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JaamSim Output file with Timestamps

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Apr 27, 2024, 10:10:45 AM4/27/24
to JaamSim Users Discussion Group
I've modelled an airport arrival terminal simulation with a Time Series Arrival Generation for 10 minute intervals, I need to Output to be the same (for 10 minute intervals)

The idea is to see how long the entities spent in the simulation and compare it to the arrival time.

What do I input in RunOutputList

This is what I have tried so far but I'm only receiving Replication Averages:

{ this.Name } { [ArrivalGenerator].ElapsedTime } { [CheckInQueueSLAB].QueueTime/10[min] } { [CheckInQueueSLAE].AverageQueueTime } { [CheckInQueueOtherAirlineB].AverageQueueTime } { [CheckInQueueOtherAirlineE].AverageQueueTime } { [CheckInQueueKiosk].AverageQueueTime }

and RunParameterList (Do I need to input the time intervals here?)

I have tried { [RunInputs].IAT/10[min] } so far

Please help
Airport CheckIn Sim Trial.cfg
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