to
define a URL and the image that stand behind the URL will be showed
with special dimensions so that the design won't have any troubles
displaying the image.

Is there anyone out of there who has implemented such a functionality
or does anybody know if it is focussed to work on this (imho) useful

Thanks in advance,


PS: Sorry for any mistakes - my english isn't the best...


Sep 9, 2009, 3:47:58 PM9/9/09
to jaikuengine-discuss
Hi Mailya,

We are trying to do something like that... but instead of images we
are working on adding a button to attach a file, it could be pdf, jpg,
png, .tm (texmacs), etc... We suggest you to see the "doc" folder that
appears after the Jaiku Instalation... it seems to tell us how is
Jaiku Engine is made... or thinked...

When we begin our implementation of this code we'll tell you about

Only one question we may ask you... Do you know how to store data
without losing it after restarting the server???

See ya.

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