Changing `RecyclerPool` in 2.17 from ThreadLocal-based one. But which?

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Tatu Saloranta

Jan 13, 2024, 8:04:58 PMJan 13
So, as per

I think it is time to change the default `RecyclerPool` implementation
(mechanism added in 2.16) to something other than the legacy
implementation (which is based on a combination of ThreadLocal and
So far so good, but which one?

Implementations that we have can be seen in

and include

1. ThreadLocal-based pool (`threadLocalPool()`): current default, uses
`ThreadLocal` to hold on to reference to `BufferRecycler` (via
`SoftReference`). Has multiple issues (but I won't get into those
2. Non-recycling pool (`nonRecyclingPool()`): basically, "no-op"
implementation that does not recycle anything.
3. Concurrent Dequeue-based pool (shared / per-factory)
4. Lock-free pool (shared / per-factory)
5. Bounded pool (shared (size 100) / per-factory)

Of these (1) and (2) are not relevant; leaving 3, 4 or 5.

Beyond choice of implementation there is also the question of whether
to default to single ("shared") global pool (which should be more
memory-efficient but could lead to contention) or per-factory

3 and 4 are also unbounded, in the sense that they can grow to sizes
based on maximum concurrent buffer usage (so typically some multiple
of # of threads); whereas 5 is bounded to specific size.

My initial thinking is to use a per-factory Bounded pool, to avoid
unbounded buffer retention; but then again per-factory lock-free pool
(4) might be a good option.

So... I would like to hear opinions, suggestions on the choice here.
Vast majority of users will simply use the default we choose so the
choice matters quite a bit.

-+ Tatu +-
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