Testimony on SB 109 and SB 47

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Deborah Sumner

Feb 2, 2017, 9:20:25 AM2/2/17
to jaffre...@googlegroups.com

For the record, we support SB109, moderator authority to conduct a verification count of machine-counted ballots. Public hearing: Jan. 31, 2017, 9 a.m. Room 102, LOB

            The most critical portion of the election process is the count. Therefore, the ability to check  the accuracy of the machine count, on election night, is essential. 

The individual whose duty is it to protect the public's right to know their votes were counted accurately, is the moderator. It is vital that moderators be allowed to exercise their duty to verify, on election night, an accurate machine count.

There is nothing democratic about a public vote counting system that allows votes to be counted out of public view, using proprietary software, its tally printed on a poll tape certified by local election officials, all without verifying an accurate count tallied on machines vulnerable to possible computer malfunction or intentional modification of the tally. 

I believe this Committee recognizes that we can no longer support such a system. Please do support SB109. Confirm the power of moderators to exercise their duty to the  public on election night.


Kenneth and Janice Sevene

77 Old Leonard Farm Rd.

Swanzey, NH

I ask you to support SB109.
As a computer consultant for over 30 years, I have spent much of my professional life identifying and correcting computer system errors.  Many times these errors are attributable to the computer system itself even though it had been previously put through various tests to insure its accuracy.  The reality is that no electronic device is 100% accurate all the time.  The accuracy of ballot counting devices depends on a number of factors and each of those factors are susceptible to inherent flaws which may not be fully uncovered before the devices are used to count votes.  Ballot counting devices are subject to unintentional and intentional error.  One of the easiest ways to insure the ballot counting device is working accurately is to conduct an independent verification count of all machine-counted ballots.
Please support SB109 to allow the verification of machine-counted ballots.
David Saad
184 Wheeler Lane
Rumney NH

I would like to go on record in support of Senate Bill 109, An act authorizing a moderator to conduct a verification count of machine-counted ballots. This is a very modest proposal, describing the process a moderator may follow at his or her discretion to increase confidence in the accuracy of the vote count. Like everything that relies on software, ballot counting devices are subject to unintentional and intentional error. The Secretary of State’s own Electronic Ballot Counting Device Advisory Committee (http://sos.nh.gov/ballotcountdev.aspx) recognized this in 2009. This bill is a much-needed safeguard, especially in light of questions raised about the recent election.

Thanks very much for your attention.


Barbara Glassman

50 Barrington Ave., Unit 504

Nashua, NH 03062-4224

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