new jacktrip 1.4.0

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sid g

2021年11月6日 下午2:24:592021/11/6
i look forward to using the new version 1.4.0 with integrated gui and hope to convince some less patient musician friends that the current version is easily installed and relatively self explanatory.  i downloaded the linux binary files from the stanford software/jacktrip link and unzipped the archive.  there were 3 entries, a licences directory, a file, and a file named jacktrip.  i don't know what to do with the jacktrip file, it doesn't seem to run.  when i build the 1.4.0 file from the github entry it opens as 1.4.0 from the command line but i don't see any gui.  any suggestions as to how to evoke the gui?  thanks for any help anyone can offer an aging inapt-getter...

Chris Chafe

2021年11月6日 下午2:58:022021/11/6
On linux (Fedora 34) I can double-click the same binary downloaded from Stanford's link (after unzipping) and that gets the jacktrip GUI going. Which linux OS?

Another way to launch the GUI is from the command line with just "jacktrip" as the command (or "./jacktrip" if running the binary from the directory that it's in).

To get the usual non-GUI process, just add the trailing arguments. For example. "jacktrip -S" will start a hub server.


On Sat, 2021-11-06 at 11:24 -0700, sid g wrote:
i look forward to using the new version 1.4.0 with integrated gui and hope to convince some less patient musician friends that the current version is easily installed and relatively self explanatory.  i downloaded the linux binary files from the stanford software/jacktrip link and unzipped the archive.  there were 3 entries, a licences directory, a file, and a file named jacktrip.  i don't know what to do with the jacktrip file, it doesn't seem to run.  when i build the 1.4.0 file from the github entry it opens as 1.4.0 from the command line but i don't see any gui.  any suggestions as to how to evoke the gui?  thanks for any help anyone can offer an aging inapt-getter...

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Mike O'Connor

2021年11月6日 下午3:47:112021/11/6
hi Chris,

i see the same behavior as Sid does. typing "jacktrip" with no arguments on the command-line brings up the GUI, but double-clicking the icon brings up the "what program should be used?" query from the file-manager.  

i'm using a really funky version of Debian-10 on a Linode -- it may be my goofy install (non-standard file-manager, bare-bones Debian that's delivered with a Stackscript).  Qt throws an error on the command line as it opens the GUI, but that's because i'm using TightVNC, which doesn't include some stuff that Qt is looking for.  the GUI works fine though.  

sid g

2021年11月6日 下午4:00:592021/11/6
i find if i follow the instructions in the developer guide to compile and install with submodules i get an icon in my list of 'all programs' with the jacktrip saxophone and clicking on that gives me the  gui.  sorry, i'm a bit slow at 74...

Mike O'Connor

2021年11月6日 下午4:19:162021/11/6
hmm...  maybe this only effects people who've passed the 70-year warrantee period.  :-)

i'm downloading the image of the binary and dumping it into /usr/local/bin and running it from there.  here's a tiny video of what i see...

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Marcin Pączkowski

2021年11月7日 凌晨1:30:182021/11/7
I've also seen an issue on Linux (ubuntu) where double-clicking the binary did not work, but it was possible to run it from the command line.
I can't remember whether adding the "executable" bit for the binary (in the file manager or with chmod +x ./jacktrip) helped or not...

Mike O'Connor

2021年11月7日 清晨7:18:142021/11/7
i had the same question.  when i load the binary into a PGJTT server, i set it to executable at the same time.  so when i'm doing those double-clicks in the little video, the file is executable.  i imagine it wouldn't run from the command-line if it wasn't.  but i did go look to make sure.  ;-)

Jane Wang

2021年11月7日 上午8:25:592021/11/7
Hi all,

Jane from standalone rpi land here.  

I think I might wait until the dust settles before I try to upgrade from jacktrip 1.3 to 1.4. or maybe it’s okay to use the developer’s guide as Sid did?  Sid was it pretty painless or ??

I am pretty linux inept unless someone tells me exactly what command line to type in preferably in a large font.  jacktrip 1.3 with qjackctl has been running smoothly for a while now (since 1.3 came out) so I am hesitant to fiddle with jacktrip for the moment.

