unread,Feb 20, 2008, 3:16:10 AM2/20/08Sign in to reply to author
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to Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler
The latest link to Jacob is Lydia Hochstettler, Birth: 28 Feb 1868,
she's my great, great, grandmother. From her was born Hulda Mae
Badertscher, Birth: 20 Apr 1899, and from her my grandmother, Lois
JuLee Garmatter, Birth: 16 Feb 1927, then finally my father Larry
Amstutz. As far as a link to Jacob we are descendants of his son
John. Coincidently the Amstutz' came from Switzerland as well; the
Canton Sigriswill in Bern. I recently visited there too. What a
beautiful country.