JackTrip Foundation Giving

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Sarah Weaver

Jun 24, 2022, 10:40:28 AM6/24/22
to jacktri...@googlegroups.com
Dear JackTrip Community,

The JackTrip Foundation (JTF) was established in 2020 to support the innovation and adoption of Network Arts through grants, education, and community building. To date we have established our legal nonprofit status, defined the scope of our activities, and successfully administered 15 Equipment Grants to nonprofit organizations. Our website shows the full details of our organization: https://www.jacktrip.org

The JTF has 100% giving from Board members. We are now prepared to open our public giving program and invite you to contribute.

We have a matching grant offer of $5,000 from an anonymous donor for the JTF. Public contributions totaling up to $5,000 will be doubled by this matching grant towards the JTF Developers Network project listed below.

JTF has three public giving programs available: Public Donations, Giving Circle, and In-Kind Donations.

1. JTF Public Donations 
This program is open for donors to give any amount towards three areas of the JTF:
- Establishing the JTF Developers Network <developers.jacktrip.org> to publish open source documentation and tutorial code examples for JackTrip for education and accessibility to the public.
- Expanding the JTF Network Arts Grants program to include Equipment Grants, Training Grants, Project Grants, Research Grants.
- JTF General Operations to run the Foundation.

Donations can be sent via check made out to “JackTrip Foundation” mailed to our address:

JackTrip Foundation 
111 E 14th St #270
New York, NY 10003

Or online via our PayPal.me page:

JackTrip Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. Donations to the Foundation from U.S. taxpayers are 100% tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law.

2. JTF Giving Circle 
This program is for donors that would like to combine their giving and increase their engagement in the work of the Foundation. Donors can join the Giving Circle to pool their time, talent, and resources to make grants to organization applications put forward by the JackTrip Foundation Board for the Access Grant Program. The Access Grants support nonprofit arts, education, and technology organizations in underserved communities to provide access to network arts through facility development, internet infrastructure, and training.

JackTrip Foundation will have an informational online meeting about joining the Giving Circle in September 2022. The Giving Circle donations will begin in December 2022. If you are interested in attending the informational meeting in September, please contact the JTF to be added to the invitation list.

3. JTF In-Kind Donations
JTF accepts in-kind donations. Presently the scope of in-kind donations includes network arts equipment, website development, and several more volunteers contributing time to the JTF. If you are interested to make an in-kind donation in these areas, to become a volunteer, or to propose another area of in-kind donations, please contact the JTF. 

We are very excited about the launch of the Foundation and the impacts we can make in carrying out the mission over time. Network arts is a medium of our time that provides artworks at the forefront of the arts, unprecedented opportunities for live collaboration locally and internationally, access to performance and education opportunities, and advancement of diversity, equity, access, and inclusion. As an emerging medium in recent decades propelled by cutting edge work for artistic and social purpose, necessity during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the public call for diversifying the arts, network arts is positioned for widespread cultural impact in present and future generations.

Here are quotes from recent grant recipients:

"Funding from the JackTrip Foundation provided unmatched support for CounterPulse to focus on investing in necessary and unique infrastructure needed to advance along with the field of network and telematic arts, an area few other funders are focused on." 
- Julie Phelps, Counterpulse

“The Jacktrip Foundation grant for equipment is a great stimulus for me to develop the sonic part of my book on Sonic Migrations: a reflection of my 20+ years of experience listening to inner and outer soundings of my geographical migration.. I am exploring bilingualism in my writing as a ‘multivocality’ that overcomes linguistic boundaries through improvisation and telematics.”
- Ximena Alarcón-Díaz

“The SUNY PACC Prize tour of New York in November 2021 was supported in part by a JackTrip Foundation Equipment Grant. We traveled to 5 SUNY schools and premiered 10 new works that we had commissioned from the students and faculty of these institutes.“
- Ensemble Decipher

Thank you again for your consideration to join us in giving as we build the work of the JackTrip Foundation.


Mount Allen, Kären Nagy, Sarah Weaver
JackTrip Foundation Development Committee
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