I was hoping to get some advice for a problem I'm currently facing. This is my first time using JaamSim and I've looked through the user manual as well as some of the discussions here.
I have two zones of care, each with their own doctors with varying capacity based on time of day. I've currently modelled this as two Resource objects with accompanying TimeSeries objects that state the capacity by hour of day. Additionally, there is one doctor shift that works in both zones. I currently model this by assigning the first hour to zone 1, the second hour to zone 2, etc.
Instead of this, I was thinking of using a Resource Pool to pool zone 1 doctors + the float doctor for zone 1, and zone 2 doctors + the float doctor for zone 2. However, from my understanding it is not possible to pool Resources and ResourceUnits together in a pool. Thus, the only work around I can think of is it model each doctor as a ResourceUnit. However, this is not great for scenario testing as each scenario would require more manual tweaking than the current state of using a combined Resource object.
Is there another way to go about this problem?