Thanks for being adventurous Sid, Mike and Marcin!

I don’t have the over 70 excuse but gettin there; I just hope when I arrive I still have what few brain cells I have left mostly intact.


Sent from my ipad apologies for typos etc

Mike O'Connor

2021年11月7日 下午3:12:232021/11/7
hi Jane,

how about having both at the same time?  that's what i'd doing with the PGJTT these days.  that way i can run one or the other.  i put them on the system with two different file names.  so i can run jacktrip1.4 when i'm trying the new stuff and jacktrip when i don't want any surprises (like yesterday).  this 2-line collection of commands will put the jacktrip1.4 binary on your machine and make it executable.

terminal command #1

this downloads my PGJTT copy of Jacktrip 1.4 binary that is referred to in Chris's note, renames it "jacktrip1.4" and puts it in a safe spot on your linux machine.  you don't have this file on your system already, and putting this one there won't disturb anything.  here's the copy/paste version:
sudo curl -o  /usr/local/bin/jacktrip1.4
this string is saying...   copy a file from a web-address (curland overwrite the file if it's already on your system ( -o  ).  the location to write it to is... (/usr/local/bin/jacktrip1.4)  and the web-address to grab it from is... ( )

terminal command #2
this makes that newly-loaded file executable
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jacktrip1.4

you're doing everything from a terminal window on your Mac, logged into the Pi, right?  

here's what it looks like for me, if i'm not running the X-windows system.  this is normal if you're not using the desktop interface on your Pi.  if you *are* using the desktop on the Pi to do all this, this command will open the cool new GUI.

root@localhost:~#    jacktrip1.4

ERROR: Display not found. Make sure X or Wayland is running or try running jacktrip in command line mode.
(To display a list of command line options run "jacktrip -h")

try that suggested command to see the options:

root@localhost:~#    jacktrip1.4 -h

JackTrip: A System for High-Quality Audio Network Performance
over the Internet
Copyright (c) 2008-2021 Juan-Pablo Caceres, Chris Chafe.
SoundWIRE group at CCRMA, Stanford University
This build of JackTrip is subject to LGPL license.
JackTrip source code is released under MIT and GPL licenses.
See file for more information.
VERSION: 1.4.0

Usage: jacktrip [-s|-c|-S|-C hostIPAddressOrURL] [options]

 -s, --server                             Run in P2P Server Mode
 -c, --client <peer_hostname_or_IP_num>   Run in P2P Client Mode
 -S, --jacktripserver                     Run in Hub Server Mode
 -C, --pingtoserver <peer_name_or_IP>     Run in Hub Client Mode

... and so forth.  there's a bunch more stuff, but you get the idea... it's working and it's Jacktrip 1.4

here's the command to test a bare-bones hub server

root@localhost:~#    jacktrip1.4 -S
mThreadPool default maxThreadCount = 2
mThreadPool maxThreadCount previously set to 32
JackTrip HUB SERVER: UDP Base Port set to 61002
JackTrip HUB SERVER: Waiting for client connections...
JackTrip HUB SERVER: Hub auto audio patch setting = 0 (server-to-clients)

... all good.  

meanwhile plain "jacktrip" starts a regular Jacktrip 1.3 session -- all your existing stuff is undisturbed

root@localhost:~#    jacktrip -S
mThreadPool default maxThreadCount = 2
mThreadPool maxThreadCount set to 32
JackTrip HUB SERVER: UDP Base Port set to 61002
JackTrip HUB SERVER: Waiting for client connections...
JackTrip HUB SERVER: Hub auto audio patch setting = 0 (server-to-clients)

two commands...  that's all it takes.  :-)


Jane Wang

2021年11月7日 下午4:11:432021/11/7
HI Mike,
actually i use terminal on my raspberry pi, I only use Terminal on my macbook to set up a linode server running jacktrip as a hub server.

I will have to take a look at your excellent suggestions some other time  - maybe later this week
- just finished our rpi presentation with gloria and ximena at the conference (-:
need to take a break.

Thanks so much for all your help Mike,

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