There are some interfaces and its implementation data classes :
////////////////// Subject //////////////////
interface Subject
interface PluginSubject : Subject {
val id: String
use =
property = TYPE_FIELD_NAME // "type"
abstract class AbstractSubject: Subject
@JsonTypeName(SUBJECT_TYPE_PLUGIN) // "plugin"
data class PluginSubjectImpl(
override val id: String
): AbstractSubject(), PluginSubject
////////////////// Packet //////////////////
interface RequestPacket : Packet {
// ...
val subject: Subject
use =
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY,
property = TYPE_FIELD_NAME // "type"
abstract class AbstractPacket(
// ...
) : Packet
@JsonTypeName(PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST) // "request"
data class RequestPacketImpl(
// ...
override val subject: Subject
) : AbstractPacket(id, PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST, time), RequestPacket
I call `mapper.writeValueAsString(PluginSubjectImpl("subject-id"))` and got:
"type" : "plugin",
"id" : "subject-id"
It's good, `type` field printed. Then I constructed an instance of `RequestPacketImpl` then serialize it to make sure field `type` also can be seen. My codes are:
val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper().apply {
val requestPacket: RequestPacket = RequestPacketImpl(
// ...
subject = PluginSubjectImpl("subject-id")
assert(mapper.contentEqual(requestPacket, """
"subject": {
"type": "plugin",
"id": "subject-id"
Assertion failed, and it printed:
"subject" : {
"id" : "subject-id"
Why `type` field won't be printed when `subject` is a field? How to fix it?