Info Session: AUDL Oppo

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Jackwagon Ultimate

Feb 2, 2022, 8:53:07 PM2/2/22
Hey Yaks!

I'm not sure if any of you have heard about Colorado's new AUDL team, Colorado Summit. Some folks in the CO ultimate community have been organizing action opposing this new AUDL team. Attached, you will find a two page synopsis outlining the opposition. Please consider signing the petition opposing Summit if you haven't already. We wanted to pass along the following information from Molly Brown: 

---A small group of people, initially Molly Brown and Johnny Bravo players, started organizing against the team after a few of us were informed by ownership and coaches council members they were pushing this team forward. We held a meeting with a larger group to determine next steps and agreed to take the position that the team can in no way deliver on its mission to be “inclusive, diverse, and equitable”. The structure of the AUDL is inherently inequitable and this team will only serve to create further gendered gaps in visibility, opportunity, and participation in the CO ultimate community. 

The smaller group has grown to include representation from other club teams in the area and we are trying to pass information along off of social media or larger listservs, and try to reach as much of the community as possible. We've been kind of chipping away at outreach and have almost 100 signatures on the petition created. We also made a two-pager of information about why we are opposed to the Summit coming to Colorado. 

If anyone is interested in hearing us out, we are hosting an info session/Q&A tomorrow night- Thursday, February 3 @7:00 PM on Zoom. ---

We want to continue to create an equitable & inclusive ultimate community for all.

Much love ❤️ 
-Yak Caps
Summit Two-Pager.pdf
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