1. I own guns
2. I carry a gun for protection for myself and others
3 I've been an Infantrymen (ground pounder, grunt) in the Army for 11
years, 3 trips to Iraq.
My dad fought in Vietnam and before I left for Iraq 1 we had a long
discussion about the Bible and the whole Commandment thing... It
actually says "Thou shall not commit murder." Protecting yourself and/
or others is NOT murder. I can understand and greatly appreciate
Jacobs choice. In some respects I'm jealous. It still bothers me to
pull the trigger on another human being and is not an easy thing to
do, ever. They are someone's father, son, husband. However, when that
person threatens the freedoms, lives, and beliefs of another, someone
has to help if they cannot help themselves. If our fore-fathers, who
based this country on religion, did not pick up their weapons and
fight for freedom, Jacob
et.al would not have had the opportunity to
make the choice he/they did. Someone MUST help those who cannot help
themselves and fight for our/their way of life. If that means God has
chosen me to sacrifice my place in Heaven so that others may live free
lives and are free to believe in Him without persecution then I accept
that role. It is a hard thing to live with and think about everyday,
but through prayer and conversations with others I know that what I'm
doing, what my father did, what both of my Grandfathers did, and every
other relative I've had fight in all the other wars (back to the Civil
War) was right! We were chosen to be the sheepdogs that protect the